/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.lookup; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.impl.Constant; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.problem.AbortCompilation; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.internal.compiler.ast.Argument; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.internal.compiler.ast.AssertStatement; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.internal.compiler.ast.ConstructorDeclaration; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference; public class SourceTypeBinding extends ReferenceBinding { public ReferenceBinding superclass; public ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces; public FieldBinding[] fields; public MethodBinding[] methods; public ReferenceBinding[] memberTypes; public ClassScope scope; // Synthetics are separated into 4 categories: methods, super methods, fields, class literals and changed declaring class bindings public final static int METHOD = 0; public final static int FIELD = 1; public final static int CLASS_LITERAL = 2; public final static int CHANGED_DECLARING_CLASS = 3; Hashtable[] synthetics; protected SourceTypeBinding() { } public SourceTypeBinding(char[][] compoundName, PackageBinding fPackage, ClassScope scope) { this.compoundName = compoundName; this.fPackage = fPackage; this.fileName = scope.referenceCompilationUnit().getFileName(); this.modifiers = scope.referenceContext.modifiers; this.sourceName = scope.referenceContext.name; this.scope = scope; computeId(); } private void addDefaultAbstractMethod(MethodBinding abstractMethod) { MethodBinding defaultAbstract = new MethodBinding( abstractMethod.modifiers | AccDefaultAbstract, abstractMethod.selector, abstractMethod.returnType, abstractMethod.parameters, abstractMethod.thrownExceptions, this); MethodBinding[] temp = new MethodBinding[methods.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(methods, 0, temp, 0, methods.length); temp[methods.length] = defaultAbstract; methods = temp; } public void addDefaultAbstractMethods() { if ((tagBits & KnowsDefaultAbstractMethods) != 0) return; tagBits |= KnowsDefaultAbstractMethods; if (isClass() && isAbstract()) { // if (fPackage.environment.options.targetJDK >= CompilerOptions.JDK1_2) return; // no longer added for post 1.2 targets ReferenceBinding[][] interfacesToVisit = new ReferenceBinding[5][]; int lastPosition = 0; interfacesToVisit[lastPosition] = superInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i <= lastPosition; i++) { ReferenceBinding[] interfaces = interfacesToVisit[i]; for (int j = 0, length = interfaces.length; j < length; j++) { ReferenceBinding superType = interfaces[j]; if (superType.isValidBinding()) { MethodBinding[] methods = superType.methods(); for (int m = methods.length; --m >= 0;) { MethodBinding method = methods[m]; if (!implementsMethod(method)) addDefaultAbstractMethod(method); } ReferenceBinding[] itsInterfaces = superType.superInterfaces(); if (itsInterfaces != NoSuperInterfaces) { if (++lastPosition == interfacesToVisit.length) System.arraycopy(interfacesToVisit, 0, interfacesToVisit = new ReferenceBinding[lastPosition * 2][], 0, lastPosition); interfacesToVisit[lastPosition] = itsInterfaces; } } } } } } /* Add a new synthetic field for . * Answer the new field or the existing field if one already existed. */ public FieldBinding addSyntheticField(LocalVariableBinding actualOuterLocalVariable) { if (synthetics == null) { synthetics = new Hashtable[4]; } if (synthetics[FIELD] == null) { synthetics[FIELD] = new Hashtable(5); } FieldBinding synthField = (FieldBinding) synthetics[FIELD].get(actualOuterLocalVariable); if (synthField == null) { synthField = new SyntheticFieldBinding( CharOperation.concat(SyntheticArgumentBinding.OuterLocalPrefix, actualOuterLocalVariable.name), actualOuterLocalVariable.type, AccPrivate | AccFinal ,//| AccSynthetic, this, Constant.NotAConstant, synthetics[FIELD].size()); synthetics[FIELD].put(actualOuterLocalVariable, synthField); } // ensure there is not already such a field defined by the user boolean needRecheck; int index = 1; do { needRecheck = false; FieldBinding existingField; if ((existingField = this.getField(synthField.name)) != null) { TypeDeclaration typeDecl = scope.referenceContext; for (int i = 0, max = typeDecl.fields.length; i < max; i++) { FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = typeDecl.fields[i]; if (fieldDecl.binding == existingField) { synthField.name = CharOperation.concat( SyntheticArgumentBinding.OuterLocalPrefix, actualOuterLocalVariable.name, ("$" + String.valueOf(index++)).toCharArray()); //$NON-NLS-1$ needRecheck = true; break; } } } } while (needRecheck); return synthField; } /* Add a new synthetic field for . * Answer the new field or the existing field if one already existed. */ public FieldBinding addSyntheticField(ReferenceBinding enclosingType) { if (synthetics == null) { synthetics = new Hashtable[4]; } if (synthetics[FIELD] == null) { synthetics[FIELD] = new Hashtable(5); } FieldBinding synthField = (FieldBinding) synthetics[FIELD].get(enclosingType); if (synthField == null) { synthField = new SyntheticFieldBinding( CharOperation.concat( SyntheticArgumentBinding.EnclosingInstancePrefix, String.valueOf(enclosingType.depth()).toCharArray()), enclosingType, AccDefault | AccFinal,// | AccSynthetic, this, Constant.NotAConstant, synthetics[FIELD].size()); synthetics[FIELD].put(enclosingType, synthField); } // ensure there is not already such a field defined by the user FieldBinding existingField; if ((existingField = this.getField(synthField.name)) != null) { TypeDeclaration typeDecl = scope.referenceContext; for (int i = 0, max = typeDecl.fields.length; i < max; i++) { FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = typeDecl.fields[i]; if (fieldDecl.binding == existingField) { scope.problemReporter().duplicateFieldInType(this, fieldDecl); break; } } } return synthField; } /* Add a new synthetic field for a class literal access. * Answer the new field or the existing field if one already existed. */ public FieldBinding addSyntheticField(TypeBinding targetType, BlockScope blockScope) { if (synthetics == null) { synthetics = new Hashtable[4]; } if (synthetics[CLASS_LITERAL] == null) { synthetics[CLASS_LITERAL] = new Hashtable(5); } // use a different table than FIELDS, given there might be a collision between emulation of X.this$0 and X.class. FieldBinding synthField = (FieldBinding) synthetics[CLASS_LITERAL].get(targetType); if (synthField == null) { synthField = new SyntheticFieldBinding( ("class$" + synthetics[CLASS_LITERAL].size()).toCharArray(), //$NON-NLS-1$ blockScope.getJavaLangClass(), AccDefault | AccStatic,// | AccSynthetic, this, Constant.NotAConstant, synthetics[CLASS_LITERAL].size()); synthetics[CLASS_LITERAL].put(targetType, synthField); } // ensure there is not already such a field defined by the user FieldBinding existingField; if ((existingField = this.getField(synthField.name)) != null) { TypeDeclaration typeDecl = blockScope.referenceType(); for (int i = 0, max = typeDecl.fields.length; i < max; i++) { FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = typeDecl.fields[i]; if (fieldDecl.binding == existingField) { blockScope.problemReporter().duplicateFieldInType(this, fieldDecl); break; } } } return synthField; } /* Add a new synthetic field for the emulation of the assert statement. * Answer the new field or the existing field if one already existed. */ public FieldBinding addSyntheticField(AssertStatement assertStatement, BlockScope blockScope) { if (synthetics == null) { synthetics = new Hashtable[4]; } if (synthetics[FIELD] == null) { synthetics[FIELD] = new Hashtable(5); } FieldBinding synthField = (FieldBinding) synthetics[FIELD].get("assertionEmulation"); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (synthField == null) { synthField = new SyntheticFieldBinding( "$assertionsDisabled".toCharArray(), //$NON-NLS-1$ BooleanBinding, AccDefault | AccStatic | AccFinal,//| AccSynthetic | AccFinal, this, Constant.NotAConstant, synthetics[FIELD].size()); synthetics[FIELD].put("assertionEmulation", synthField); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // ensure there is not already such a field defined by the user // ensure there is not already such a field defined by the user boolean needRecheck; int index = 0; do { needRecheck = false; FieldBinding existingField; if ((existingField = this.getField(synthField.name)) != null) { TypeDeclaration typeDecl = scope.referenceContext; for (int i = 0, max = typeDecl.fields.length; i < max; i++) { FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = typeDecl.fields[i]; if (fieldDecl.binding == existingField) { synthField.name = CharOperation.concat( "$assertionsDisabled".toCharArray(), //$NON-NLS-1$ ("_" + String.valueOf(index++)).toCharArray()); //$NON-NLS-1$ needRecheck = true; break; } } } } while (needRecheck); return synthField; } /* Add a new synthetic access method for read/write access to . Answer the new method or the existing method if one already existed. */ public SyntheticAccessMethodBinding addSyntheticMethod(FieldBinding targetField, boolean isReadAccess) { if (synthetics == null) { synthetics = new Hashtable[4]; } if (synthetics[METHOD] == null) { synthetics[METHOD] = new Hashtable(5); } SyntheticAccessMethodBinding accessMethod = null; SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[] accessors = (SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[]) synthetics[METHOD].get(targetField); if (accessors == null) { accessMethod = new SyntheticAccessMethodBinding(targetField, isReadAccess, this); synthetics[METHOD].put(targetField, accessors = new SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[2]); accessors[isReadAccess ? 0 : 1] = accessMethod; } else { if ((accessMethod = accessors[isReadAccess ? 0 : 1]) == null) { accessMethod = new SyntheticAccessMethodBinding(targetField, isReadAccess, this); accessors[isReadAccess ? 0 : 1] = accessMethod; } } return accessMethod; } /* Add a new synthetic access method for access to . * Must distinguish access method used for super access from others (need to use invokespecial bytecode) Answer the new method or the existing method if one already existed. */ public SyntheticAccessMethodBinding addSyntheticMethod(MethodBinding targetMethod, boolean isSuperAccess) { if (synthetics == null) { synthetics = new Hashtable[4]; } if (synthetics[METHOD] == null) { synthetics[METHOD] = new Hashtable(5); } SyntheticAccessMethodBinding accessMethod = null; SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[] accessors = (SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[]) synthetics[METHOD].get(targetMethod); if (accessors == null) { accessMethod = new SyntheticAccessMethodBinding(targetMethod, isSuperAccess, this); synthetics[METHOD].put(targetMethod, accessors = new SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[2]); accessors[isSuperAccess ? 0 : 1] = accessMethod; } else { if ((accessMethod = accessors[isSuperAccess ? 0 : 1]) == null) { accessMethod = new SyntheticAccessMethodBinding(targetMethod, isSuperAccess, this); accessors[isSuperAccess ? 0 : 1] = accessMethod; } } return accessMethod; } public FieldBinding[] availableFields() { return fields(); } public MethodBinding[] availableMethods() { return methods(); } void faultInTypesForFieldsAndMethods() { fields(); methods(); for (int i = 0, length = memberTypes.length; i < length; i++) ((SourceTypeBinding) memberTypes[i]).faultInTypesForFieldsAndMethods(); } // NOTE: the type of each field of a source type is resolved when needed public FieldBinding[] fields() { if (fields==null) { fields = new FieldBinding[0]; } try { int failed = 0; for (int f = 0, max = fields.length; f < max; f++) { if (resolveTypeFor(fields[f]) == null) { fields[f] = null; failed++; } } if (failed > 0) { int newSize = fields.length - failed; if (newSize == 0) return fields = NoFields; FieldBinding[] newFields = new FieldBinding[newSize]; for (int i = 0, n = 0, max = fields.length; i < max; i++) if (fields[i] != null) newFields[n++] = fields[i]; fields = newFields; } } catch(AbortCompilation e){ // ensure null fields are removed FieldBinding[] newFields = null; int count = 0; for (int i = 0, max = fields.length; i < max; i++){ FieldBinding field = fields[i]; if (field == null && newFields == null){ System.arraycopy(fields, 0, newFields = new FieldBinding[max], 0, i); } else if (newFields != null && field != null) { newFields[count++] = field; } } if (newFields != null){ System.arraycopy(newFields, 0, fields = new FieldBinding[count], 0, count); } throw e; } return fields; } public MethodBinding[] getDefaultAbstractMethods() { int count = 0; for (int i = methods.length; --i >= 0;) if (methods[i].isDefaultAbstract()) count++; if (count == 0) return NoMethods; MethodBinding[] result = new MethodBinding[count]; count = 0; for (int i = methods.length; --i >= 0;) if (methods[i].isDefaultAbstract()) result[count++] = methods[i]; return result; } // NOTE: the return type, arg & exception types of each method of a source type are resolved when needed public MethodBinding getExactConstructor(TypeBinding[] argumentTypes) { int argCount = argumentTypes.length; if ((modifiers & AccUnresolved) == 0) { // have resolved all arg types & return type of the methods nextMethod : for (int m = methods.length; --m >= 0;) { MethodBinding method = methods[m]; if (method.selector == ConstructorDeclaration.ConstantPoolName && method.parameters.length == argCount) { TypeBinding[] toMatch = method.parameters; for (int p = 0; p < argCount; p++) if (toMatch[p] != argumentTypes[p]) continue nextMethod; return method; } } } else { MethodBinding[] methods = getMethods(ConstructorDeclaration.ConstantPoolName); // takes care of duplicates & default abstract methods nextMethod : for (int m = methods.length; --m >= 0;) { MethodBinding method = methods[m]; TypeBinding[] toMatch = method.parameters; if (toMatch.length == argCount) { for (int p = 0; p < argCount; p++) if (toMatch[p] != argumentTypes[p]) continue nextMethod; return method; } } } return null; } // NOTE: the return type, arg & exception types of each method of a source type are resolved when needed // searches up the hierarchy as long as no potential (but not exact) match was found. public MethodBinding getExactMethod(char[] selector, TypeBinding[] argumentTypes) { int argCount = argumentTypes.length; int selectorLength = selector.length; boolean foundNothing = true; if ((modifiers & AccUnresolved) == 0) { // have resolved all arg types & return type of the methods nextMethod : for (int m = methods.length; --m >= 0;) { MethodBinding method = methods[m]; if (method.selector.length == selectorLength && CharOperation.prefixEquals(method.selector, selector)) { foundNothing = false; // inner type lookups must know that a method with this name exists if (method.parameters.length == argCount) { TypeBinding[] toMatch = method.parameters; for (int p = 0; p < argCount; p++) if (toMatch[p] != argumentTypes[p]) continue nextMethod; return method; } } } } else { MethodBinding[] methods = getMethods(selector); // takes care of duplicates & default abstract methods foundNothing = methods == NoMethods; nextMethod : for (int m = methods.length; --m >= 0;) { MethodBinding method = methods[m]; TypeBinding[] toMatch = method.parameters; if (toMatch.length == argCount) { for (int p = 0; p < argCount; p++) if (toMatch[p] != argumentTypes[p]) continue nextMethod; return method; } } } if (foundNothing) { if (isInterface()) { if (superInterfaces.length == 1) return superInterfaces[0].getExactMethod(selector, argumentTypes); } else if (superclass != null) { return superclass.getExactMethod(selector, argumentTypes); } } return null; } // NOTE: the type of a field of a source type is resolved when needed public FieldBinding getField(char[] fieldName) { int fieldLength = fieldName.length; for (int f = fields.length; --f >= 0;) { FieldBinding field = fields[f]; if (field.name.length == fieldLength && CharOperation.prefixEquals(field.name, fieldName)) { if (resolveTypeFor(field) != null) return field; int newSize = fields.length - 1; if (newSize == 0) { fields = NoFields; } else { FieldBinding[] newFields = new FieldBinding[newSize]; System.arraycopy(fields, 0, newFields, 0, f); System.arraycopy(fields, f + 1, newFields, f, newSize - f); fields = newFields; } return null; } } return null; } // NOTE: the return type, arg & exception types of each method of a source type are resolved when needed public MethodBinding[] getMethods(char[] selector) { // handle forward references to potential default abstract methods addDefaultAbstractMethods(); try{ int count = 0; int lastIndex = -1; int selectorLength = selector.length; if ((modifiers & AccUnresolved) == 0) { // have resolved all arg types & return type of the methods for (int m = 0, length = methods.length; m < length; m++) { MethodBinding method = methods[m]; if (method.selector.length == selectorLength && CharOperation.prefixEquals(method.selector, selector)) { count++; lastIndex = m; } } } else { boolean foundProblem = false; int failed = 0; for (int m = 0, length = methods.length; m < length; m++) { MethodBinding method = methods[m]; if (method.selector.length == selectorLength && CharOperation.prefixEquals(method.selector, selector)) { if (resolveTypesFor(method) == null) { foundProblem = true; methods[m] = null; // unable to resolve parameters failed++; } else if (method.returnType == null) { foundProblem = true; } else { count++; lastIndex = m; } } } if (foundProblem || count > 1) { for (int m = methods.length; --m >= 0;) { MethodBinding method = methods[m]; if (method != null && method.selector.length == selectorLength && CharOperation.prefixEquals(method.selector, selector)) { AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl = null; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { MethodBinding method2 = methods[i]; if (method2 != null && CharOperation.equals(method.selector, method2.selector)) { if (method.areParametersEqual(method2)) { if (methodDecl == null) { methodDecl = method.sourceMethod(); // cannot be retrieved after binding is lost scope.problemReporter().duplicateMethodInType(this, methodDecl); methodDecl.binding = null; methods[m] = null; failed++; } scope.problemReporter().duplicateMethodInType(this, method2.sourceMethod()); method2.sourceMethod().binding = null; methods[i] = null; failed++; } } } if (method.returnType == null && methodDecl == null) { // forget method with invalid return type... was kept to detect possible collisions method.sourceMethod().binding = null; methods[m] = null; failed++; } } } if (failed > 0) { int newSize = methods.length - failed; if (newSize == 0) return methods = NoMethods; MethodBinding[] newMethods = new MethodBinding[newSize]; for (int i = 0, n = 0, max = methods.length; i < max; i++) if (methods[i] != null) newMethods[n++] = methods[i]; methods = newMethods; return getMethods(selector); // try again now that the problem methods have been removed } } } if (count == 1) return new MethodBinding[] {methods[lastIndex]}; if (count > 1) { MethodBinding[] result = new MethodBinding[count]; count = 0; for (int m = 0; m <= lastIndex; m++) { MethodBinding method = methods[m]; if (method.selector.length == selectorLength && CharOperation.prefixEquals(method.selector, selector)) result[count++] = method; } return result; } } catch(AbortCompilation e){ // ensure null methods are removed MethodBinding[] newMethods = null; int count = 0; for (int i = 0, max = methods.length; i < max; i++){ MethodBinding method = methods[i]; if (method == null && newMethods == null){ System.arraycopy(methods, 0, newMethods = new MethodBinding[max], 0, i); } else if (newMethods != null && method != null) { newMethods[count++] = method; } } if (newMethods != null){ System.arraycopy(newMethods, 0, methods = new MethodBinding[count], 0, count); } modifiers ^= AccUnresolved; throw e; } return NoMethods; } /* Answer the synthetic field for * or null if one does not exist. */ public FieldBinding getSyntheticField(LocalVariableBinding actualOuterLocalVariable) { if (synthetics == null || synthetics[FIELD] == null) return null; return (FieldBinding) synthetics[FIELD].get(actualOuterLocalVariable); } public ReferenceBinding[] memberTypes() { return memberTypes; } public FieldBinding getUpdatedFieldBinding(FieldBinding targetField, ReferenceBinding newDeclaringClass) { if (synthetics == null) { synthetics = new Hashtable[4]; } if (synthetics[CHANGED_DECLARING_CLASS] == null) { synthetics[CHANGED_DECLARING_CLASS] = new Hashtable(5); } Hashtable fieldMap = (Hashtable) synthetics[CHANGED_DECLARING_CLASS].get(targetField); if (fieldMap == null) { fieldMap = new Hashtable(5); synthetics[CHANGED_DECLARING_CLASS].put(targetField, fieldMap); } FieldBinding updatedField = (FieldBinding) fieldMap.get(newDeclaringClass); if (updatedField == null){ updatedField = new FieldBinding(targetField, newDeclaringClass); fieldMap.put(newDeclaringClass, updatedField); } return updatedField; } public MethodBinding getUpdatedMethodBinding(MethodBinding targetMethod, ReferenceBinding newDeclaringClass) { if (synthetics == null) { synthetics = new Hashtable[4]; } if (synthetics[CHANGED_DECLARING_CLASS] == null) { synthetics[CHANGED_DECLARING_CLASS] = new Hashtable(5); } Hashtable methodMap = (Hashtable) synthetics[CHANGED_DECLARING_CLASS].get(targetMethod); if (methodMap == null) { methodMap = new Hashtable(5); synthetics[CHANGED_DECLARING_CLASS].put(targetMethod, methodMap); } MethodBinding updatedMethod = (MethodBinding) methodMap.get(newDeclaringClass); if (updatedMethod == null){ updatedMethod = new MethodBinding(targetMethod, newDeclaringClass); methodMap.put(newDeclaringClass, updatedMethod); } return updatedMethod; } // NOTE: the return type, arg & exception types of each method of a source type are resolved when needed public MethodBinding[] methods() { try { if ((modifiers & AccUnresolved) == 0) return methods; int failed = 0; for (int m = 0, max = methods.length; m < max; m++) { if (resolveTypesFor(methods[m]) == null) { methods[m] = null; // unable to resolve parameters failed++; } } for (int m = methods.length; --m >= 0;) { MethodBinding method = methods[m]; if (method != null) { AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl = null; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { MethodBinding method2 = methods[i]; if (method2 != null && CharOperation.equals(method.selector, method2.selector)) { if (method.areParametersEqual(method2)) { if (methodDecl == null) { methodDecl = method.sourceMethod(); // cannot be retrieved after binding is lost scope.problemReporter().duplicateMethodInType(this, methodDecl); methodDecl.binding = null; methods[m] = null; failed++; } scope.problemReporter().duplicateMethodInType(this, method2.sourceMethod()); method2.sourceMethod().binding = null; methods[i] = null; failed++; } } } if (method.returnType == null && methodDecl == null) { // forget method with invalid return type... was kept to detect possible collisions method.sourceMethod().binding = null; methods[m] = null; failed++; } } } if (failed > 0) { int newSize = methods.length - failed; if (newSize == 0) { methods = NoMethods; } else { MethodBinding[] newMethods = new MethodBinding[newSize]; for (int m = 0, n = 0, max = methods.length; m < max; m++) if (methods[m] != null) newMethods[n++] = methods[m]; methods = newMethods; } } // handle forward references to potential default abstract methods addDefaultAbstractMethods(); } catch(AbortCompilation e){ // ensure null methods are removed MethodBinding[] newMethods = null; int count = 0; for (int i = 0, max = methods.length; i < max; i++){ MethodBinding method = methods[i]; if (method == null && newMethods == null){ System.arraycopy(methods, 0, newMethods = new MethodBinding[max], 0, i); } else if (newMethods != null && method != null) { newMethods[count++] = method; } } if (newMethods != null){ System.arraycopy(newMethods, 0, methods = new MethodBinding[count], 0, count); } modifiers ^= AccUnresolved; throw e; } modifiers ^= AccUnresolved; return methods; } private FieldBinding resolveTypeFor(FieldBinding field) { if (field.type != null) return field; FieldDeclaration[] fieldDecls = scope.referenceContext.fields; for (int f = 0, length = fieldDecls.length; f < length; f++) { if (fieldDecls[f].binding != field) continue; field.type = fieldDecls[f].getTypeBinding(scope); if (!field.type.isValidBinding()) { scope.problemReporter().fieldTypeProblem(this, fieldDecls[f], field.type); //scope.problemReporter().invalidType(fieldDecls[f].type, field.type); fieldDecls[f].binding = null; return null; } if (field.type == VoidBinding) { scope.problemReporter().variableTypeCannotBeVoid(fieldDecls[f]); fieldDecls[f].binding = null; return null; } if (field.type.isArrayType() && ((ArrayBinding) field.type).leafComponentType == VoidBinding) { scope.problemReporter().variableTypeCannotBeVoidArray(fieldDecls[f]); fieldDecls[f].binding = null; return null; } return field; } return null; // should never reach this point } private MethodBinding resolveTypesFor(MethodBinding method) { if ((method.modifiers & AccUnresolved) == 0) return method; AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl = method.sourceMethod(); TypeReference[] exceptionTypes = methodDecl.thrownExceptions; if (exceptionTypes != null) { int size = exceptionTypes.length; method.thrownExceptions = new ReferenceBinding[size]; ReferenceBinding throwable = scope.getJavaLangThrowable(); int count = 0; ReferenceBinding resolvedExceptionType; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { resolvedExceptionType = (ReferenceBinding) exceptionTypes[i].getTypeBinding(scope); if (!resolvedExceptionType.isValidBinding()) { methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().exceptionTypeProblem(this, methodDecl, exceptionTypes[i], resolvedExceptionType); //methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().invalidType(exceptionTypes[i], resolvedExceptionType); continue; } if (throwable != resolvedExceptionType && !throwable.isSuperclassOf(resolvedExceptionType)) { methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().cannotThrowType(this, methodDecl, exceptionTypes[i], resolvedExceptionType); continue; } method.thrownExceptions[count++] = resolvedExceptionType; } if (count < size) System.arraycopy(method.thrownExceptions, 0, method.thrownExceptions = new ReferenceBinding[count], 0, count); } boolean foundArgProblem = false; Argument[] arguments = methodDecl.arguments; if (arguments != null) { int size = arguments.length; method.parameters = new TypeBinding[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Argument arg = arguments[i]; method.parameters[i] = arg.type.getTypeBinding(scope); if (!method.parameters[i].isValidBinding()) { methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().argumentTypeProblem(this, methodDecl, arg, method.parameters[i]); //methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().invalidType(arg, method.parameters[i]); foundArgProblem = true; } else if (method.parameters[i] == VoidBinding) { methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().argumentTypeCannotBeVoid(this, methodDecl, arg); foundArgProblem = true; } else if (method.parameters[i].isArrayType() && ((ArrayBinding) method.parameters[i]).leafComponentType == VoidBinding) { methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().argumentTypeCannotBeVoidArray(this, methodDecl, arg); foundArgProblem = true; } } } boolean foundReturnTypeProblem = false; if (!method.isConstructor()) { TypeReference returnType = ((MethodDeclaration) methodDecl).returnType; if (returnType == null) { methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().missingReturnType(methodDecl); method.returnType = null; foundReturnTypeProblem = true; } else { method.returnType = returnType.getTypeBinding(scope); if (!method.returnType.isValidBinding()) { methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().returnTypeProblem(this, (MethodDeclaration) methodDecl, method.returnType); //methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().invalidType(returnType, method.returnType); method.returnType = null; foundReturnTypeProblem = true; } else if (method.returnType.isArrayType() && ((ArrayBinding) method.returnType).leafComponentType == VoidBinding) { methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().returnTypeCannotBeVoidArray(this, (MethodDeclaration) methodDecl); method.returnType = null; foundReturnTypeProblem = true; } } } if (foundArgProblem) { methodDecl.binding = null; return null; } if (foundReturnTypeProblem) return method; // but its still unresolved with a null return type & is still connected to its method declaration method.modifiers ^= AccUnresolved; return method; } public final int sourceEnd() { return scope.referenceContext.sourceEnd; } public final int sourceStart() { return scope.referenceContext.sourceStart; } public ReferenceBinding superclass() { return superclass; } public ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces() { return superInterfaces; } public SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[] syntheticAccessMethods() { if (synthetics == null || synthetics[METHOD] == null || synthetics[METHOD].size() == 0) return null; // difficult to compute size up front because of the embedded arrays so assume there is only 1 int index = 0; SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[] bindings = new SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[1]; Enumeration fieldsOrMethods = synthetics[METHOD].keys(); while (fieldsOrMethods.hasMoreElements()) { Object fieldOrMethod = fieldsOrMethods.nextElement(); if (fieldOrMethod instanceof MethodBinding) { SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[] methodAccessors = (SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[]) synthetics[METHOD].get(fieldOrMethod); int numberOfAccessors = 0; if (methodAccessors[0] != null) numberOfAccessors++; if (methodAccessors[1] != null) numberOfAccessors++; if (index + numberOfAccessors > bindings.length) System.arraycopy(bindings, 0, (bindings = new SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[index + numberOfAccessors]), 0, index); if (methodAccessors[0] != null) bindings[index++] = methodAccessors[0]; // super access if (methodAccessors[1] != null) bindings[index++] = methodAccessors[1]; // normal access } else { SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[] fieldAccessors = (SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[]) synthetics[METHOD].get(fieldOrMethod); int numberOfAccessors = 0; if (fieldAccessors[0] != null) numberOfAccessors++; if (fieldAccessors[1] != null) numberOfAccessors++; if (index + numberOfAccessors > bindings.length) System.arraycopy(bindings, 0, (bindings = new SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[index + numberOfAccessors]), 0, index); if (fieldAccessors[0] != null) bindings[index++] = fieldAccessors[0]; // read access if (fieldAccessors[1] != null) bindings[index++] = fieldAccessors[1]; // write access } } // sort them in according to their own indexes int length; SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[] sortedBindings = new SyntheticAccessMethodBinding[length = bindings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++){ SyntheticAccessMethodBinding binding = bindings[i]; sortedBindings[binding.index] = binding; } return sortedBindings; } /** * Answer the collection of synthetic fields to append into the classfile */ public FieldBinding[] syntheticFields() { if (synthetics == null) return null; int fieldSize = synthetics[FIELD] == null ? 0 : synthetics[FIELD].size(); int literalSize = synthetics[CLASS_LITERAL] == null ? 