/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 International Business Machines Corp. and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v0.5 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v05.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.formatter; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.ICodeFormatter; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.ITerminalSymbols; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.ConfigurableOption; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.formatter.impl.FormatterOptions; import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.formatter.impl.SplitLine; /**

How to format a piece of code ?

* */ public class CodeFormatter implements ITerminalSymbols, ICodeFormatter { public FormatterOptions options; /** * Represents a block in the constructions stack. */ public static final int BLOCK = ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameLBRACE; /** * Represents a block following a control statement in the constructions stack. */ public static final int NONINDENT_BLOCK = -100; /** * Contains the formatted output. */ StringBuffer formattedSource; /** * Contains the current line.
* Will be dumped at the next "newline" */ StringBuffer currentLineBuffer; /** * Used during the formatting to get each token. */ Scanner scanner; /** * Contains the tokens responsible for the current indentation level * and the blocks not closed yet. */ private int[] constructions; /** * Index in the constructions array. */ private int constructionsCount; /** * Level of indentation of the current token (number of tab char put in front of it). */ private int indentationLevel; /** * Regular level of indentation of all the lines */ private int initialIndentationLevel; /** * Used to split a line. */ Scanner splitScanner; /** * To remember the offset between the beginning of the line and the * beginning of the comment. */ int currentCommentOffset; int currentLineIndentationLevel; int maxLineSize = 30; private boolean containsOpenCloseBraces; private int indentationLevelForOpenCloseBraces; /** * Collections of positions to map */ private int[] positionsToMap; /** * Collections of mapped positions */ private int[] mappedPositions; private int indexToMap; private int indexInMap; private int globalDelta; private int lineDelta; private int splitDelta; private int beginningOfLineIndex; private int multipleLineCommentCounter; /** * Creates a new instance of Code Formatter using the given settings. * * @deprecated backport 1.0 internal functionality */ public CodeFormatter(ConfigurableOption[] settings) { this(convertConfigurableOptions(settings)); } /** * Creates a new instance of Code Formatter using the FormattingOptions object * given as argument * @deprecated Use CodeFormatter(ConfigurableOption[]) instead */ public CodeFormatter() { this((Map) null); } /** * Creates a new instance of Code Formatter using the given settings. */ public CodeFormatter(Map settings) { // initialize internal state constructionsCount = 0; constructions = new int[10]; currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel = initialIndentationLevel; currentCommentOffset = -1; // initialize primary and secondary scanners scanner = new Scanner(true /*comment*/ , true /*whitespace*/ , false /*nls*/ , false /*assert*/ ); // regular scanner for forming lines scanner.recordLineSeparator = true; // to remind of the position of the beginning of the line. splitScanner = new Scanner(true /*comment*/ , true /*whitespace*/ , false /*nls*/ , false /*assert*/ ); // secondary scanner to split long lines formed by primary scanning // initialize current line buffer currentLineBuffer = new StringBuffer(); this.options = new FormatterOptions(settings); } /** * Returns true if a lineSeparator has to be inserted before operator * false otherwise. */ private static boolean breakLineBeforeOperator(int operator) { switch (operator) { case TokenNameCOMMA : case TokenNameSEMICOLON : case TokenNameEQUAL : return false; default : return true; } } /** * @deprecated backport 1.0 internal functionality */ private static Map convertConfigurableOptions(ConfigurableOption[] settings) { Hashtable options = new Hashtable(10); for (int i = 0; i < settings.length; i++) { if (settings[i] .getComponentName() .equals(CodeFormatter.class.getName())) { String optionName = settings[i].getOptionName(); int valueIndex = settings[i].getCurrentValueIndex(); if (optionName.equals("newline.openingBrace")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ options.put("net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.formatter.newline.openingBrace", valueIndex == 0 ? "insert" : "do not insert"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } else if (optionName.equals("newline.controlStatement")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ options.put("net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.formatter.newline.controlStatement", valueIndex == 0 ? "insert" : "do not insert"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } else if (optionName.equals("newline.clearAll")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ options.put("net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.formatter.newline.clearAll", valueIndex == 0 ? "clear all" : "preserve one"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } else if (optionName.equals("newline.elseIf")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ options.put("net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.formatter.newline.elseIf", valueIndex == 0 ? "do not insert" : "insert"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } else if (optionName.equals("newline.emptyBlock")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ options.put("net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.formatter.newline.emptyBlock", valueIndex == 0 ? "insert" : "do not insert"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } else if (optionName.equals("lineSplit")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ options.put("net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.formatter.lineSplit", String.valueOf(valueIndex)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } else if (optionName.equals("style.assignment")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ options.put("net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.formatter.style.assignment", valueIndex == 0 ? "compact" : "normal"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } else if (optionName.equals("tabulation.char")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ options.put("net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.formatter.tabulation.char", valueIndex == 0 ? "tab" : "space"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ } else if (optionName.equals("tabulation.size")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ options.put("net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.formatter.tabulation.size", String.valueOf(valueIndex)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } } return options; } /** * Returns the end of the source code. */ private final String copyRemainingSource() { char str[] = scanner.source; int startPosition = scanner.startPosition; int length = str.length - startPosition; StringBuffer bufr = new StringBuffer(length); if (startPosition < str.length) { bufr.append(str, startPosition, length); } return (bufr.toString()); } /** * Inserts tabCount tab character or their equivalent number of spaces. */ private void dumpTab(int tabCount) { if (options.indentWithTab) { for (int j = 0; j < tabCount; j++) { formattedSource.append('\t'); increaseSplitDelta(1); } } else { for (int i = 0, max = options.tabSize * tabCount; i < max; i++) { formattedSource.append(' '); increaseSplitDelta(1); } } } /** * Dumps currentLineBuffer into the formatted string. */ private void flushBuffer() { String currentString = currentLineBuffer.toString(); splitDelta = 0; beginningOfLineIndex = formattedSource.length(); if (containsOpenCloseBraces) { containsOpenCloseBraces = false; outputLine( currentString, false, indentationLevelForOpenCloseBraces, 0, -1, null, 0); indentationLevelForOpenCloseBraces = currentLineIndentationLevel; } else { outputLine( currentString, false, currentLineIndentationLevel, 0, -1, null, 0); } int scannerSourceLength = scanner.source.length; if (scannerSourceLength > 2) { if (scanner.source[scannerSourceLength - 1] == '\n' && scanner.source[scannerSourceLength - 2] == '\r') { formattedSource.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); increaseGlobalDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length - 2); } else if (scanner.source[scannerSourceLength - 1] == '\n') { formattedSource.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); increaseGlobalDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length - 1); } else if (scanner.source[scannerSourceLength - 1] == '\r') { formattedSource.