package net.sourceforge.phpdt.externaltools.model;

 Copyright (c) 2002 IBM Corp. and others. All rights reserved.
 This file is made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

 * Defines the constants available for client use.
 * <p>
 * This interface is not intended to be extended or implemented by clients.
 * </p>
public interface IExternalToolConstants {
	 * Plugin identifier for external tools (value
	 * <code>org.eclipse.ui.externaltools</code>).
	public static final String PLUGIN_ID = "net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.externaltools"; //$NON-NLS-1$;

	// ------- Extensions Points -------
	 * Extension point to declare the launch configuration type that should be
	 * created when duplicating an existing configuration as a project builder.
	public static final String EXTENSION_POINT_CONFIGURATION_DUPLICATION_MAPS = "configurationDuplicationMaps"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Extension point to declare argument variables (value
	 * <code>argumentVariables</code>).
	public static final String EXTENSION_POINT_ARGUMENT_VARIABLES = "argumentVariables"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Extension point to declare file variables (value
	 * <code>fileVariables</code>).
	public static final String EXTENSION_POINT_FILE_VARIABLES = "fileVariables"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Extension point to declare directory variables (value
	 * <code>directoryVariables</code>).
	public static final String EXTENSION_POINT_DIRECTORY_VARIABLES = "directoryVariables"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Extension point to declare refresh scope variables (value
	 * <code>refreshVariables</code>).
	public static final String EXTENSION_POINT_REFRESH_VARIABLES = "refreshVariables"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	// ------- Views -------

	 * Ant View identifier (value
	 * <code>org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.AntView</code>).
	// public static final String ANT_VIEW_ID = PLUGIN_ID + ".AntView";
	// //$NON-NLS-1$
	// ------- Tool Types -------
	 * External tool type for programs such as executables, batch files, shell
	 * scripts, etc (value <code>programType</code>).
	public static final String TOOL_TYPE_PROGRAM = "programType"; //$NON-NLS-1$;

	 * External tool type for Ant build files (value <code>antBuildType</code>).
	// public static final String TOOL_TYPE_ANT_BUILD = "antBuildType";
	// //$NON-NLS-1$;
	// ------- Variables -------
	 * Variable that expands to the absolute path on the system's hard drive to
	 * the workspace directory (value <code>workspace_loc</code>).
	public static final String VAR_WORKSPACE_LOC = "workspace_loc"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the absolute path on the system's hard drive to
	 * a project's directory (value <code>project_loc</code>).
	public static final String VAR_PROJECT_LOC = "project_loc"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the full path, relative to the workspace root,
	 * of a project (value <code>project_path</code>).
	public static final String VAR_PROJECT_PATH = "project_path"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the name of a project (value
	 * <code>project_name</code>).
	public static final String VAR_PROJECT_NAME = "project_name"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the absolute path on the system's hard drive to
	 * a resource's location (value <code>resource_loc</code>).
	public static final String VAR_RESOURCE_LOC = "resource_loc"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the full path, relative to the workspace root,
	 * of a resource (value <code>resource_path</code>).
	public static final String VAR_RESOURCE_PATH = "resource_path"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the name of a resource (value
	 * <code>resource_name</code>).
	public static final String VAR_RESOURCE_NAME = "resource_name"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the absolute path on the system's hard drive to
	 * a resource's containing directory (value <code>container_loc</code>).
	public static final String VAR_CONTAINER_LOC = "container_loc"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the full path, relative to the workspace root,
	 * of a resource's parent (value <code>container_path</code>).
	public static final String VAR_CONTAINER_PATH = "container_path"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the name of a resource's parent (value
	 * <code>container_name</code>).
	public static final String VAR_CONTAINER_NAME = "container_name"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the type of build (value <code>build_type</code>).
	 * See <code>BUILD_TYPE_*</code> constants for possible values.
	public static final String VAR_BUILD_TYPE = "build_type"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the current editor cursor column (value
	 * <code>editor_cur_col</code>).
	public static final String VAR_EDITOR_CUR_COL = "editor_cur_col"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the current editor cursor line (value
	 * <code>editor_cur_line</code>).
	public static final String VAR_EDITOR_CUR_LINE = "editor_cur_line"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the current editor selected text (value
	 * <code>editor_sel_text</code>).
	public static final String VAR_EDITOR_SEL_TEXT = "editor_sel_text"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	// ------- Refresh Variables -------
	 * Variable that expands to the workspace root object (value
	 * <code>workspace</code>).
	public static final String VAR_WORKSPACE = "workspace"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the project resource (value <code>project</code>).
	public static final String VAR_PROJECT = "project"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the container resource (value
	 * <code>container</code>).
	public static final String VAR_CONTAINER = "container"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to a resource (value <code>resource</code>).
	public static final String VAR_RESOURCE = "resource"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Variable that expands to the working set object (value
	 * <code>working_set</code>).
	public static final String VAR_WORKING_SET = "working_set"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	// ------- Build Types -------
	 * Build type indicating an incremental project build request for the
	 * external tool running as a builder (value <code>incremental</code>).
	public static final String BUILD_TYPE_INCREMENTAL = "incremental"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Build type indicating a full project build request for the external tool
	 * running as a builder (value <code>full</code>).
	public static final String BUILD_TYPE_FULL = "full"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Build type indicating an automatic project build request for the external
	 * tool running as a builder (value <code>incremental</code>).
	public static final String BUILD_TYPE_AUTO = "auto"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Build type indicating an no project build request for the external tool
	 * running as a builder (value <code>none</code>).
	public static final String BUILD_TYPE_NONE = "none"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	// ------- Images -------
	 * External tools wizard banner image
	public static final String IMG_WIZBAN_EXTERNAL_TOOLS = PLUGIN_ID

