package net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.ast; /** * The operators used in php. * Copied from org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.OperatorIds * @author Matthieu Casanova */ public interface OperatorIds { static final int AND_AND = 0; // "&&" static final int OR_OR = 1; // "||" static final int AND = 2; // "&" static final int OR = 3; // "|" static final int LESS = 4; // "<" static final int LESS_EQUAL = 5; // "<=" static final int GREATER = 6; // ">" static final int GREATER_EQUAL = 7; // ">=" static final int XOR = 8; // "^" static final int DIVIDE = 9; // "/" static final int LEFT_SHIFT = 10; // "<<" static final int NOT = 11; // "!" static final int TWIDDLE = 12; // "~" static final int MINUS = 13; // "-" static final int PLUS = 14; // "+" static final int MULTIPLY = 15; // "*" static final int REMAINDER = 16; // "%" static final int RIGHT_SHIFT = 17; // ">>" static final int EQUAL_EQUAL = 18; // "==" static final int UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT= 19; // ">>>" static final int ORL = 20; // "OR" static final int ANDL = 21; // "AND" static final int DOT = 22; // "." static final int DIF = 23; // "<>" static final int BANG_EQUAL_EQUAL = 24; // "!==" static final int EQUAL_EQUAL_EQUAL = 25; // "===" static final int AT = 26; // "@" static final int NOT_EQUAL = 29; // "!=" static final int PLUS_PLUS = 32; // "++" static final int MINUS_MINUS = 33; // "--" static final int NEW = 34; // "new " static final int EQUAL = 35; // "=" }