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); increaseGlobalDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length - 1); } } updateMappedPositions(scanner.startPosition); } /** * Formats the input string. */ private void format() { int token = 0; int previousToken = 0; int previousCompilableToken = 0; int indentationOffset = 0; int newLinesInWhitespace = 0; // number of new lines in the previous whitespace token // (used to leave blank lines before comments) int pendingNewLines = 0; boolean expectingOpenBrace = false; boolean clearNonBlockIndents = false; // true if all indentations till the 1st { (usefull after } or ;) boolean pendingSpace = true; boolean pendingNewlineAfterParen = false; // true when a cr is to be put after a ) (in conditional statements) boolean inAssignment = false; boolean inArrayAssignment = false; boolean inThrowsClause = false; boolean inClassOrInterfaceHeader = false; // openBracketCount is used to count the number of open brackets not closed yet. int openBracketCount = 0; int unarySignModifier = 0; // openParenthesis[0] is used to count the parenthesis not belonging to a condition // (eg foo();). parenthesis in for (...) are count elsewhere in the array. int openParenthesisCount = 1; int[] openParenthesis = new int[10]; // tokenBeforeColon is used to know what token goes along with the current : // it can be case or ? int tokenBeforeColonCount = 0; int[] tokenBeforeColon = new int[10]; constructionsCount = 0; // initializes the constructions count. // contains DO if in a DO..WHILE statement, UNITIALIZED otherwise. int nlicsToken = 0; // fix for 1FF17XY: LFCOM:ALL - Format problem on not matching } and else boolean specialElse = false; // OPTION (IndentationLevel): initial indentation level may be non-zero. currentLineIndentationLevel += constructionsCount; // An InvalidInputException exception might cause the termination of this loop. try { while (true) { // Get the next token. Catch invalid input and output it // with minimal formatting, also catch end of input and // exit the loop. try { token = scanner.getNextToken(); // Patch for line comment // See PR http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=23096 if (token == ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE) { int length = scanner.currentPosition; loop : for (int index = length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { switch (scanner.source[index]) { case '\r' : case '\n' : scanner.currentPosition--; break; default : break loop; } } } } catch (InvalidInputException e) { if (!handleInvalidToken(e)) { throw e; } token = 0; } if (token == Scanner.TokenNameEOF) break; /* ## MODIFYING the indentation level before generating new lines and indentation in the output string */ // Removes all the indentations made by statements not followed by a block // except if the current token is ELSE, CATCH or if we are in a switch/case if (clearNonBlockIndents && (token != Scanner.TokenNameWHITESPACE)) { switch (token) { case TokenNameelse : if (constructionsCount > 0 && constructions[constructionsCount - 1] == TokenNameelse) { pendingNewLines = 1; specialElse = true; } indentationLevel += popInclusiveUntil(TokenNameif); break; // case TokenNamecatch : // indentationLevel += popInclusiveUntil(TokenNamecatch); // break; // case TokenNamefinally : // indentationLevel += popInclusiveUntil(TokenNamecatch); // break; case TokenNamewhile : if (nlicsToken == TokenNamedo) { indentationLevel += pop(TokenNamedo); break; } default : indentationLevel += popExclusiveUntilBlockOrCase(); // clear until a CASE, DEFAULT or BLOCK is encountered. // Thus, the indentationLevel is correctly cleared either // in a switch/case statement or in any other situation. } clearNonBlockIndents = false; } // returns to the indentation level created by the SWITCH keyword // if the current token is a CASE or a DEFAULT if (token == TokenNamecase || token == TokenNamedefault) { indentationLevel += pop(TokenNamecase); } // if (token == Scanner.TokenNamethrows) { // inThrowsClause = true; // } if ((token == Scanner.TokenNameclass // || token == Scanner.TokenNameinterface ) && previousToken != Scanner.TokenNameDOT) { inClassOrInterfaceHeader = true; } /* ## APPEND newlines and indentations to the output string */ // Do not add a new line between ELSE and IF, if the option elseIfOnSameLine is true. // Fix for 1ETLWPZ: IVJCOM:ALL - incorrect "else if" formatting // if (pendingNewlineAfterParen // && previousCompilableToken == TokenNameelse // && token == TokenNameif // && options.compactElseIfMode) { // pendingNewlineAfterParen = false; // pendingNewLines = 0; // indentationLevel += pop(TokenNameelse); // // because else if is now one single statement, // // the indentation level after it is increased by one and not by 2 // // (else = 1 indent, if = 1 indent, but else if = 1 indent, not 2). // } // Add a newline & indent to the formatted source string if // a for/if-else/while statement was scanned and there is no block // following it. pendingNewlineAfterParen = pendingNewlineAfterParen || (previousCompilableToken == TokenNameRPAREN && token == TokenNameLBRACE); if (pendingNewlineAfterParen && token != Scanner.TokenNameWHITESPACE) { pendingNewlineAfterParen = false; // Do to add a newline & indent sequence if the current token is an // open brace or a period or if the current token is a semi-colon and the // previous token is a close paren. // add a new line if a parenthesis belonging to a for() statement // has been closed and the current token is not an opening brace if (token != TokenNameLBRACE && !isComment(token) // to avoid adding new line between else and a comment && token != TokenNameDOT && !(previousCompilableToken == TokenNameRPAREN && token == TokenNameSEMICOLON)) { newLine(1); currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel; pendingNewLines = 0; pendingSpace = false; } else { if (token == TokenNameLBRACE && options.newLineBeforeOpeningBraceMode) { newLine(1); if (constructionsCount > 0 && constructions[constructionsCount - 1] != BLOCK && constructions[constructionsCount - 1] != NONINDENT_BLOCK) { currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel - 1; } else { currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel; } pendingNewLines = 0; pendingSpace = false; } } } if (token == TokenNameLBRACE && options.newLineBeforeOpeningBraceMode && constructionsCount > 0 && constructions[constructionsCount - 1] == TokenNamedo) { newLine(1); currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel - 1; pendingNewLines = 0; pendingSpace = false; } // see PR 1G5G8EC if (token == TokenNameLBRACE && inThrowsClause) { inThrowsClause = false; if (options.newLineBeforeOpeningBraceMode) { newLine(1); currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel; pendingNewLines = 0; pendingSpace = false; } } // see PR 1G5G82G if (token == TokenNameLBRACE && inClassOrInterfaceHeader) { inClassOrInterfaceHeader = false; if (options.newLineBeforeOpeningBraceMode) { newLine(1); currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel; pendingNewLines = 0; pendingSpace = false; } } // Add pending new lines to the formatted source string. // Note: pending new lines are not added if the current token // is a single line comment or whitespace. // if the comment is between parenthesis, there is no blank line preservation // (if it's a one-line comment, a blank line is added after it). if (((pendingNewLines > 0 && (!isComment(token))) || (newLinesInWhitespace > 0 && (openParenthesisCount <= 1 && isComment(token))) || (previousCompilableToken == TokenNameLBRACE && token == TokenNameRBRACE)) && token != Scanner.TokenNameWHITESPACE) { // Do not add newline & indent between an adjoining close brace and // close paren. Anonymous inner classes may use this form. boolean closeBraceAndCloseParen = previousToken == TokenNameRBRACE && token == TokenNameRPAREN; // OPTION (NewLineInCompoundStatement): do not add newline & indent // between close brace and else, (do) while, catch, and finally if // newlineInCompoundStatement is true. boolean nlicsOption = previousToken == TokenNameRBRACE && !options.newlineInControlStatementMode && (token == TokenNameelse || (token == TokenNamewhile && nlicsToken == TokenNamedo)); // || token == TokenNamecatch // || token == TokenNamefinally); // Do not add a newline & indent between a close brace and semi-colon. boolean semiColonAndCloseBrace = previousToken == TokenNameRBRACE && token == TokenNameSEMICOLON; // Do not add a new line & indent between a multiline comment and a opening brace boolean commentAndOpenBrace = previousToken == Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK && token == TokenNameLBRACE; // Do not add a newline & indent between a close brace and a colon (in array assignments, for example). boolean commaAndCloseBrace = previousToken == TokenNameRBRACE && token == TokenNameCOMMA; // Add a newline and indent, if appropriate. if (specialElse || (!commentAndOpenBrace && !closeBraceAndCloseParen && !nlicsOption && !semiColonAndCloseBrace && !commaAndCloseBrace)) { // if clearAllBlankLinesMode=false, leaves the blank lines // inserted by the user // if clearAllBlankLinesMode=true, removes all of then // and insert only blank lines required by the formatting. if (!options.clearAllBlankLinesMode) { // (isComment(token)) pendingNewLines = (pendingNewLines < newLinesInWhitespace) ? newLinesInWhitespace : pendingNewLines; pendingNewLines = (pendingNewLines > 2) ? 2 : pendingNewLines; } if (previousCompilableToken == TokenNameLBRACE && token == TokenNameRBRACE) { containsOpenCloseBraces = true; indentationLevelForOpenCloseBraces = currentLineIndentationLevel; if (isComment(previousToken)) { newLine(pendingNewLines); } else { /* if (!(constructionsCount > 1 && constructions[constructionsCount-1] == NONINDENT_BLOCK && (constructions[constructionsCount-2] == TokenNamefor || constructions[constructionsCount-2] == TokenNamewhile))) {*/ if (options.newLineInEmptyBlockMode) { if (inArrayAssignment) { newLine(1); // array assigment with an empty block } else { newLine(pendingNewLines); } } // } } } else { // see PR 1FKKC3U: LFCOM:WINNT - Format problem with a comment before the ';' if (!