	 * Refresh action image
	public static final String IMG_ACTION_REFRESH = PLUGIN_ID

	 * Main tab image.
	public static final String IMG_TAB_MAIN = PLUGIN_ID + ".IMG_TAB_MAIN"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Options tab image.
	public static final String IMG_TAB_OPTIONS = PLUGIN_ID + ".IMG_TAB_OPTIONS"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Ant Targets tab image.
	public static final String IMG_TAB_ANT_TARGETS = PLUGIN_ID

	// ------- Launch configuration types --------
	 * Ant launch configuration type identifier.
	// public static final String ID_ANT_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_TYPE =
	// "org.eclipse.ant.AntLaunchConfigurationType"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	 * Ant builder launch configuration type identifier. Ant project builders
	 * are of this type.
	// public static final String ID_ANT_BUILDER_LAUNCH_CONFIGURATION_TYPE =
	// "org.eclipse.ant.AntBuilderLaunchConfigurationType"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	 * Program launch configuration type identifier.
			+ ".ProgramLaunchConfigurationType"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Program builder launch configuration type identifier. Program project
	 * builders are of this type.
			+ ".ProgramBuilderLaunchConfigurationType"; //$NON-NLS-1$	

	// ------- Launch configuration category --------
	 * Identifier for external tools launch configuration category. Launch
	 * configuration types for external tools that appear in the external tools
	 * launch configuration dialog should belong to this category.
	public static final String ID_EXTERNAL_TOOLS_LAUNCH_CATEGORY = "net.sourceforge.phpdt.externaltools"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Identifier for external tools launch configuration builders category.
	 * Launch configuration types that can be added as project builders should
	 * belong to this category.
	public static final String ID_EXTERNAL_TOOLS_BUILDER_LAUNCH_CATEGORY = "net.sourceforge.phpdt.externaltools.builder"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	// ------- Launch configuration groups --------
	 * Identifier for external tools launch configuration group. The external
	 * tools launch configuration group corresponds to the external tools
	 * category in run mode.
	// public static final String ID_EXTERNAL_TOOLS_LAUNCH_GROUP =
	// "net.sourceforge.phpdt.externaltools.launchGroup"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	 * Identifier for external tools launch configuration group
	// public static final String ID_EXTERNAL_TOOLS_BUILDER_LAUNCH_GROUP =
	// "net.sourceforge.phpdt.externaltools.launchGroup.builder"; //$NON-NLS-1$
	// ------- Common External Tool Launch Configuration Attributes -------
	 * Boolean attribute indicating if external tool output should be captured.
	 * Default value is <code>false</code>.
	public static final String ATTR_CAPTURE_OUTPUT = PLUGIN_ID

