/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package net.sourceforge.phpdt.core; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.codeassist.impl.AssistOptions; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.core.INamingRequestor; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.core.InternalNamingConventions; /** * Provides methods for computing Java-specific names. *

* The behavior of the methods is dependent of several JavaCore options. *

* The possible options are : *



* For a complete description of the configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these options, * see JavaCore#setOptions(). *


* This class provides static methods and constants only; it is not intended to * be instantiated or subclassed by clients. *

* * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() * @since 2.1 */ public final class NamingConventions { private static final char[] GETTER_BOOL_NAME = "is".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final char[] GETTER_NAME = "get".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final char[] SETTER_NAME = "set".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ private static class NamingRequestor implements INamingRequestor { private final static int SIZE = 10; // for acceptNameWithPrefixAndSuffix private char[][] firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount = 0; private char[][] firstPrefixAndSuffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount = 0; private char[][] prefixAndFirstSuffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount = 0; private char[][] prefixAndSuffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int prefixAndSuffixResultsCount = 0; // for acceptNameWithPrefix private char[][] firstPrefixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int firstPrefixResultsCount = 0; private char[][] prefixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int prefixResultsCount = 0; // for acceptNameWithSuffix private char[][] firstSuffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int firstSuffixResultsCount = 0; private char[][] suffixResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int suffixResultsCount = 0; // for acceptNameWithoutPrefixAndSuffix private char[][] otherResults = new char[SIZE][]; private int otherResultsCount = 0; public void acceptNameWithPrefixAndSuffix(char[] name, boolean isFirstPrefix, boolean isFirstSuffix) { if (isFirstPrefix && isFirstSuffix) { int length = this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults.length; if (length == this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount) { System .arraycopy( this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults, 0, this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults[this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount++] = name; } else if (isFirstPrefix) { int length = this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResults.length; if (length == this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount) { System .arraycopy( this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResults, 0, this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResults[this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount++] = name; } else if (isFirstSuffix) { int length = this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResults.length; if (length == this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount) { System .arraycopy( this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResults, 0, this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResults[this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount++] = name; } else { int length = this.prefixAndSuffixResults.length; if (length == this.prefixAndSuffixResultsCount) { System .arraycopy( this.prefixAndSuffixResults, 0, this.prefixAndSuffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.prefixAndSuffixResults[this.prefixAndSuffixResultsCount++] = name; } } public void acceptNameWithPrefix(char[] name, boolean isFirstPrefix) { if (isFirstPrefix) { int length = this.firstPrefixResults.length; if (length == this.firstPrefixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy(this.firstPrefixResults, 0, this.firstPrefixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.firstPrefixResults[this.firstPrefixResultsCount++] = name; } else { int length = this.prefixResults.length; if (length == this.prefixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy(this.prefixResults, 0, this.prefixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.prefixResults[this.prefixResultsCount++] = name; } } public void acceptNameWithSuffix(char[] name, boolean isFirstSuffix) { if (isFirstSuffix) { int length = this.firstSuffixResults.length; if (length == this.firstSuffixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy(this.firstSuffixResults, 0, this.firstSuffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.firstSuffixResults[this.firstSuffixResultsCount++] = name; } else { int length = this.suffixResults.length; if (length == this.suffixResultsCount) { System.arraycopy(this.suffixResults, 0, this.suffixResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.suffixResults[this.suffixResultsCount++] = name; } } public void acceptNameWithoutPrefixAndSuffix(char[] name) { int length = this.otherResults.length; if (length == this.otherResultsCount) { System.arraycopy(this.otherResults, 0, this.otherResults = new char[length * 2][], 0, length); } this.otherResults[this.otherResultsCount++] = name; } public char[][] getResults() { int count = this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount + this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount + this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount + this.prefixAndSuffixResultsCount + this.firstPrefixResultsCount + this.prefixResultsCount + this.firstSuffixResultsCount + this.suffixResultsCount + this.otherResultsCount; char[][] results = new char[count][]; int index = 0; System.arraycopy(this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResults, 0, results, index, this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount); index += this.firstPrefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResults, 0, results, index, this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount); index += this.firstPrefixAndSuffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResults, 0, results, index, this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount); index += this.prefixAndFirstSuffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.prefixAndSuffixResults, 0, results, index, this.prefixAndSuffixResultsCount); index += this.prefixAndSuffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.firstPrefixResults, 0, results, index, this.firstPrefixResultsCount); index += this.firstPrefixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.prefixResults, 0, results, index, this.prefixResultsCount); index += this.prefixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.firstSuffixResults, 0, results, index, this.firstSuffixResultsCount); index += this.firstSuffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.suffixResults, 0, results, index, this.suffixResultsCount); index += this.suffixResultsCount; System.arraycopy(this.otherResults, 0, results, index, this.otherResultsCount); return results; } } private NamingConventions() { // Not instantiable } private static char[] removePrefixAndSuffix(char[] name, char[][] prefixes, char[][] suffixes) { // remove longer prefix char[] withoutPrefixName = name; if (prefixes != null) { int bestLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { char[] prefix = prefixes[i]; if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(prefix, name)) { int currLen = prefix.length; boolean lastCharIsLetter = Character .isLetter(prefix[currLen - 1]); if (!lastCharIsLetter || (lastCharIsLetter && name.length > currLen && Character .isUpperCase(name[currLen]))) { if (bestLength < currLen && name.length != currLen) { withoutPrefixName = CharOperation.subarray(name, currLen, name.length); bestLength = currLen; } } } } } // remove longer suffix char[] withoutSuffixName = withoutPrefixName; if (suffixes != null) { int bestLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.length; i++) { char[] suffix = suffixes[i]; if (CharOperation.endsWith(withoutPrefixName, suffix)) { int currLen = suffix.length; if (bestLength < currLen && withoutPrefixName.length != currLen) { withoutSuffixName = CharOperation.subarray( withoutPrefixName, 0, withoutPrefixName.length - currLen); bestLength = currLen; } } } } withoutSuffixName[0] = Character.toLowerCase(withoutSuffixName[0]); return withoutSuffixName; } /** * Remove prefix and suffix from an argument name. *