((previousToken == Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK || previousToken == Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_PHPDOC) && token == TokenNameSEMICOLON)) { newLine(pendingNewLines); } } if (((previousCompilableToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON) || (previousCompilableToken == TokenNameLBRACE) || (previousCompilableToken == TokenNameRBRACE) || (isComment(previousToken))) && (token == TokenNameRBRACE)) { indentationOffset = -1; indentationLevel += popExclusiveUntilBlock(); } if (previousToken == Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE && inAssignment) { // PR 1FI5IPO currentLineIndentationLevel++; } else { currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel + indentationOffset; } pendingSpace = false; indentationOffset = 0; } pendingNewLines = 0; newLinesInWhitespace = 0; specialElse = false; if (nlicsToken == TokenNamedo && token == TokenNamewhile) { nlicsToken = 0; } } switch (token) { case TokenNameelse : // case TokenNamefinally : expectingOpenBrace = true; pendingNewlineAfterParen = true; indentationLevel += pushControlStatement(token); break; case TokenNamecase : case TokenNamedefault : if (tokenBeforeColonCount == tokenBeforeColon.length) { System.arraycopy( tokenBeforeColon, 0, (tokenBeforeColon = new int[tokenBeforeColonCount * 2]), 0, tokenBeforeColonCount); } tokenBeforeColon[tokenBeforeColonCount++] = TokenNamecase; indentationLevel += pushControlStatement(TokenNamecase); break; case TokenNameQUESTION : if (tokenBeforeColonCount == tokenBeforeColon.length) { System.arraycopy( tokenBeforeColon, 0, (tokenBeforeColon = new int[tokenBeforeColonCount * 2]), 0, tokenBeforeColonCount); } tokenBeforeColon[tokenBeforeColonCount++] = token; break; case TokenNameswitch : case TokenNamefor : case TokenNameif : case TokenNamewhile : if (openParenthesisCount == openParenthesis.length) { System.arraycopy( openParenthesis, 0, (openParenthesis = new int[openParenthesisCount * 2]), 0, openParenthesisCount); } openParenthesis[openParenthesisCount++] = 0; expectingOpenBrace = true; indentationLevel += pushControlStatement(token); break; // case TokenNametry : // pendingNewlineAfterParen = true; // case TokenNamecatch : // // several CATCH statements can be contiguous. // // a CATCH is encountered pop until first CATCH (if a CATCH follows a TRY it works the same way, // // as CATCH and TRY are the same token in the stack). // expectingOpenBrace = true; // indentationLevel += pushControlStatement(TokenNamecatch); // break; case TokenNamedo : expectingOpenBrace = true; indentationLevel += pushControlStatement(token); nlicsToken = token; break; case TokenNamenew : break; case TokenNameLPAREN : // if (previousToken == TokenNamesynchronized) { // indentationLevel += pushControlStatement(previousToken); // } else { // Put a space between the previous and current token if the // previous token was not a keyword, open paren, logical // compliment (eg: !), semi-colon, open brace, close brace, // super, or this. if (previousCompilableToken != TokenNameLBRACKET && previousToken != TokenNameIdentifier && previousToken != 0 && previousToken != TokenNameNOT && previousToken != TokenNameLPAREN && previousToken != TokenNameTWIDDLE && previousToken != TokenNameSEMICOLON && previousToken != TokenNameLBRACE && previousToken != TokenNameRBRACE) { // && previousToken != TokenNamesuper // && previousToken != TokenNamethis) { space(); } // If in a for/if/while statement, increase the parenthesis count // for the current openParenthesisCount // else increase the count for stand alone parenthesis. if (openParenthesisCount > 0) openParenthesis[openParenthesisCount - 1]++; else openParenthesis[0]++; pendingSpace = false; //S } break; case TokenNameRPAREN : // Decrease the parenthesis count // if there is no more unclosed parenthesis, // a new line and indent may be append (depending on the next token). if ((openParenthesisCount > 1) && (openParenthesis[openParenthesisCount - 1] > 0)) { openParenthesis[openParenthesisCount - 1]--; if (openParenthesis[openParenthesisCount - 1] <= 0) { pendingNewlineAfterParen = true; inAssignment = false; openParenthesisCount--; } } else { openParenthesis[0]--; } pendingSpace = false; break; case TokenNameLBRACE : if ((previousCompilableToken == TokenNameRBRACKET) || (previousCompilableToken == TokenNameEQUAL)) { // if (previousCompilableToken == TokenNameRBRACKET) { inArrayAssignment = true; inAssignment = false; } if (inArrayAssignment) { indentationLevel += pushBlock(); } else { // Add new line and increase indentation level after open brace. pendingNewLines = 1; indentationLevel += pushBlock(); } break; case TokenNameRBRACE : if (previousCompilableToken == TokenNameRPAREN) { pendingSpace = false; } if (inArrayAssignment) { inArrayAssignment = false; pendingNewLines = 1; indentationLevel += popInclusiveUntilBlock(); } else { pendingNewLines = 1; indentationLevel += popInclusiveUntilBlock(); if (previousCompilableToken == TokenNameRPAREN) { // fix for 1FGDDV6: LFCOM:WIN98 - Weird splitting on message expression currentLineBuffer.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); increaseLineDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length); } if (constructionsCount > 0) { switch (constructions[constructionsCount - 1]) { case TokenNamefor : //indentationLevel += popExclusiveUntilBlock(); //break; case TokenNameswitch : case TokenNameif : case TokenNameelse : // case TokenNametry : // case TokenNamecatch : // case TokenNamefinally : case TokenNamewhile : case TokenNamedo : // case TokenNamesynchronized : clearNonBlockIndents = true; default : break; } } } break; case TokenNameLBRACKET : openBracketCount++; pendingSpace = false; break; case TokenNameRBRACKET : openBracketCount -= (openBracketCount > 0) ? 1 : 0; // if there is no left bracket to close, the right bracket is ignored. pendingSpace = false; break; case TokenNameCOMMA : case TokenNameDOT : pendingSpace = false; break; case TokenNameSEMICOLON : // Do not generate line terminators in the definition of // the for statement. // if not in this case, jump a line and reduce indentation after the brace // if the block it closes belongs to a conditional statement (if, while, do...). if (openParenthesisCount <= 1) { pendingNewLines = 1; if (expectingOpenBrace) { clearNonBlockIndents = true; expectingOpenBrace = false; } } inAssignment = false; pendingSpace = false; break; case TokenNamePLUS_PLUS : case TokenNameMINUS_MINUS : // Do not put a space between a post-increment/decrement // and the identifier being modified. if (previousToken == TokenNameIdentifier || previousToken == TokenNameRBRACKET) { pendingSpace = false; } break; case TokenNamePLUS : // previously ADDITION case TokenNameMINUS : // Handle the unary operators plus and minus via a flag if (!isLiteralToken(previousToken) && previousToken != TokenNameIdentifier && previousToken != TokenNameRPAREN && previousToken != TokenNameRBRACKET) { unarySignModifier = 1; } break; case TokenNameCOLON : // In a switch/case statement, add a newline & indent // when a colon is encountered. if (tokenBeforeColonCount > 0) { if (tokenBeforeColon[tokenBeforeColonCount - 1] == TokenNamecase) { pendingNewLines = 1; } tokenBeforeColonCount--; } break; case TokenNameEQUAL : inAssignment = true; break; case Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE : pendingNewLines = 1; if (inAssignment) { currentLineIndentationLevel++; } break; // a line is always inserted after a one-line comment case Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_PHPDOC : case Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK : currentCommentOffset = getCurrentCommentOffset(); pendingNewLines = 1; break; case Scanner.TokenNameWHITESPACE : // Count the number of line terminators in the whitespace so // line spacing can be preserved near comments. char[] source = scanner.source; newLinesInWhitespace = 0; for (int i = scanner.startPosition, max = scanner.currentPosition; i < max; i++) { if (source[i] == '\r') { if (i < max - 1) { if (source[++i] == '\n') { newLinesInWhitespace++; } else { newLinesInWhitespace++; } } else { newLinesInWhitespace++; } } else if (source[i] == '\n') { newLinesInWhitespace++; } } increaseLineDelta(scanner.startPosition - scanner.currentPosition); break; default : if ((token == TokenNameIdentifier) || isLiteralToken(token)) { // || token == TokenNamesuper // || token == TokenNamethis) { // Do not put a space between a unary operator // (eg: ++, --, +, -) and the identifier being modified. if (previousToken == TokenNamePLUS_PLUS || previousToken == TokenNameMINUS_MINUS || (previousToken == TokenNamePLUS && unarySignModifier > 0) || (previousToken == TokenNameMINUS && unarySignModifier > 0)) { pendingSpace = false; } unarySignModifier = 0; } break; } // Do not output whitespace tokens. if (token != Scanner.TokenNameWHITESPACE) { /* Add pending space to the formatted source string. Do not output a space under the following circumstances: 1) this is the first pass 2) previous token is an open paren 3) previous token is a period 4) previous token is the logical compliment (eg: !) 5) previous token is the bitwise compliment (eg: ~) 6) previous token is the open bracket (eg: [) 7) in an assignment statement, if the previous token is an open brace or the current token is a close brace 8) previous token is a single line comment */ boolean openAndCloseBrace = previousCompilableToken == TokenNameLBRACE && token == TokenNameRBRACE; if (pendingSpace && insertSpaceAfter(previousToken) && !(inAssignment && (previousToken == TokenNameLBRACE || token == TokenNameRBRACE)) && previousToken != Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE) { if ((!(options.compactAssignmentMode && token == TokenNameEQUAL)) && !openAndCloseBrace) space(); } // Add the next token to the formatted source string. outputCurrentToken(token); if (token == Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE && openParenthesisCount > 1) { pendingNewLines = 0; currentLineBuffer.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); increaseLineDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length); } pendingSpace = true; } // Whitespace tokens do not need to be remembered. if (token != Scanner.TokenNameWHITESPACE) { previousToken = token; if (token != Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK && token != Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE && token != Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_PHPDOC) { previousCompilableToken = token; } } } output(copyRemainingSource()); flushBuffer(); // dump the last token of the source in the formatted output. } catch (InvalidInputException e) { output(copyRemainingSource()); flushBuffer(); // dump the last token of the source in the formatted output. } } /** * Formats the char array sourceString, * and returns a string containing the formatted version. * @return the formatted ouput. */ public String formatSourceString(String sourceString) { char[] sourceChars = sourceString.toCharArray(); formattedSource = new StringBuffer(sourceChars.length); scanner.setSource(sourceChars); format(); return formattedSource.toString(); } /** * Formats the char array sourceString, * and returns a string containing the formatted version. * @param string the string to format * @param indentationLevel the initial indentation level * @return the formatted ouput. */ public String format(String string, int indentationLevel) { return format(string, indentationLevel, (int[]) null); } /** * Formats the char array sourceString, * and returns a string containing the formatted version. * The positions array is modified to contain the mapped positions. * @param string the string to format * @param indentationLevel the initial indentation level * @param positions the array of positions to map * @return the formatted ouput. */ public String format(String string, int indentationLevel, int[] positions) { return this.format(string, indentationLevel, positions, null); } public String format( String string, int indentationLevel, int[] positions, String lineSeparator) { if (lineSeparator != null) { this.options.setLineSeparator(lineSeparator); } if (positions != null) { this.setPositionsToMap(positions); this.setInitialIndentationLevel(indentationLevel); String formattedString = this.formatSourceString(string); int[] mappedPositions = this.getMappedPositions(); System.arraycopy(mappedPositions, 0, positions, 0, positions.length); return formattedString; } else { this.setInitialIndentationLevel(indentationLevel); return this.formatSourceString(string); } } /** * Formats the char array sourceString, * and returns a string containing the formatted version. The initial indentation level is 0. * @param string the string to format * @return the formatted ouput. */ public String format(String string) { return this.format(string, 0, (int[]) null); } /** * Formats a given source string, starting indenting it at a particular * depth and using the given options * * @deprecated backport 1.0 internal functionality */ public static String format( String sourceString, int initialIndentationLevel, ConfigurableOption[] options) { CodeFormatter formatter = new CodeFormatter(options); formatter.setInitialIndentationLevel(initialIndentationLevel); return formatter.formatSourceString(sourceString); } /** * Returns the number of characters and tab char between the beginning of the line * and the beginning of the comment. */ private int getCurrentCommentOffset() { int linePtr = scanner.linePtr; // if there is no beginning of line, return 0. if (linePtr < 0) return 0; int offset = 0; int beginningOfLine = scanner.lineEnds[linePtr]; int currentStartPosition = scanner.startPosition; char[] source = scanner.source; // find the position of the beginning of the line containing the comment while (beginningOfLine > currentStartPosition) { if (linePtr > 0) { beginningOfLine = scanner.lineEnds[--linePtr]; } else { beginningOfLine = 0; break; } } for (int i = currentStartPosition - 1; i >= beginningOfLine; i--) { char currentCharacter = source[i]; switch (currentCharacter) { case '\t' : offset += options.tabSize; break; case ' ' : offset++; break; case '\r' : case '\n' : break; default : return offset; } } return offset; } /** * Returns an array of descriptions for the configurable options. * The descriptions may be changed and passed back to a different * compiler. * * @deprecated backport 1.0 internal functionality */ public static ConfigurableOption[] getDefaultOptions(Locale locale) { String componentName = CodeFormatter.class.getName(); FormatterOptions options = new FormatterOptions(); return new ConfigurableOption[] { new ConfigurableOption(componentName, "newline.openingBrace", locale, options.newLineBeforeOpeningBraceMode ? 0 : 1), //$NON-NLS-1$ new ConfigurableOption(componentName, "newline.controlStatement", locale, options.newlineInControlStatementMode ? 0 : 1), //$NON-NLS-1$ new ConfigurableOption(componentName, "newline.clearAll", locale, options.clearAllBlankLinesMode ? 0 : 1), //$NON-NLS-1$ // new ConfigurableOption(componentName, "newline.elseIf", locale, options.compactElseIfMode ? 0 : 1), //$NON-NLS-1$ new ConfigurableOption(componentName, "newline.emptyBlock", locale, options.newLineInEmptyBlockMode ? 0 : 1), //$NON-NLS-1$ new ConfigurableOption(componentName, "line.split", locale, options.maxLineLength), //$NON-NLS-1$ new ConfigurableOption(componentName, "style.compactAssignment", locale, options.compactAssignmentMode ? 0 : 1), //$NON-NLS-1$ new ConfigurableOption(componentName, "tabulation.char", locale, options.indentWithTab ? 0 : 1), //$NON-NLS-1$ new ConfigurableOption(componentName, "tabulation.size", locale, options.tabSize) //$NON-NLS-1$ }; } /** * Returns the array of mapped positions. * Returns null is no positions have been set. * @return int[] * @deprecated There is no need to retrieve the mapped positions anymore. */ public int[] getMappedPositions() { return mappedPositions; } /** * Returns the priority of the token given as argument
* The most prioritary the token is, the smallest the return value is. * @return the priority of token * @param token the token of which the priority is requested */ private static int getTokenPriority(int token) { switch (token) { case TokenNameextends : // case TokenNameimplements : // case TokenNamethrows : return 10; case TokenNameSEMICOLON : // ; return 20; case TokenNameCOMMA : // , return 25; case TokenNameEQUAL : // = return 30; case TokenNameAND_AND : // && case TokenNameOR_OR : // || return 40; case TokenNameQUESTION : // ? case TokenNameCOLON : // : return 50; // it's better cutting on ?: than on ; case TokenNameEQUAL_EQUAL : // == case TokenNameNOT_EQUAL : // != return 60; case TokenNameLESS : // < case TokenNameLESS_EQUAL : // <= case TokenNameGREATER : // > case TokenNameGREATER_EQUAL : // >= // case TokenNameinstanceof : // instanceof return 70; case TokenNamePLUS : // + case TokenNameMINUS : // - return 80; case TokenNameMULTIPLY : // * case TokenNameDIVIDE : // / case TokenNameREMAINDER : // % return 90; case TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT : // << case TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT : // >> // case TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT : // >>> return 100; case TokenNameAND : // & case TokenNameOR : // | case TokenNameXOR : // ^ return 110; case TokenNameMULTIPLY_EQUAL : // *= case TokenNameDIVIDE_EQUAL : // /= case TokenNameREMAINDER_EQUAL : // %= case TokenNamePLUS_EQUAL : // += case TokenNameMINUS_EQUAL : // -= case TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // <<= case TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // >>= // case TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // >>>= case TokenNameAND_EQUAL : // &= case TokenNameXOR_EQUAL : // ^= case TokenNameOR_EQUAL : // |= return 120; case TokenNameDOT : // . return 130; default : return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } /** * Handles the exception raised when an invalid token is encountered. * Returns true if the exception has been handled, false otherwise. */ private boolean handleInvalidToken(Exception e) { if (e.getMessage().equals(Scanner.INVALID_CHARACTER_CONSTANT) || e.getMessage().equals(Scanner.INVALID_CHAR_IN_STRING) || e.getMessage().equals(Scanner.INVALID_ESCAPE)) { return true; } return false; } private final void increaseGlobalDelta(int offset) { globalDelta += offset; } private final void increaseLineDelta(int offset) { lineDelta += offset; } private final void increaseSplitDelta(int offset) { splitDelta += offset; } /** * Returns true if a space has to be inserted after operator * false otherwise. */ private boolean insertSpaceAfter(int token) { switch (token) { case TokenNameLPAREN : case TokenNameNOT : case TokenNameTWIDDLE : case TokenNameDOT : case 0 : // no token case TokenNameLBRACKET : case Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE : return false; default : return true; } } /** * Returns true if a space has to be inserted before operator * false otherwise.
* Cannot be static as it uses the code formatter options * (to know if the compact assignment mode is on). */ private boolean insertSpaceBefore(int token) { switch (token) { case TokenNameEQUAL : return (!options.compactAssignmentMode); default : return false; } } private static boolean isComment(int token) { boolean result = token == Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK || token == Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE || token == Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_PHPDOC; return result; } private static boolean isLiteralToken(int token) { boolean result = token == TokenNameIntegerLiteral // || token == TokenNameLongLiteral // || token == TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral || token == TokenNameDoubleLiteral // || token == TokenNameCharacterLiteral || token == TokenNameStringLiteral; return result; } /** * If the length of oneLineBuffer exceeds maxLineLength, * it is split and the result is dumped in formattedSource * @param newLineCount the number of new lines to append */ private void newLine(int newLineCount) { // format current line splitDelta = 0; beginningOfLineIndex = formattedSource.length(); String currentLine = currentLineBuffer.toString(); if (containsOpenCloseBraces) { containsOpenCloseBraces = false; outputLine( currentLine, false, indentationLevelForOpenCloseBraces, 0, -1, null, 0); indentationLevelForOpenCloseBraces = currentLineIndentationLevel; } else { outputLine( currentLine, false, currentLineIndentationLevel, 0, -1, null, 0); } // dump line break(s) for (int i = 0; i < newLineCount; i++) { formattedSource.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); increaseSplitDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length); } // reset formatter for next line int currentLength = currentLine.length(); currentLineBuffer = new StringBuffer( currentLength > maxLineSize ? maxLineSize = currentLength : maxLineSize); increaseGlobalDelta(splitDelta); increaseGlobalDelta(lineDelta); lineDelta = 0; currentLineIndentationLevel = initialIndentationLevel; } private String operatorString(int operator) { switch (operator) { case TokenNameextends : return "extends"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // case TokenNameimplements : // return "implements"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // // case TokenNamethrows : // return "throws"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameSEMICOLON : // ; return ";"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameCOMMA : // , return ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameEQUAL : // = return "="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameAND_AND : // && (15.22) return "&&"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameOR_OR : // || (15.23) return "||"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameQUESTION : // ? (15.24) return "?"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameCOLON : // : (15.24) return ":"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameEQUAL_EQUAL : // == (15.20, 15.20.1, 15.20.2, 15.20.3) return "=="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameNOT_EQUAL : // != (15.20, 15.20.1, 15.20.2, 15.20.3) return "!="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLESS : // < (15.19.1) return "<"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLESS_EQUAL : // <= (15.19.1) return "<="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameGREATER : // > (15.19.1) return ">"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameGREATER_EQUAL : // >= (15.19.1) return ">="; //$NON-NLS-1$ // case TokenNameinstanceof : // instanceof // return "instanceof"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamePLUS : // + (15.17, 15.17.2) return "+"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameMINUS : // - (15.17.2) return "-"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameMULTIPLY : // * (15.16.1) return "*"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameDIVIDE : // / (15.16.2) return "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameREMAINDER : // % (15.16.3) return "%"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT : // << (15.18) return "<<"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT : // >> (15.18) return ">>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // case TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT : // >>> (15.18) // return ">>>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameAND : // & (15.21, 15.21.1, 15.21.2) return "&"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameOR : // | (15.21, 15.21.1, 15.21.2) return "|"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameXOR : // ^ (15.21, 15.21.1, 15.21.2) return "^"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameMULTIPLY_EQUAL : // *= (15.25.2) return "*="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameDIVIDE_EQUAL : // /= (15.25.2) return "/="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameREMAINDER_EQUAL : // %= (15.25.2) return "%="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamePLUS_EQUAL : // += (15.25.2) return "+="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameMINUS_EQUAL : // -= (15.25.2) return "-="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // <<= (15.25.2) return "<<="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // >>= (15.25.2) return ">>="; //$NON-NLS-1$ // case TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // >>>= (15.25.2) // return ">>>="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameAND_EQUAL : // &= (15.25.2) return "&="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameXOR_EQUAL : // ^= (15.25.2) return "^="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameOR_EQUAL : // |= (15.25.2) return "|="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameDOT : // . return "."; //$NON-NLS-1$ default : return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * Appends stringToOutput to the formatted output.
* If it contains \n, append a LINE_SEPARATOR and indent after it. */ private void output(String stringToOutput) { char currentCharacter; for (int i = 0, max = stringToOutput.length(); i < max; i++) { currentCharacter = stringToOutput.charAt(i); if (currentCharacter != '\t') { currentLineBuffer.append(currentCharacter); } } } /** * Appends token to the formatted output.
* If it contains \n, append a LINE_SEPARATOR and indent after it. */ private void outputCurrentToken(int token) { char[] source = scanner.source; int startPosition = scanner.startPosition; switch (token) { case Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_PHPDOC : case Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK : case Scanner.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE : boolean endOfLine = false; int currentCommentOffset = getCurrentCommentOffset(); int beginningOfLineSpaces = 0; endOfLine = false; currentCommentOffset = getCurrentCommentOffset(); beginningOfLineSpaces = 0; boolean pendingCarriageReturn = false; for (int i = startPosition, max = scanner.currentPosition; i < max; i++) { char currentCharacter = source[i]; updateMappedPositions(i); switch (currentCharacter) { case '\r' : pendingCarriageReturn = true; endOfLine = true; break; case '\n' : if (pendingCarriageReturn) { increaseGlobalDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length - 2); } else { increaseGlobalDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length - 1); } pendingCarriageReturn = false; currentLineBuffer.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); beginningOfLineSpaces = 0; endOfLine = true; break; case '\t' : if (pendingCarriageReturn) { pendingCarriageReturn = false; increaseGlobalDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length - 1); currentLineBuffer.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); beginningOfLineSpaces = 0; endOfLine = true; } if (endOfLine) { // we remove a maximum of currentCommentOffset characters (tabs are converted to space numbers). beginningOfLineSpaces += options.tabSize; if (beginningOfLineSpaces > currentCommentOffset) { currentLineBuffer.append(currentCharacter); } else { increaseGlobalDelta(-1); } } else { currentLineBuffer.append(currentCharacter); } break; case ' ' : if (pendingCarriageReturn) { pendingCarriageReturn = false; increaseGlobalDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length - 1); currentLineBuffer.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); beginningOfLineSpaces = 0; endOfLine = true; } if (endOfLine) { // we remove a maximum of currentCommentOffset characters (tabs are converted to space numbers). beginningOfLineSpaces++; if (beginningOfLineSpaces > currentCommentOffset) { currentLineBuffer.append(currentCharacter); } else { increaseGlobalDelta(-1); } } else { currentLineBuffer.append(currentCharacter); } break; default : if (pendingCarriageReturn) { pendingCarriageReturn = false; increaseGlobalDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length - 1); currentLineBuffer.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); beginningOfLineSpaces = 0; endOfLine = true; } else { beginningOfLineSpaces = 0; currentLineBuffer.append(currentCharacter); endOfLine = false; } } } updateMappedPositions(scanner.currentPosition - 1); multipleLineCommentCounter++; break; default : for (int i = startPosition, max = scanner.currentPosition; i < max; i++) { char currentCharacter = source[i]; updateMappedPositions(i); currentLineBuffer.append(currentCharacter); } } } /** * Outputs currentString:
* * @param currentString string to output * @param preIndented whether the string to output was pre-indented * @param depth number of indentation to put in front of currentString * @param operator value of the operator belonging to currentString. */ private void outputLine( String currentString, boolean preIndented, int depth, int operator, int substringIndex, int[] startSubstringIndexes, int offsetInGlobalLine) { boolean emptyFirstSubString = false; String operatorString = operatorString(operator); boolean placeOperatorBehind = !breakLineBeforeOperator(operator); boolean placeOperatorAhead = !placeOperatorBehind; // dump prefix operator? if (placeOperatorAhead) { if (!preIndented) { dumpTab(depth); preIndented = true; } if (operator != 0) { if (insertSpaceBefore(operator)) { formattedSource.append(' '); increaseSplitDelta(1); } formattedSource.append(operatorString); increaseSplitDelta(operatorString.length()); if (insertSpaceAfter(operator) // && operator != TokenNameimplements && operator != TokenNameextends) { // && operator != TokenNamethrows) { formattedSource.append(' '); increaseSplitDelta(1); } } } SplitLine splitLine = null; if (options.maxLineLength == 0 || getLength(currentString, depth) < options.maxLineLength || (splitLine = split(currentString, offsetInGlobalLine)) == null) { // depending on the type of operator, outputs new line before of after dumping it // indent before postfix operator // indent also when the line cannot be split if (operator == TokenNameextends) { // || operator == TokenNameimplements // || operator == TokenNamethrows) { formattedSource.append(' '); increaseSplitDelta(1); } if (placeOperatorBehind) { if (!preIndented) { dumpTab(depth); } } int max = currentString.length(); if (multipleLineCommentCounter != 0) { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(currentString)); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { updateMappedPositionsWhileSplitting( beginningOfLineIndex, beginningOfLineIndex + line.length() + options.lineSeparatorSequence.length); formattedSource.append(line); beginningOfLineIndex = beginningOfLineIndex + line.length(); if ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { formattedSource.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); beginningOfLineIndex += options.lineSeparatorSequence.length; dumpTab(currentLineIndentationLevel); } } reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { updateMappedPositionsWhileSplitting( beginningOfLineIndex, beginningOfLineIndex + max); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { char currentChar = currentString.charAt(i); switch (currentChar) { case '\r' : break; case '\n' : if (i != max - 1) { // fix for 1FFYL5C: LFCOM:ALL - Incorrect indentation when split with a comment inside a condition // a substring cannot end with a lineSeparatorSequence, // except if it has been added by format() after a one-line comment formattedSource.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); // 1FGDDV6: LFCOM:WIN98 - Weird splitting on message expression dumpTab(depth - 1); } break; default : formattedSource.append(currentChar); } } } // update positions inside the mappedPositions table if (substringIndex != -1) { if (multipleLineCommentCounter == 0) { int startPosition = beginningOfLineIndex + startSubstringIndexes[substringIndex]; updateMappedPositionsWhileSplitting( startPosition, startPosition + max); } // compute the splitDelta resulting with the operator and blank removal if (substringIndex + 1 != startSubstringIndexes.length) { increaseSplitDelta( startSubstringIndexes[substringIndex] + max - startSubstringIndexes[substringIndex + 1]); } } // dump postfix operator? if (placeOperatorBehind) { if (insertSpaceBefore(operator)) { formattedSource.append(' '); if (operator != 0) { increaseSplitDelta(1); } } formattedSource.append(operatorString); if (operator != 0) { increaseSplitDelta(operatorString.length()); } } return; } // fix for 1FG0BA3: LFCOM:WIN98 - Weird splitting on interfaces // extends has to stand alone on a line when currentString has been split. if (options.maxLineLength != 0 && splitLine != null && (operator == TokenNameextends)) { // || operator == TokenNameimplements // || operator == TokenNamethrows)) { formattedSource.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); increaseSplitDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length); dumpTab(depth + 1); } else { if (operator == TokenNameextends) { // || operator == TokenNameimplements // || operator == TokenNamethrows) { formattedSource.append(' '); increaseSplitDelta(1); } } // perform actual splitting String result[] = splitLine.substrings; int[] splitOperators = splitLine.operators; if (result[0].length() == 0) { // when the substring 0 is null, the substring 1 is correctly indented. depth--; emptyFirstSubString = true; } // the operator going in front of the result[0] string is the operator parameter for (int i = 0, max = result.length; i < max; i++) { // the new depth is the current one if this is the first substring, // the current one + 1 otherwise. // if the substring is a comment, use the current indentation Level instead of the depth // (-1 because the ouputline increases depth). // (fix for 1FFC72R: LFCOM:ALL - Incorrect line split in presence of line comments) String currentResult = result[i]; if (currentResult.length() != 0 || splitOperators[i] != 0) { int newDepth = (currentResult.startsWith("/*") //$NON-NLS-1$ || currentResult.startsWith("//")) //$NON-NLS-1$ ? indentationLevel - 1 : depth; outputLine( currentResult, i == 0 || (i == 1 && emptyFirstSubString) ? preIndented : false, i == 0 ? newDepth : newDepth + 1, splitOperators[i], i, splitLine.startSubstringsIndexes, currentString.indexOf(currentResult)); if (i != max - 1) { formattedSource.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); increaseSplitDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length); } } } if (result.length == splitOperators.length - 1) { int lastOperator = splitOperators[result.length]; String lastOperatorString = operatorString(lastOperator); formattedSource.append(options.lineSeparatorSequence); increaseSplitDelta(options.lineSeparatorSequence.length); if (breakLineBeforeOperator(lastOperator)) { dumpTab(depth + 1); if (lastOperator != 0) { if (insertSpaceBefore(lastOperator)) { formattedSource.append(' '); increaseSplitDelta(1); } formattedSource.append(lastOperatorString); increaseSplitDelta(lastOperatorString.length()); if (insertSpaceAfter(lastOperator) // && lastOperator != TokenNameimplements && lastOperator != TokenNameextends) { // && lastOperator != TokenNamethrows) { formattedSource.append(' '); increaseSplitDelta(1); } } } } if (placeOperatorBehind) { if (insertSpaceBefore(operator)) { formattedSource.append(' '); increaseSplitDelta(1); } formattedSource.append(operatorString); //increaseSplitDelta(operatorString.length()); } } /** * Pops the top statement of the stack if it is token */ private int pop(int token) { int delta = 0; if ((constructionsCount > 0) && (constructions[constructionsCount - 1] == token)) { delta--; constructionsCount--; } return delta; } /** * Pops the top statement of the stack if it is a BLOCK or a NONINDENT_BLOCK. */ private int popBlock() { int delta = 0; if ((constructionsCount > 0) && ((constructions[constructionsCount - 1] == BLOCK) || (constructions[constructionsCount - 1] == NONINDENT_BLOCK))) { if (constructions[constructionsCount - 1] == BLOCK) delta--; constructionsCount--; } return delta; } /** * Pops elements until the stack is empty or the top element is token.
* Does not remove token from the stack. * @param token the token to be left as the top of the stack */ private int popExclusiveUntil(int token) { int delta = 0; int startCount = constructionsCount; for (int i = startCount - 1; i >= 0 && constructions[i] != token; i--) { if (constructions[i] != NONINDENT_BLOCK) delta--; constructionsCount--; } return delta; } /** * Pops elements until the stack is empty or the top element is * a BLOCK or a NONINDENT_BLOCK.
* Does not remove it from the stack. */ private int popExclusiveUntilBlock() { int startCount = constructionsCount; int delta = 0; for (int i = startCount - 1; i >= 0 && constructions[i] != BLOCK && constructions[i] != NONINDENT_BLOCK; i--) { constructionsCount--; delta--; } return delta; } /** * Pops elements until the stack is empty or the top element is * a BLOCK, a NONINDENT_BLOCK or a CASE.
* Does not remove it from the stack. */ private int popExclusiveUntilBlockOrCase() { int startCount = constructionsCount; int delta = 0; for (int i = startCount - 1; i >= 0 && constructions[i] != BLOCK && constructions[i] != NONINDENT_BLOCK && constructions[i] != TokenNamecase; i--) { constructionsCount--; delta--; } return delta; } /** * Pops elements until the stack is empty or the top element is token.
* Removes token from the stack too. * @param token the token to remove from the stack */ private int popInclusiveUntil(int token) { int startCount = constructionsCount; int delta = 0; for (int i = startCount - 1; i >= 0 && constructions[i] != token; i--) { if (constructions[i] != NONINDENT_BLOCK) delta--; constructionsCount--; } if (constructionsCount > 0) { if (constructions[constructionsCount - 1] != NONINDENT_BLOCK) delta--; constructionsCount--; } return delta; } /** * Pops elements until the stack is empty or the top element is * a BLOCK or a NONINDENT_BLOCK.