	 * String attribute identifying the location of an external. Default value
	 * is <code>null</code>. Encoding is tool specific.
	public static final String ATTR_LOCATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".ATTR_LOCATION"; //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Boolean attribute indicating if the user should be prompted for arguments
	 * before running a tool. Default value is <code>false</code>.
	public static final String ATTR_PROMPT_FOR_ARGUMENTS = PLUGIN_ID

	 * Boolean attribute indicating if a refresh scope is recursive. Default
	 * value is <code>false</code>.
	public static final String ATTR_REFRESH_RECURSIVE = PLUGIN_ID

	 * String attribute identifying the scope of resources that should be
	 * refreshed after an external tool is run. Default value is
	 * <code>null</code>, indicating no refresh. Format is ???
	public static final String ATTR_REFRESH_SCOPE = PLUGIN_ID

	 * String attribute containing an array of build kinds for which an external
	 * tool builder should be run.
	public static final String ATTR_RUN_BUILD_KINDS = PLUGIN_ID

	 * Boolean attribute indicating if an external tool should be run in the
	 * background. Default value is <code>false</code>.
	public static final String ATTR_RUN_IN_BACKGROUND = PLUGIN_ID

	 * Boolean attribute indicating if the console should be shown on external
	 * tool output. Default value is <code>false</code>.
	public static final String ATTR_SHOW_CONSOLE = PLUGIN_ID

	 * String attribute containing the arguments that should be passed to the
	 * tool. Default value is <code>null</code>, and encoding is tool
	 * specific.
	public static final String ATTR_TOOL_ARGUMENTS = PLUGIN_ID

	 * String attribute identifying the working directory of an external tool.
	 * Default value is <code>null</code>, which indicates a default working
	 * directory, which is tool specific.
	public static final String ATTR_WORKING_DIRECTORY = PLUGIN_ID

	// ------- Common Ant Launch Configuration Attributes -------
	 * String attribute indicating the Ant targets to execute. Default value is
	 * <code>null</code> which indicates that the default target is to be
	 * executed. Format is a comma separated listing of targets.
	public static final String ATTR_ANT_TARGETS = PLUGIN_ID

	 * Map attribute indicating the Ant properties to be defined during the
	 * build. Default value is <code>null</code> which indicates no additional
	 * properties will be defined.
	public static final String ATTR_ANT_PROPERTIES = PLUGIN_ID
			+ ".ATTR_ANT_PROPERTIES"; //$NON-NLS-1$					

	 * String attribute indicating the Ant targets to execute. Default value is
	 * <code>null</code> which indicates that no additional property files
	 * will be defined. Format is a comma separated listing of property files.
	// public static final String ATTR_ANT_PROPERTY_FILES = PLUGIN_ID +
	 * String attribute indicating the custom runtime classpath to use for an
	 * Ant build. Default value is <code>null</code> which indicates that the
	 * global classpath is to be used. Format is a comma separated listing of
	 * URLs.
	// public static final String ATTR_ANT_CUSTOM_CLASSPATH = PLUGIN_ID +
	 * String attribute indicating the custom Ant home to use for an Ant build.
	 * Default value is <code>null</code> which indicates that no Ant homeis
	 * to be set
	// public static final String ATTR_ANT_HOME = PLUGIN_ID + ".ATTR_ANT_HOME";
	// //$NON-NLS-1$
	 * Identifier for ant processes (value <code>ant</code>). This identifier
	 * is set as the value for the <code>IProcess.ATTR_PROCESS_TYPE</code>
	 * attribute in processes create by the ant launch delegate.
	// public static final String ID_ANT_PROCESS_TYPE = "ant"; //$NON-NLS-1$