package net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.xdebug.core.xdebug; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.xdebug.core.Base64; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.xdebug.core.PHPDebugUtils; import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.xdebug.core.XDebugCorePlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; /** * @author Christian Perkonig * */ public class XDebugConnection { private int fTransactionID; private Socket fDebugSocket; private OutputStreamWriter fDebugWriter; private DataInputStream fDebugReader; private boolean fInitialized; private boolean fIsClosed; private String fSessionID; public String getSessionID() { return fSessionID; } public boolean isInitialized() { return fInitialized; } public boolean isClosed() { return fIsClosed; } public XDebugConnection(Socket debugSocket) { fDebugSocket = debugSocket; fTransactionID = 0; fInitialized = false; try { fDebugWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(debugSocket.getOutputStream(), "UTF8"); fDebugReader = new DataInputStream(debugSocket.getInputStream()); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } fIsClosed = false; String initString = readData(); XDebugCorePlugin.log(IStatus.INFO,initString); int startIdx = initString.indexOf("idekey=\""); if (startIdx == -1) return; startIdx += 8; int endIdx=initString.indexOf('"',startIdx); if (endIdx==-1) return; fSessionID = initString.substring(startIdx,endIdx); fInitialized = true; } protected String readData() { if (fIsClosed) return null; byte byteBuffer[]=null,b; int count=0; try { while ((b =fDebugReader.readByte()) != 0) { count = count * 10 + b - '0'; } byteBuffer = new byte[count]; int readCount=0; int attempts=0; while ((count >0) && (attempts <5)) { int,readCount,count); count-=rc; readCount+=rc; if (count>65530) try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } else attempts++; } fDebugReader.readFully(byteBuffer,readCount,count); if((b= fDebugReader.readByte())!=0) // reads the NULL Byte at the end; System.out.println("NULL-Byte missing!!"); } catch (IOException e) { if (e instanceof EOFException == false) { if (!fIsClosed) { // e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } return new String(byteBuffer); } private /*XDebugResponse*/ int sendRequest(String command, String arguments) { return _sendRequest(command, arguments); } private synchronized int _sendRequest(String command, String arguments) { if (fDebugSocket == null) { return 0; } XDebugCorePlugin.log(IStatus.INFO,command+" -i "+fTransactionID+" "+arguments); synchronized (fDebugSocket) { try { fDebugWriter.write(command); fDebugWriter.write(" -i " + fTransactionID); if (!"".equals(arguments)) fDebugWriter.write(" " + arguments); fDebugWriter.write(0); fDebugWriter.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return fTransactionID++; } public /*XDebugResponse*/ int eval(String Expression) { String encoded = Base64.encodeBytes(Expression.getBytes()); return sendRequest("eval", "-- "+encoded); } public /*XDebugResponse*/ int featureGet(String featureName) { return sendRequest("feature_get","-n "+featureName); } public int featureSet(String featureName, String value) { return sendRequest("feature_set","-n "+featureName + " -v " + value); } public /*XDebugResponse*/ int breakpointSetOld(String file, int lineNumber) { String arg = "-t line -f file://"+PHPDebugUtils.escapeString(file)+" -n " + lineNumber; return sendRequest("breakpoint_set", arg); } public /*XDebugResponse*/ int breakpointSet(String file, int lineNumber, int hitCount) { String arg = "-t line -f file://"+PHPDebugUtils.escapeString(file)+" -n " + lineNumber; if (hitCount > 0) { arg += " -h " + hitCount; } return sendRequest("breakpoint_set", arg); } public int breakpointGet(int id) { String arg = "-d " + id; return sendRequest("breakpoint_get", arg); } public /*XDebugResponse*/ int breakpointRemove(int id) { return sendRequest("breakpoint_set", "-d " + id); } public /*XDebugResponse*/ int stackGet(/*int Level*/) { return sendRequest("stack_get", ""); } public void stepOver() { sendRequest("step_over", ""); } public void stepInto() { sendRequest("step_into", ""); } public void stepOut() { sendRequest("step_out", ""); } public void run() { sendRequest("run", ""); } public void stop() { sendRequest("stop", ""); } public /*XDebugResponse*/ int propertySet(String Name, String Value) { String str = Base64.encodeBytes(Value.getBytes()); int len = str.length(); return sendRequest("property_set", "-n " + Name + " -d 0 -l " + len + " -- " + str); } public /*XDebugResponse*/ int contextGet(int Level, int Type) { return sendRequest("context_get", "-d " + Level + " -c " + Type); } public int setVarValue(String Name, String Value) { return propertySet(Name, Value); } public void close() { if (!fIsClosed) { fIsClosed = true; try { fDebugSocket.close(); fDebugReader.close(); //fDebugReader = null; fDebugWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }