$file) { // for every html file
ParseXHTML ($file, $lang, $doc, $fidlist, $idlist);
WriteBookInfoList ($fidlist, $bilist);
var_dump ($fidlist);
copy ("style.css", "tmp/style.css"); // copy the style file to the temporary directory
/***** ParseXHTML () **********************************/
/* Parse the XHTML files
function ParseXHTML (&$file, $lang, $doc, &$fidlist, &$idlist) {
global $fencoding;
$data = file_get_contents ($file); // get the xhtml-file content
$parser = xml_parser_create ($fencoding);
$imglist = array (); // initiate the image list array
xml_parser_set_option ($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
// xml_parser_set_option ($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_parse_into_struct ($parser, $data, $values, $tags); // parse the xhtml file
xml_parser_free ($parser);
MakePictureList ($values, $tags, $imglist, $lang, $doc); // build the list with the used images
CopyImages ($imglist); // copy the used images into the temp folder
ChangeLinks ($values, $tags, $lang, $doc); // changed the links, so we can use the files with xdocman
MakeFileIDList ($file, $values, $tags, $fidlist, $idlist);
echo "array: tags\n";
var_dump ($tags);
echo "array: values\n";
var_dump ($values);
echo "array: imglist\n";
var_dump ($imglist);
echo "array:".$file." generate output\n";
OutputXHTML ($file, $values, $tags, 0);
/***** MakeFileIDList (...) **********************************/
function MakeFileIDList ($file, &$values, &$tags, &$fidlist, &$idlist) {
echo "file = $file\n";
$fidlist[$file] = array ();
foreach ($tags['a'] as $key => $val) {
if (isset ($values[$val]['attributes'])) {
foreach ($values[$val]['attributes'] as $tkey => $tval) {
if ($tkey == 'id') {
// $idList[$tval] = $tval;
// echo "id = $tval \n";
if (isset ($idlist[$tval])) {
echo "setzen $file: $tval = $idlist[$tval] \n";
$fidlist[$file][$tval]['title'] = $idlist[$tval]['title'];
$fidlist[$file][$tval]['element'] = $idlist[$tval]['element'];
/***** ChangeLinks (...) **********************************/
* changes href in if href is sort of chxxx.html or index.html or ixxx.html
* to ?lang=en&doc=xd-999&file=chxxx.html
function ChangeLinks (&$values, &$tags, $lang, $doc) {
foreach ($tags['a'] as $key => $val) {
if (($values[$val]['type'] == 'open') || ($values[$val]['type'] == 'complete')) {
if (isset ($values[$val]['attributes']['href'])) {
$olddest = $values[$val]['attributes']['href'];
echo "string = " . $olddest;
preg_match ("/([ch|index|ix|pr|co|ar]).*\.html.*/i", $olddest, $linkval);
// preg_match ("/#.*/i", $olddest, $idval);
$newdest = "";
if (isset ($linkval[0])) {
// $newdest .= "manual.php?lang=$lang&doc=$doc&file=".$linkval[0];
// echo " link = " . $linkval[0];
preg_match ("/#.*/i", $olddest, $lidval);
if (isset ($lidval[0])) {
echo " id = ". $lidval[0];
$newdest .= "manual.php?lang=$lang&doc=$doc&id=".str_replace ('#', "", $lidval[0])."&file=".$linkval[0];
else {
$newdest .= "manual.php?lang=$lang&doc=$doc&file=".$linkval[0];
else if (isset ($idval[0])) {
echo " id = ".$idval[0];
$newdest = $olddest;
else {
$newdest = $olddest;
echo "\n";
$values[$val]['attributes']['href'] = $newdest;
/***** CopyImages (...) **********************************/
function CopyImages (&$imglist) {
CreateDirectory ('tmp/img');
CreateDirectory ('tmp/img/callouts');
CreateDirectory ('tmp/img/nav');
CreateDirectory ('tmp/img/admon');
foreach ($imglist as $key => $img) {
$path = explode ('/', $img);
if (($path[1] != 'callouts') && ($path[1] != 'nav') && ($path[1] != 'admon')) {
$dest = "tmp/".$path[0].'/'.$path[3];
else {
$dest = "tmp/".$img;
copy ($img, $dest);
/***** MakePictureList (...) **********************************/
function MakePictureList (&$values, &$tags, &$imglist, &$lang, &$doc) {
