/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2003 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.core; import java.util.ArrayList; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IField; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IJavaElement; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IMember; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IMethod; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IPackageFragment; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IParent; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.ITypeHierarchy; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IWorkingCopy; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.JavaModelException; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.jdom.IDOMNode; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.core.util.Util; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.corext.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; /** * Handle for a source type. Info object is a SourceTypeElementInfo. * * Note: Parent is either an IClassFile, an ICompilationUnit or an IType. * * @see IType */ public class SourceType extends Member implements IType { /** * An empty list of Strings */ protected static final String[] fgEmptyList = new String[] {}; protected SourceType(JavaElement parent, String name) { super(parent, name); Assert.isTrue(name.indexOf('.') == -1, Util.bind("sourcetype.invalidName", name)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * @see IType */ //public void codeComplete(char[] snippet,int insertion,int position,char[][] localVariableTypeNames,char[][] // localVariableNames,int[] localVariableModifiers,boolean isStatic,ICompletionRequestor requestor) throws JavaModelException { // if (requestor == null) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException(ProjectPrefUtil.bind("codeAssist.nullRequestor")); //$NON-NLS-1$ // } // // JavaProject project = (JavaProject) getJavaProject(); // SearchableEnvironment environment = (SearchableEnvironment) project.getSearchableNameEnvironment(); // NameLookup nameLookup = project.getNameLookup(); // CompletionEngine engine = new CompletionEngine(environment, new CompletionRequestorWrapper(requestor,nameLookup), // project.getOptions(true), project); // // String source = getCompilationUnit().getSource(); // if (source != null && insertion > -1 && insertion < source.length()) { // String encoding = project.getOption(JavaCore.CORE_ENCODING, true); // // char[] prefix = CharOperation.concat(source.substring(0, insertion).toCharArray(), new char[]{'{'}); // char[] suffix = CharOperation.concat(new char[]{'}'}, source.substring(insertion).toCharArray()); // char[] fakeSource = CharOperation.concat(prefix, snippet, suffix); // // BasicCompilationUnit cu = // new BasicCompilationUnit( // fakeSource, // null, // getElementName(), // encoding); // // engine.complete(cu, prefix.length + position, prefix.length); // } else { // engine.complete(this, snippet, position, localVariableTypeNames, localVariableNames, localVariableModifiers, isStatic); // } //} /** * @see IType */ //public IField createField(String contents, IJavaElement sibling, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws // JavaModelException { // CreateFieldOperation op = new CreateFieldOperation(this, contents, force); // if (sibling != null) { // op.createBefore(sibling); // } // runOperation(op, monitor); // return (IField) op.getResultElements()[0]; //} /** * @see IType */ //public IInitializer createInitializer(String contents, IJavaElement sibling, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws // JavaModelException { // CreateInitializerOperation op = new CreateInitializerOperation(this, contents); // if (sibling != null) { // op.createBefore(sibling); // } // runOperation(op, monitor); // return (IInitializer) op.getResultElements()[0]; //} /** * @see IType */ //public IMethod createMethod(String contents, IJavaElement sibling, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws // JavaModelException { // CreateMethodOperation op = new CreateMethodOperation(this, contents, force); // if (sibling != null) { // op.createBefore(sibling); // } // runOperation(op, monitor); // return (IMethod) op.getResultElements()[0]; //} /** * @see IType */ //public IType createType(String contents, IJavaElement sibling, boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws // JavaModelException { // CreateTypeOperation op = new CreateTypeOperation(this, contents, force); // if (sibling != null) { // op.createBefore(sibling); // } // runOperation(op, monitor); // return (IType) op.getResultElements()[0]; //} /** * @see JavaElement#equalsDOMNode */ protected boolean equalsDOMNode(IDOMNode node) throws JavaModelException { return (node.getNodeType() == IDOMNode.TYPE) && super.equalsDOMNode(node); } /* * @see IType */ public IMethod[] findMethods(IMethod method) { try { return this.findMethods(method, this.getMethods()); } catch (JavaModelException e) { // if type doesn't exist, no matching method can exist return null; } } /** * @see IMember */ public IType getDeclaringType() { IJavaElement parent = getParent(); while (parent != null) { if (parent.getElementType() == IJavaElement.TYPE) { return (IType) parent; } else if (parent instanceof IMember) { parent = parent.getParent(); } else { return null; } } return null; } /** * @see IJavaElement */ public int getElementType() { return TYPE; } /** * @see IType#getField */ public IField getField(String name) { return new SourceField(this, name); } /** * @see IType */ public IField[] getFields() throws JavaModelException { ArrayList list = getChildrenOfType(FIELD); IField[] array = new IField[list.size()]; list.toArray(array); return array; } /** * @see IType#getFullyQualifiedName */ public String getFullyQualifiedName() { return this.getFullyQualifiedName('$'); } /** * @see IType#getFullyQualifiedName(char) */ public String getFullyQualifiedName(char enclosingTypeSeparator) { String packageName = getPackageFragment().getElementName(); if (packageName.equals(IPackageFragment.DEFAULT_PACKAGE_NAME)) { return getTypeQualifiedName(enclosingTypeSeparator); } return packageName + '.' + getTypeQualifiedName(enclosingTypeSeparator); } /** * @see IType */ //public IInitializer getInitializer(int occurrenceCount) { // return new Initializer(this, occurrenceCount); //} /** * @see IType */ //public IInitializer[] getInitializers() throws JavaModelException { // ArrayList list = getChildrenOfType(INITIALIZER); // IInitializer[] array= new IInitializer[list.size()]; // list.toArray(array); // return array; //} /** * @see IType#getMethod */ public IMethod getMethod(String name, String[] parameterTypeSignatures) { return new SourceMethod(this, name, parameterTypeSignatures); } /** * @see IType */ public IMethod[] getMethods() throws JavaModelException { ArrayList list = getChildrenOfType(METHOD); IMethod[] array = new IMethod[list.size()]; list.toArray(array); return array; } /** * @see IType */ public IPackageFragment getPackageFragment() { IJavaElement parentElement = this.parent; while (parentElement != null) { if (parentElement.getElementType() == IJavaElement.PACKAGE_FRAGMENT) { return (IPackageFragment) parentElement; } else { parentElement = parentElement.getParent(); } } Assert.isTrue(false); // should not happen return null; } /** * @see IType */ public String getSuperclassName() throws JavaModelException { SourceTypeElementInfo info = (SourceTypeElementInfo) getElementInfo(); char[] superclassName = info.getSuperclassName(); if (superclassName == null) { return null; } return new String(superclassName); } /** * @see IType */ public String[] getSuperInterfaceNames() throws JavaModelException { SourceTypeElementInfo info = (SourceTypeElementInfo) getElementInfo(); char[][] names = info.getInterfaceNames(); if (names == null) { return fgEmptyList; } String[] strings = new String[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { strings[i] = new String(names[i]); } return strings; } /** * @see IType */ public IType getType(String name) { return new SourceType(this, name); } /** * @see IType#getTypeQualifiedName */ public String getTypeQualifiedName() { return this.getTypeQualifiedName('$'); } /** * @see IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char) */ public String getTypeQualifiedName(char enclosingTypeSeparator) { if (parent.getElementType() == IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT) { return name; } else { return ((IType) parent).getTypeQualifiedName(enclosingTypeSeparator) + enclosingTypeSeparator + name; } } /** * @see IType */ public IType[] getTypes() throws JavaModelException { ArrayList list = getChildrenOfType(TYPE); IType[] array = new IType[list.size()]; list.toArray(array); return array; } /** * @see IParent */ public boolean hasChildren() throws JavaModelException { return getChildren().length > 0; } /** * @see IType#isAnonymous() */ public boolean isAnonymous() throws JavaModelException { return false; // cannot create source handle onto anonymous types } /** * @see IType */ public boolean isClass() throws JavaModelException { return !isInterface(); } /** * @see IType */ public boolean isInterface() throws JavaModelException { Object obj = getElementInfo(); if (obj instanceof SourceTypeElementInfo) { SourceTypeElementInfo info = (SourceTypeElementInfo) getElementInfo(); return info.isInterface(); } return false; } /** * @see IType#isLocal() */ public boolean isLocal() throws JavaModelException { return false; // cannot create source handle onto local types } /** * @see IType#isMember() */ public boolean isMember() throws JavaModelException { return getDeclaringType() != null; } /** * @see IType */ // public ITypeHierarchy loadTypeHierachy(InputStream input, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws JavaModelException { // return loadTypeHierachy(input, DefaultWorkingCopyOwner.PRIMARY, monitor); // } /** * NOTE: This method is not part of the API has it is not clear clients would easily use it: they would need to * first make sure all working copies for the given owner exist before calling it. This is especially har at startup * time. * In case clients want this API, here is how it should be specified: *

* Loads a previously saved ITypeHierarchy from an input stream. A type hierarchy can * be stored using ITypeHierachy#store(OutputStream). A compilation unit of a * loaded type has the given owner if such a working copy exists, otherwise the type's * compilation unit is a primary compilation unit. * * Only hierarchies originally created by the following methods can be loaded: *