* If argument name prefix is pre and argument name suffix is * suf then for an argument named preArgsuf * the result of this method is arg. If there is no prefix * or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name * preArgsuf. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES and CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the argument. * @param argumentName * argument's name. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ public static char[] removePrefixAndSuffixForArgumentName( IJavaProject javaProject, char[] argumentName) { AssistOptions assistOptions = new AssistOptions(javaProject .getOptions(true)); return removePrefixAndSuffix(argumentName, assistOptions.argumentPrefixes, assistOptions.argumentSuffixes); } /** * Remove prefix and suffix from an argument name. *

* If argument name prefix is pre and argument name suffix is * suf then for an argument named preArgsuf * the result of this method is arg. If there is no prefix * or suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name * preArgsuf. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES and CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the argument. * @param argumentName * argument's name. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ // public static String removePrefixAndSuffixForArgumentName( // IJavaProject javaProject, String argumentName) { // return String.valueOf(removePrefixAndSuffixForArgumentName(javaProject, // argumentName.toCharArray())); // } /** * Remove prefix and suffix from a field name. *

* If field name prefix is pre and field name suffix is * suf then for a field named preFieldsuf the * result of this method is field. If there is no prefix or * suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name * preFieldsuf. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field * and CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES * for static field. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the field. * @param fieldName * field's name. * @param modifiers * field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ public static char[] removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName( IJavaProject javaProject, char[] fieldName, int modifiers) { boolean isStatic = Flags.isStatic(modifiers); AssistOptions assistOptions = new AssistOptions(javaProject .getOptions(true)); return removePrefixAndSuffix(fieldName, isStatic ? assistOptions.staticFieldPrefixes : assistOptions.fieldPrefixes, isStatic ? assistOptions.staticFieldSuffixes : assistOptions.fieldSuffixes); } /** * Remove prefix and suffix from a field name. *

* If field name prefix is pre and field name suffix is * suf then for a field named preFieldsuf the * result of this method is field. If there is no prefix or * suffix defined in JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name * preFieldsuf. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field * and CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES * for static field. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the field. * @param fieldName * field's name. * @param modifiers * field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ // public static String removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName( // IJavaProject javaProject, String fieldName, int modifiers) { // return String.valueOf(removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName(javaProject, // fieldName.toCharArray(), modifiers)); // } /** * Remove prefix and suffix from a local variable name. *

* If local variable name prefix is pre and local variable * name suffix is suf then for a local variable named * preLocalsuf the result of this method is * local. If there is no prefix or suffix defined in * JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name * preLocalsuf. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES and CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the variable. * @param localName * variable's name. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ public static char[] removePrefixAndSuffixForLocalVariableName( IJavaProject javaProject, char[] localName) { AssistOptions assistOptions = new AssistOptions(javaProject .getOptions(true)); return removePrefixAndSuffix(localName, assistOptions.argumentPrefixes, assistOptions.argumentSuffixes); } /** * Remove prefix and suffix from a local variable name. *

* If local variable name prefix is pre and local variable * name suffix is suf then for a local variable named * preLocalsuf the result of this method is * local. If there is no prefix or suffix defined in * JavaCore options the result is the unchanged name * preLocalsuf. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES and CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the variable. * @param localName * variable's name. * @return char[] the name without prefix and suffix. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ // public static String removePrefixAndSuffixForLocalVariableName( // IJavaProject javaProject, String localName) { // return String.valueOf(removePrefixAndSuffixForLocalVariableName( // javaProject, localName.toCharArray())); // } /** * Suggest names for an argument. The name is computed from argument's type * and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. *

* If the type of the argument is TypeName, the prefix for * argument is pre and the suffix for argument is * suf then the proposed names are * preTypeNamesuf and preNamesuf. If there is * no prefix or suffix the proposals are typeName and * name. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES and CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the argument. * @param packageName * package of the argument's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName * argument's type. * @param dim * argument's dimension (0 if the argument is not an array). * @param excludedNames * a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used * names). Can be null if there is no excluded * names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ public static char[][] suggestArgumentNames(IJavaProject javaProject, char[] packageName, char[] qualifiedTypeName, int dim, char[][] excludedNames) { NamingRequestor requestor = new NamingRequestor(); InternalNamingConventions.suggestArgumentNames(javaProject, packageName, qualifiedTypeName, dim, excludedNames, requestor); return requestor.getResults(); } /** * Suggest names for an argument. The name is computed from argument's type * and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. *

* If the type of the argument is TypeName, the prefix for * argument is pre and the suffix for argument is * suf then the proposed names are * preTypeNamesuf and preNamesuf. If there is * no prefix or suffix the proposals are typeName and * name. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_PREFIXES and CODEASSIST_ARGUMENT_SUFFIXES. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the argument. * @param packageName * package of the argument's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName * argument's type. * @param dim * argument's dimension (0 if the argument is not an array). * @param excludedNames * a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used * names). Can be null if there is no excluded * names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ // public static String[] suggestArgumentNames(IJavaProject javaProject, // String packageName, String qualifiedTypeName, int dim, // String[] excludedNames) { // return convertCharsToString(suggestArgumentNames(javaProject, // packageName.toCharArray(), qualifiedTypeName.toCharArray(), // dim, convertStringToChars(excludedNames))); // } /** * Suggest names for a field. The name is computed from field's type and * possible prefixes or suffixes are added. *

* If the type of the field is TypeName, the prefix for * field is pre and the suffix for field is suf * then the proposed names are preTypeNamesuf and * preNamesuf. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals * are typeName and name. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES and for instance * field and CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, * CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES for static field. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the field. * @param packageName * package of the field's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName * field's type. * @param dim * field's dimension (0 if the field is not an array). * @param modifiers * field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags. * @param excludedNames * a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used * names). Can be null if there is no excluded * names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ public static char[][] suggestFieldNames(IJavaProject javaProject, char[] packageName, char[] qualifiedTypeName, int dim, int modifiers, char[][] excludedNames) { NamingRequestor requestor = new NamingRequestor(); InternalNamingConventions.suggestFieldNames(javaProject, packageName, qualifiedTypeName, dim, modifiers, excludedNames, requestor); return requestor.getResults(); } /** * Suggest names for a field. The name is computed from field's type and * possible prefixes or suffixes are added. *