//** scan every tag for the onmouseover and onmouseout attribute
foreach ($tags['a'] as $key => $val) {
if (isset ($values[$val]['attributes'])) {
foreach ($values[$val]['attributes'] as $tkey => $tval) {
if (($tkey == 'onmouseover') || ($tkey == 'onmouseout')) {
//** strip everthing before the '='
$ta = explode ('=', $tval);
$img = str_replace ("'", "", $ta[1]);
if (!in_array ($img, $imglist)) {
array_push ($imglist, $img);
$values[$val]['attributes'][$tkey] = $ta[0]."='docs/".$lang."/".$doc."/".$img."'";
//** scan every
tag for the src attribute
foreach ($tags['img'] as $key => $val) {
if (isset ($values[$val]['attributes'])) {
foreach ($values[$val]['attributes'] as $tkey => $tval) {
if ($tkey == 'src') {
if (!in_array ($tval, $imglist)) {
array_push ($imglist, $tval);
//** now change the image path from img/en/xxxx/xxx.png to img/xxx.png
$path = explode ('/', $tval);
if (($path[1] != 'callouts') && ($path[1] != 'nav') && ($path[1] != 'admon')) {
$newpath = $path[0].'/'.$path[3];
$img = "docs/".$lang."/".$doc."/".$newpath;
$values[$val]['attributes'][$tkey] = $img;
else {
$values[$val]['attributes'][$tkey] = "docs/".$lang."/".$doc."/".$tval;
/***** OutputXHTML (...) **********************************/
function OutputXHTML (&$file, &$values, &$tags, $all) {
global $fencoding;
global $recode_it;
global $encoding_in;
global $encoding_out;
$fp = fopen ("tmp/".$file, "w");
$i = count ($values);
//** get start and end
if ($all) {
$start = 0;
$end = $i;
else {
$start = $tags['body'][0] + 1;
$end = $tags['body'][1] - 1;
if ($all) {
$text = ''."\n";
$text .= ''."\n";
fwrite ($fp, $text);
if ($fp) {
foreach ($values as $key => $tag) {
if (($key < $start) || ($key > $end)) {
$cdata = 0;
$open = 0;
if ($tag['type'] == 'open') {
$text = "<";
$close = "\n>";
$open = 1;
else if ($tag['type'] == 'close') {
$text = "";
$close = "\n>";
else if ($tag['type'] == 'cdata') {
$cdata = 1;
else { //** it's complete
$text = "<";
$close = " /\n>";
if ($cdata) {
$text = htmlspecialchars ($tag['value']);
else {
$text .= $tag['tag'];
if (isset ($tag['attributes'])) {
foreach ($tag['attributes'] as $key => $att) {
$text .= ' '.$key. '="' . $att . '"';
if (isset ($tag['value'])) {
if ($open) {
$text .= ">".htmlspecialchars ($tag['value']);
else {
$text .= ">".htmlspecialchars ($tag['value'])."" . $tag['tag'] . ">";
else {
if (($tag['tag'] == 'a') && ($tag['type'] == 'complete')) {
$text .= ">";
else {
$text .= $close;
if ($recode_it) {
$text = mb_convert_encoding ($text, 'HTML-ENTITIES', $encoding_in);
fwrite ($fp, $text);
/***** CreateDirectory (...) **********************************/
function CreateDirectory ($dirname) {
$path = "";
$dir = split ('[/|\\]', $dirname);
for ($i = 0; $i < count ($dir); $i++) {
$path .= $dir[$i]."/";
if (!is_dir ($path)) {
@mkdir ($path, 0777);
@chmod ($path, 0777);
if (is_dir ($dirname)) {
return 1;
return 0;
/***** BuildIDList (...) **********************************/
function BuildIDList ($lang, $doc, &$idlist, &$bilist) {
global $fencoding;
$data = file_get_contents ($lang."_".$doc.".xml"); // get the xml-file content
$parser = xml_parser_create ($fencoding);
xml_parser_set_option ($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
xml_parser_set_option ($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_parse_into_struct ($parser, $data, $values, $tags); // parse the xml file
xml_parser_free ($parser);
MakeIDList ($values, $tags, $idlist); // build the list with the used ids
MakeBIList ($values, $tags, $bilist); // build the Book Info list
echo "array: bilist\n";
var_dump ($bilist);
echo "array: tags\n";
var_dump ($tags);
echo "array: values\n";
var_dump ($values);
/***** MakeIDList (...) **********************************/
function MakeIDList (&$values, &$tags, &$idlist) {