0 :synthetics[CLASS_LITERAL].size(); int totalSize = fieldSize + literalSize; if (totalSize == 0) return null; FieldBinding[] bindings = new FieldBinding[totalSize]; // add innerclass synthetics if (synthetics[FIELD] != null){ Enumeration elements = synthetics[FIELD].elements(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldSize; i++) { SyntheticFieldBinding synthBinding = (SyntheticFieldBinding) elements.nextElement(); bindings[synthBinding.index] = synthBinding; } } // add class literal synthetics if (synthetics[CLASS_LITERAL] != null){ Enumeration elements = synthetics[CLASS_LITERAL].elements(); for (int i = 0; i < literalSize; i++) { SyntheticFieldBinding synthBinding = (SyntheticFieldBinding) elements.nextElement(); bindings[fieldSize+synthBinding.index] = synthBinding; } } return bindings; } public String toString() { String s = "(id="+(id == NoId ? "NoId" : (""+id) ) +")\n"; //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-4$ //$NON-NLS-1$ if (isDeprecated()) s += "deprecated "; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (isPublic()) s += "public "; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (isProtected()) s += "protected "; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (isPrivate()) s += "private "; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (isAbstract() && isClass()) s += "abstract "; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (isStatic() && isNestedType()) s += "static "; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (isFinal()) s += "final "; //$NON-NLS-1$ s += isInterface() ? "interface " : "class "; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ s += (compoundName != null) ? CharOperation.toString(compoundName) : "UNNAMED TYPE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ s += "\n\textends "; //$NON-NLS-1$ s += (superclass != null) ? superclass.debugName() : "NULL TYPE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (superInterfaces != null) { if (superInterfaces != NoSuperInterfaces) { s += "\n\timplements : "; //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0, length = superInterfaces.length; i < length; i++) { if (i > 0) s += ", "; //$NON-NLS-1$ s += (superInterfaces[i] != null) ? superInterfaces[i].debugName() : "NULL TYPE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } } } else { s += "NULL SUPERINTERFACES"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (enclosingType() != null) { s += "\n\tenclosing type : "; //$NON-NLS-1$ s += enclosingType().debugName(); } if (fields != null) { if (fields != NoFields) { s += "\n/* fields */"; //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0, length = fields.length; i < length; i++) s += (fields[i] != null) ? "\n" + fields[i].toString() : "\nNULL FIELD"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } else { s += "NULL FIELDS"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (methods != null) { if (methods != NoMethods) { s += "\n/* methods */"; //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0, length = methods.length; i < length; i++) s += (methods[i] != null) ? "\n" + methods[i].toString() : "\nNULL METHOD"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } else { s += "NULL METHODS"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (memberTypes != null) { if (memberTypes != NoMemberTypes) { s += "\n/* members */"; //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0, length = memberTypes.length; i < length; i++) s += (memberTypes[i] != null) ? "\n" + memberTypes[i].toString() : "\nNULL TYPE"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } else { s += "NULL MEMBER TYPES"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } s += "\n\n\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ return s; } void verifyMethods(MethodVerifier verifier) { verifier.verify(this); for (int i = memberTypes.length; --i >= 0;) ((SourceTypeBinding) memberTypes[i]).verifyMethods(verifier); } /* Answer the synthetic field for * or null if one does not exist. */ public FieldBinding getSyntheticField(ReferenceBinding targetEnclosingType, boolean onlyExactMatch) { if (synthetics == null || synthetics[FIELD] == null) return null; FieldBinding field = (FieldBinding) synthetics[FIELD].get(targetEnclosingType); if (field != null) return field; // type compatibility : to handle cases such as // class T { class M{}} // class S extends T { class N extends M {}} --> need to use S as a default enclosing instance for the super constructor call in N(). if (!onlyExactMatch){ Enumeration enum = synthetics[FIELD].elements(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { field = (FieldBinding) enum.nextElement(); if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(SyntheticArgumentBinding.EnclosingInstancePrefix, field.name) && targetEnclosingType.isSuperclassOf((ReferenceBinding) field.type)) return field; } } return null; } }