* Does not remove it from the stack. */ private int popInclusiveUntilBlock() { int startCount = constructionsCount; int delta = 0; for (int i = startCount - 1; i >= 0 && (constructions[i] != BLOCK && constructions[i] != NONINDENT_BLOCK); i--) { delta--; constructionsCount--; } if (constructionsCount > 0) { if (constructions[constructionsCount - 1] == BLOCK) delta--; constructionsCount--; } return delta; } /** * Pushes a block in the stack.
* Pushes a BLOCK if the stack is empty or if the top element is a BLOCK, * pushes NONINDENT_BLOCK otherwise. * Creates a new bigger array if the current one is full. */ private int pushBlock() { int delta = 0; if (constructionsCount == constructions.length) System.arraycopy( constructions, 0, (constructions = new int[constructionsCount * 2]), 0, constructionsCount); if ((constructionsCount == 0) || (constructions[constructionsCount - 1] == BLOCK) || (constructions[constructionsCount - 1] == NONINDENT_BLOCK) || (constructions[constructionsCount - 1] == TokenNamecase)) { delta++; constructions[constructionsCount++] = BLOCK; } else { constructions[constructionsCount++] = NONINDENT_BLOCK; } return delta; } /** * Pushes token.
* Creates a new bigger array if the current one is full. */ private int pushControlStatement(int token) { if (constructionsCount == constructions.length) System.arraycopy( constructions, 0, (constructions = new int[constructionsCount * 2]), 0, constructionsCount); constructions[constructionsCount++] = token; return 1; } private static boolean separateFirstArgumentOn(int currentToken) { //return (currentToken == TokenNameCOMMA || currentToken == TokenNameSEMICOLON); return currentToken != TokenNameif && currentToken != TokenNameLPAREN && currentToken != TokenNameNOT && currentToken != TokenNamewhile && currentToken != TokenNamefor && currentToken != TokenNameswitch; } /** * Set the positions to map. The mapped positions should be retrieved using the * getMappedPositions() method. * @param positions int[] * @deprecated Set the positions to map using the format(String, int, int[]) method. * * @see #getMappedPositions() */ public void setPositionsToMap(int[] positions) { positionsToMap = positions; lineDelta = 0; globalDelta = 0; mappedPositions = new int[positions.length]; } /** * Appends a space character to the current line buffer. */ private void space() { currentLineBuffer.append(' '); increaseLineDelta(1); } /** * Splits stringToSplit on the top level token
* If there are several identical token at the same level, * the string is cut into many pieces. * @return an object containing the operator and all the substrings * or null if the string cannot be split */ public SplitLine split(String stringToSplit) { return split(stringToSplit, 0); } /** * Splits stringToSplit on the top level token
* If there are several identical token at the same level, * the string is cut into many pieces. * @return an object containing the operator and all the substrings * or null if the string cannot be split */ public SplitLine split(String stringToSplit, int offsetInGlobalLine) { /* * See http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=12540 and * http://dev.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=14387 */ if (stringToSplit.indexOf("//$NON-NLS") != -1) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; } // local variables int currentToken = 0; int splitTokenType = 0; int splitTokenDepth = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int splitTokenPriority = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int[] substringsStartPositions = new int[10]; // contains the start position of substrings int[] substringsEndPositions = new int[10]; // contains the start position of substrings int substringsCount = 1; // index in the substringsStartPosition array int[] splitOperators = new int[10]; // contains the start position of substrings int splitOperatorsCount = 0; // index in the substringsStartPosition array int[] openParenthesisPosition = new int[10]; int openParenthesisPositionCount = 0; int position = 0; int lastOpenParenthesisPosition = -1; // used to remember the position of the 1st open parenthesis // needed for a pattern like: A.B(C); we want formatted like A.B( split C); // setup the scanner with a new source int lastCommentStartPosition = -1; // to remember the start position of the last comment int firstTokenOnLine = -1; // to remember the first token of the line int previousToken = -1; // to remember the previous token. splitScanner.setSource(stringToSplit.toCharArray()); try { // start the loop while (true) { // takes the next token try { if (currentToken != Scanner.TokenNameWHITESPACE) previousToken = currentToken; currentToken = splitScanner.getNextToken(); } catch (InvalidInputException e) { if (!handleInvalidToken(e)) throw e; currentToken = 0; // this value is not modify when an exception is raised. } if (currentToken == TokenNameEOF) break; if (firstTokenOnLine == -1) { firstTokenOnLine = currentToken; } switch (currentToken) { case TokenNameRBRACE : case TokenNameRPAREN : if (openParenthesisPositionCount > 0) { if (openParenthesisPositionCount == 1 && lastOpenParenthesisPosition < openParenthesisPosition[0]) { lastOpenParenthesisPosition = openParenthesisPosition[0]; } else if ( (splitTokenDepth == Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (splitTokenDepth > openParenthesisPositionCount && openParenthesisPositionCount == 1)) { splitTokenType = 0; splitTokenDepth = openParenthesisPositionCount; splitTokenPriority = Integer.MAX_VALUE; substringsStartPositions[0] = 0; // better token means the whole line until now is the first substring substringsCount = 1; // resets the count of substrings substringsEndPositions[0] = openParenthesisPosition[0]; // substring ends on operator start position = openParenthesisPosition[0]; // the string mustn't be cut before the closing parenthesis but after the opening one. splitOperatorsCount = 1; // resets the count of split operators splitOperators[0] = 0; } openParenthesisPositionCount--; } break; case TokenNameLBRACE : case TokenNameLPAREN : if (openParenthesisPositionCount == openParenthesisPosition.length) { System.arraycopy( openParenthesisPosition, 0, (openParenthesisPosition = new int[openParenthesisPositionCount * 2]), 0, openParenthesisPositionCount); } openParenthesisPosition[openParenthesisPositionCount++] = splitScanner.currentPosition; if (currentToken == TokenNameLPAREN && previousToken == TokenNameRPAREN) { openParenthesisPosition[openParenthesisPositionCount - 1] = splitScanner.startPosition; } break; case TokenNameSEMICOLON : // ; case TokenNameCOMMA : // , case TokenNameEQUAL : // = if (openParenthesisPositionCount < splitTokenDepth || (openParenthesisPositionCount == splitTokenDepth && splitTokenPriority > getTokenPriority(currentToken))) { // the current token is better than the one we currently have // (in level or in priority if same level) // reset the substringsCount splitTokenDepth = openParenthesisPositionCount; splitTokenType = currentToken; splitTokenPriority = getTokenPriority(currentToken); substringsStartPositions[0] = 0; // better token means the whole line until now is the first substring if (separateFirstArgumentOn(firstTokenOnLine) && openParenthesisPositionCount > 0) { substringsCount = 2; // resets the count of substrings substringsEndPositions[0] = openParenthesisPosition[splitTokenDepth - 1]; substringsStartPositions[1] = openParenthesisPosition[splitTokenDepth - 1]; substringsEndPositions[1] = splitScanner.startPosition; splitOperatorsCount = 2; // resets the count of split operators splitOperators[0] = 0; splitOperators[1] = currentToken; position = splitScanner.currentPosition; // next substring will start from operator end } else { substringsCount = 1; // resets the count of substrings substringsEndPositions[0] = splitScanner.startPosition; // substring ends on operator start position = splitScanner.currentPosition; // next substring will start from operator end splitOperatorsCount = 1; // resets the count of split operators splitOperators[0] = currentToken; } } else { if ((openParenthesisPositionCount == splitTokenDepth && splitTokenPriority == getTokenPriority(currentToken)) && splitTokenType != TokenNameEQUAL && currentToken != TokenNameEQUAL) { // fix for 1FG0BCN: LFCOM:WIN98 - Missing one indentation after split // take only the 1st = into account. // if another token with the same priority is found, // push the start position of the substring and // push the token into the stack. // create a new array object if the current one is full. if (substringsCount == substringsStartPositions.length) { System.arraycopy( substringsStartPositions, 0, (substringsStartPositions = new int[substringsCount * 2]), 0, substringsCount); System.arraycopy( substringsEndPositions, 