* If the type of the field is TypeName, the prefix for * field is pre and the suffix for field is suf * then the proposed names are preTypeNamesuf and * preNamesuf. If there is no prefix or suffix the proposals * are typeName and name. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES and for instance * field and CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, * CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES for static field. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the field. * @param packageName * package of the field's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName * field's type. * @param dim * field's dimension (0 if the field is not an array). * @param modifiers * field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags. * @param excludedNames * a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used * names). Can be null if there is no excluded * names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ // public static String[] suggestFieldNames(IJavaProject javaProject, // String packageName, String qualifiedTypeName, int dim, // int modifiers, String[] excludedNames) { // return convertCharsToString(suggestFieldNames(javaProject, packageName // .toCharArray(), qualifiedTypeName.toCharArray(), dim, // modifiers, convertStringToChars(excludedNames))); // } /** * Suggest names for a local variable. The name is computed from variable's * type and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. *

* If the type of the local variable is TypeName, the prefix * for local variable is pre and the suffix for local * variable is suf then the proposed names are * preTypeNamesuf and preNamesuf. If there is * no prefix or suffix the proposals are typeName and * name. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES and CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the variable. * @param packageName * package of the variable's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName * variable's type. * @param dim * variable's dimension (0 if the variable is not an array). * @param excludedNames * a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used * names). Can be null if there is no excluded * names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ public static char[][] suggestLocalVariableNames(IJavaProject javaProject, char[] packageName, char[] qualifiedTypeName, int dim, char[][] excludedNames) { NamingRequestor requestor = new NamingRequestor(); InternalNamingConventions.suggestLocalVariableNames(javaProject, packageName, qualifiedTypeName, dim, excludedNames, requestor); return requestor.getResults(); } /** * Suggest names for a local variable. The name is computed from variable's * type and possible prefixes or suffixes are added. *

* If the type of the local variable is TypeName, the prefix * for local variable is pre and the suffix for local * variable is suf then the proposed names are * preTypeNamesuf and preNamesuf. If there is * no prefix or suffix the proposals are typeName and * name. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_LOCAL_PREFIXES and CODEASSIST_LOCAL_SUFFIXES. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param javaProject * project which contains the variable. * @param packageName * package of the variable's type. * @param qualifiedTypeName * variable's type. * @param dim * variable's dimension (0 if the variable is not an array). * @param excludedNames * a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used * names). Can be null if there is no excluded * names. * @return char[][] an array of names. * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ // public static String[] suggestLocalVariableNames(IJavaProject javaProject, // String packageName, String qualifiedTypeName, int dim, // String[] excludedNames) { // return convertCharsToString(suggestLocalVariableNames(javaProject, // packageName.toCharArray(), qualifiedTypeName.toCharArray(), // dim, convertStringToChars(excludedNames))); // } /** * Suggest name for a getter method. The name is computed from field's name * and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed. *

* If the field name is preFieldNamesuf and the prefix for * field is pre and the suffix for field is suf * then the prosposed name is isFieldName for boolean field * or getFieldName for others. If there is no prefix and * suffix the proposal is isPreFieldNamesuf for boolean field * or getPreFieldNamesuf for others. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field * and CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES * for static field. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param project * project which contains the field. * @param fieldName * field's name's. * @param modifiers * field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags. * @param isBoolean * true if the field's type is boolean * @param excludedNames * a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used * names). Can be null if there is no excluded * names. * @return char[] a name. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ public static char[] suggestGetterName(IJavaProject project, char[] fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, char[][] excludedNames) { if (isBoolean) { char[] name = removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName(project, fieldName, modifiers); int prefixLen = GETTER_BOOL_NAME.length; if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(GETTER_BOOL_NAME, name) && name.length > prefixLen && Character.isUpperCase(name[prefixLen])) { return suggestNewName(name, excludedNames); } else { return suggestNewName(CharOperation.concat(GETTER_BOOL_NAME, suggestAccessorName(project, fieldName, modifiers)), excludedNames); } } else { return suggestNewName(CharOperation.concat(GETTER_NAME, suggestAccessorName(project, fieldName, modifiers)), excludedNames); } } /** * Suggest name for a getter method. The name is computed from field's name * and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed. *