$taglist = array ("chapter", "sect1", "sect2", "sect3", "sect4", "figure");
foreach ($taglist as $tlkey => $tag) { // for every tag with a possible id
if (isset ($tags[$tag])) {
foreach ($tags[$tag] as $key => $val) {
if (isset ($values[$val]['attributes'])) {
foreach ($values[$val]['attributes'] as $tkey => $tval) {
if ($tkey == 'id') { // we have an id, so look for the title
if ($values[$val + 1]['tag'] == 'title') { // if the next tag is a title
// $idlist[$tval] = $values[$val + 1]['value'];
$idlist[$tval]['title'] = $values[$val + 1]['value'];
$idlist[$tval]['element'] = $tag; // the element
/***** MakeBIList (...) **********************************/
function MakeBIList (&$values, &$tags, &$bilist) {
$start = 0;
$end = 0;
if (isset ($tags['book'])) {
// $count = count ($tags['book']);
$start = $tags['bookinfo'][0] + 1;
$end = $tags['bookinfo'][1] - 1;
$state = 0;
else if (isset ($tags['article'])) {
$start = $tags['articleinfo'][0] + 1;
$end = $tags['articleinfo'][1] - 1;
$state = 0;
// get the status attribute from book or article
if (isset ($values[0]['attributes']['status'])) {
$status = explode ('_', $values[0]['attributes']['status']);
if (($status[0] == 'progress') && (isset ($status[1]))) {
$bilist['status'] = $status[1];
else {
$bilist['status'] = $status[0];
// search for the title
for ($index = $start; $index <= $end; $index++) {
switch ($state) {
case 0: // search the title tag
if ($values[$index]['tag'] == 'title') {
if (isset ($values[$index]['value'])) {
$bilist['title'] = $values[$index]['value'];
if ($values[$index]['type'] == 'open') {
$state = 1; // title is not complete, so append the other tags (i.e. from quote or emphasis)
else {
$state = 2; // title is complete
case 1: // append the values of every tag until the closing title tag
if ($values[$index]['tag'] == 'title') {
if (isset ($values[$index]['value'])) {
$bilist['title'] .= $values[$index]['value'];
if ($values[$index]['type'] == 'close') {
$state = 2; // title is complete
else {
if (isset ($values[$index]['value'])) {
$bilist['title'] .= $values[$index]['value'];
if ($state == 2) { // if we have the title leave the loop
// search for the revnumber and revdate within the last revision within revhistory
if (isset ($tags['revision'])) { // ok we have a revision
$count = count ($tags['revision']);
$start = $tags['revision'][$count - 2];
$end = $tags['revision'][$count - 1];
if (isset ($tags['revnumber'])) {
$count = count ($tags['revnumber']);
for ($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) {
$val_index = $tags['revnumber'][$index];
if (($val_index > $start) && ($val_index < $end)) {
$bilist['revnumber'] = $values[$val_index]['value'];
if (isset ($tags['date'])) {
$count = count ($tags['date']);
for ($index = 0; $index < $count; $index++) {
$val_index = $tags['date'][$index];
if (($val_index > $start) && ($val_index < $end)) {
$bilist['revdate'] = $values[$val_index]['value'];
/***** WriteBookInfoList (...) **********************************/
function WriteBookInfoList (&$fidlist, &$bilist) {
global $fencoding;
global $recode_it;
global $encoding_in;
$fp = fopen ("tmp/docinfo.xml", "w");
if ($fp) {
$text = "" . "\n";
fwrite ($fp, $text);
$text = "\n";
fwrite ($fp, $text);
foreach ($bilist as $tag => $value) {
$text = " <$tag>$value$tag>\n";
fwrite ($fp, $text);
foreach ($fidlist as $filename => $file) {
$text = " \n $filename\n";
fwrite ($fp, $text);
foreach ($file as $id => $idvalue) {
$text = " \n ".$id."\n";
fwrite ($fp, $text);
$text = " ".$idvalue['element']."\n";
fwrite ($fp, $text);
$text = " ".$idvalue['title']."\n \n";
if ($recode_it) {
$text = mb_convert_encoding ($text, 'HTML-ENTITIES', $encoding_in);
fwrite ($fp, $text);
$text = " \n";
fwrite ($fp, $text);
$text = "";
fwrite ($fp, $text);
fclose ($fp);