* If the field name is preFieldNamesuf and the prefix for * field is pre and the suffix for field is suf * then the prosposed name is isFieldName for boolean field * or getFieldName for others. If there is no prefix and * suffix the proposal is isPreFieldNamesuf for boolean field * or getPreFieldNamesuf for others. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field * and CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES * for static field. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param project * project which contains the field. * @param fieldName * field's name's. * @param modifiers * field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags. * @param isBoolean * true if the field's type is boolean * @param excludedNames * a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used * names). Can be null if there is no excluded * names. * @return char[] a name. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ public static String suggestGetterName(IJavaProject project, String fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, String[] excludedNames) { return String.valueOf(suggestGetterName(project, fieldName .toCharArray(), modifiers, isBoolean, convertStringToChars(excludedNames))); } /** * Suggest name for a setter method. The name is computed from field's name * and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed. *

* If the field name is preFieldNamesuf and the prefix for * field is pre and the suffix for field is suf * then the proposed name is setFieldName. If there is no * prefix and suffix the proposal is setPreFieldNamesuf. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field * and CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES * for static field. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param project * project which contains the field. * @param fieldName * field's name's. * @param modifiers * field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags. * @param isBoolean * true if the field's type is boolean * @param excludedNames * a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used * names). Can be null if there is no excluded * names. * @return char[] a name. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ public static char[] suggestSetterName(IJavaProject project, char[] fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, char[][] excludedNames) { if (isBoolean) { char[] name = removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName(project, fieldName, modifiers); int prefixLen = GETTER_BOOL_NAME.length; if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(GETTER_BOOL_NAME, name) && name.length > prefixLen && Character.isUpperCase(name[prefixLen])) { name = CharOperation.subarray(name, prefixLen, name.length); return suggestNewName(CharOperation.concat(SETTER_NAME, suggestAccessorName(project, name, modifiers)), excludedNames); } else { return suggestNewName(CharOperation.concat(SETTER_NAME, suggestAccessorName(project, fieldName, modifiers)), excludedNames); } } else { return suggestNewName(CharOperation.concat(SETTER_NAME, suggestAccessorName(project, fieldName, modifiers)), excludedNames); } } /** * Suggest name for a setter method. The name is computed from field's name * and possible prefixes or suffixes are removed. *

* If the field name is preFieldNamesuf and the prefix for * field is pre and the suffix for field is suf * then the proposed name is setFieldName. If there is no * prefix and suffix the proposal is setPreFieldNamesuf. *


* This method is affected by the following JavaCore options : * CODEASSIST_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_FIELD_SUFFIXES for instance field * and CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_PREFIXES, CODEASSIST_STATIC_FIELD_SUFFIXES * for static field. *


* For a complete description of these configurable options, see * getDefaultOptions. For programmaticaly change these * options, see JavaCore#setOptions(). *

* * @param project * project which contains the field. * @param fieldName * field's name's. * @param modifiers * field's modifiers as defined by the class Flags. * @param isBoolean * true if the field's type is boolean * @param excludedNames * a list of names which cannot be suggested (already used * names). Can be null if there is no excluded * names. * @return char[] a name. * @see Flags * @see JavaCore#setOptions(java.util.Hashtable) * @see JavaCore#getDefaultOptions() */ public static String suggestSetterName(IJavaProject project, String fieldName, int modifiers, boolean isBoolean, String[] excludedNames) { return String.valueOf(suggestSetterName(project, fieldName .toCharArray(), modifiers, isBoolean, convertStringToChars(excludedNames))); } private static char[] suggestAccessorName(IJavaProject project, char[] fieldName, int modifiers) { char[] name = removePrefixAndSuffixForFieldName(project, fieldName, modifiers); if (name.length > 0 && Character.isLowerCase(name[0])) { name[0] = Character.toUpperCase(name[0]); } return name; } private static char[] suggestNewName(char[] name, char[][] excludedNames) { if (excludedNames == null) { return name; } char[] newName = name; int count = 2; int i = 0; while (i < excludedNames.length) { if (CharOperation.equals(newName, excludedNames[i], false)) { newName = CharOperation.concat(name, String.valueOf(count++) .toCharArray()); i = 0; } else { i++; } } return newName; } // private static String[] convertCharsToString(char[][] c) { // int length = c == null ? 0 : c.length; // String[] s = new String[length]; // for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { // s[i] = String.valueOf(c[i]); // } // return s; // } private static char[][] convertStringToChars(String[] s) { int length = s == null ? 0 : s.length; char[][] c = new char[length][]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (s[i] == null) { c[i] = CharOperation.NO_CHAR; } else { c[i] = s[i].toCharArray(); } } return c; } }