0, (substringsEndPositions = new int[substringsCount * 2]), 0, substringsCount); } if (splitOperatorsCount == splitOperators.length) { System.arraycopy( splitOperators, 0, (splitOperators = new int[splitOperatorsCount * 2]), 0, splitOperatorsCount); } substringsStartPositions[substringsCount] = position; substringsEndPositions[substringsCount++] = splitScanner.startPosition; // substring ends on operator start position = splitScanner.currentPosition; // next substring will start from operator end splitOperators[splitOperatorsCount++] = currentToken; } } break; case TokenNameCOLON : // : (15.24) // see 1FK7C5R, we only split on a colon, when it is associated with a question-mark. // indeed it might appear also behind a case statement, and we do not to break at this point. if ((splitOperatorsCount == 0) || splitOperators[splitOperatorsCount - 1] != TokenNameQUESTION) { break; } case TokenNameextends : // case TokenNameimplements : // case TokenNamethrows : case TokenNameDOT : // . case TokenNameMULTIPLY : // * (15.16.1) case TokenNameDIVIDE : // / (15.16.2) case TokenNameREMAINDER : // % (15.16.3) case TokenNamePLUS : // + (15.17, 15.17.2) case TokenNameMINUS : // - (15.17.2) case TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT : // << (15.18) case TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT : // >> (15.18) // case TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT : // >>> (15.18) case TokenNameLESS : // < (15.19.1) case TokenNameLESS_EQUAL : // <= (15.19.1) case TokenNameGREATER : // > (15.19.1) case TokenNameGREATER_EQUAL : // >= (15.19.1) // case TokenNameinstanceof : // instanceof case TokenNameEQUAL_EQUAL : // == (15.20, 15.20.1, 15.20.2, 15.20.3) case TokenNameNOT_EQUAL : // != (15.20, 15.20.1, 15.20.2, 15.20.3) case TokenNameAND : // & (15.21, 15.21.1, 15.21.2) case TokenNameOR : // | (15.21, 15.21.1, 15.21.2) case TokenNameXOR : // ^ (15.21, 15.21.1, 15.21.2) case TokenNameAND_AND : // && (15.22) case TokenNameOR_OR : // || (15.23) case TokenNameQUESTION : // ? (15.24) case TokenNameMULTIPLY_EQUAL : // *= (15.25.2) case TokenNameDIVIDE_EQUAL : // /= (15.25.2) case TokenNameREMAINDER_EQUAL : // %= (15.25.2) case TokenNamePLUS_EQUAL : // += (15.25.2) case TokenNameMINUS_EQUAL : // -= (15.25.2) case TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // <<= (15.25.2) case TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // >>= (15.25.2) // case TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL : // >>>= (15.25.2) case TokenNameAND_EQUAL : // &= (15.25.2) case TokenNameXOR_EQUAL : // ^= (15.25.2) case TokenNameOR_EQUAL : // |= (15.25.2) if ((openParenthesisPositionCount < splitTokenDepth || (openParenthesisPositionCount == splitTokenDepth && splitTokenPriority > getTokenPriority(currentToken))) && !((currentToken == TokenNamePLUS || currentToken == TokenNameMINUS) && (previousToken == TokenNameLBRACE || previousToken == TokenNameLBRACKET || splitScanner.startPosition == 0))) { // the current token is better than the one we currently have // (in level or in priority if same level) // reset the substringsCount splitTokenDepth = openParenthesisPositionCount; splitTokenType = currentToken; splitTokenPriority = getTokenPriority(currentToken); substringsStartPositions[0] = 0; // better token means the whole line until now is the first substring if (separateFirstArgumentOn(firstTokenOnLine) && openParenthesisPositionCount > 0) { substringsCount = 2; // resets the count of substrings substringsEndPositions[0] = openParenthesisPosition[splitTokenDepth - 1]; substringsStartPositions[1] = openParenthesisPosition[splitTokenDepth - 1]; substringsEndPositions[1] = splitScanner.startPosition; splitOperatorsCount = 3; // resets the count of split operators splitOperators[0] = 0; splitOperators[1] = 0; splitOperators[2] = currentToken; position = splitScanner.currentPosition; // next substring will start from operator end } else { substringsCount = 1; // resets the count of substrings substringsEndPositions[0] = splitScanner.startPosition; // substring ends on operator start position = splitScanner.currentPosition; // next substring will start from operator end splitOperatorsCount = 2; // resets the count of split operators splitOperators[0] = 0; // nothing for first operand since operator will be inserted in front of the second operand splitOperators[1] = currentToken; } } else { if (openParenthesisPositionCount == splitTokenDepth && splitTokenPriority == getTokenPriority(currentToken)) { // if another token with the same priority is found, // push the start position of the substring and // push the token into the stack. // create a new array object if the current one is full. if (substringsCount == substringsStartPositions.length) { System.arraycopy( substringsStartPositions, 0, (substringsStartPositions = new int[substringsCount * 2]), 0, substringsCount); System.arraycopy( substringsEndPositions, 0, (substringsEndPositions = new int[substringsCount * 2]), 0, substringsCount); } if (splitOperatorsCount == splitOperators.length) { System.arraycopy( splitOperators, 0, (splitOperators = new int[splitOperatorsCount * 2]), 0, splitOperatorsCount); } substringsStartPositions[substringsCount] = position; substringsEndPositions[substringsCount++] = splitScanner.startPosition; // substring ends on operator start position = splitScanner.currentPosition; // next substring will start from operator end splitOperators[splitOperatorsCount++] = currentToken; } } default : break; } if (isComment(currentToken)) { lastCommentStartPosition = splitScanner.startPosition; } else { lastCommentStartPosition = -1; } } } catch (InvalidInputException e) { return null; } // if the string cannot be split, return null. if (splitOperatorsCount == 0) return null; // ## SPECIAL CASES BEGIN if (((splitOperatorsCount == 2 && splitOperators[1] == TokenNameDOT && splitTokenDepth == 0 && lastOpenParenthesisPosition > -1) || (splitOperatorsCount > 2 && splitOperators[1] == TokenNameDOT && splitTokenDepth == 0 && lastOpenParenthesisPosition > -1 && lastOpenParenthesisPosition <= options.maxLineLength) || (separateFirstArgumentOn(firstTokenOnLine) && splitTokenDepth > 0 && lastOpenParenthesisPosition > -1)) && (lastOpenParenthesisPosition < splitScanner.source.length && splitScanner.source[lastOpenParenthesisPosition] != ')')) { // fix for 1FH4J2H: LFCOM:WINNT - Formatter - Empty parenthesis should not be broken on two lines // only one split on a top level . // or more than one split on . and substring before open parenthesis fits one line. // or split inside parenthesis and first token is not a for/while/if SplitLine sl = split( stringToSplit.substring(lastOpenParenthesisPosition), lastOpenParenthesisPosition); if (sl == null || sl.operators[0] != TokenNameCOMMA) { // trim() is used to remove the extra blanks at the end of the substring. See PR 1FGYPI1 return new SplitLine( new int[] { 0, 0 }, new String[] { stringToSplit.substring(0, lastOpenParenthesisPosition).trim(), stringToSplit.substring(lastOpenParenthesisPosition)}, new int[] { offsetInGlobalLine, lastOpenParenthesisPosition + offsetInGlobalLine }); } else { // right substring can be split and is split on comma // copy substrings and operators // except if the 1st string is empty. int startIndex = (sl.substrings[0].length() == 0) ? 1 : 0; int subStringsLength = sl.substrings.length + 1 - startIndex; String[] result = new String[subStringsLength]; int[] startIndexes = new int[subStringsLength]; int operatorsLength = sl.operators.length + 1 - startIndex; int[] operators = new int[operatorsLength]; result[0] = stringToSplit.substring(0, lastOpenParenthesisPosition); operators[0] = 0; System.arraycopy( sl.startSubstringsIndexes, startIndex, startIndexes, 1, subStringsLength - 1); for (int i = subStringsLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) { startIndexes[i] += offsetInGlobalLine; } System.arraycopy( sl.substrings, startIndex, result, 1, subStringsLength - 1); System.arraycopy( sl.operators, startIndex, operators, 1, operatorsLength - 1); return new SplitLine(operators, result, startIndexes); } } // if the last token is a comment and the substring before the comment fits on a line, // split before the comment and return the result. if (lastCommentStartPosition > -1 && lastCommentStartPosition < options.maxLineLength && splitTokenPriority > 50) { int end = lastCommentStartPosition; int start = lastCommentStartPosition; if (stringToSplit.charAt(end - 1) == ' ') { end--; } if (start != end && stringToSplit.charAt(start) == ' ') { start++; } return new SplitLine( new int[] { 0, 0 }, new String[] { stringToSplit.substring(0, end), stringToSplit.substring(start)}, new int[] { 0, start }); } if (position != stringToSplit.length()) { if (substringsCount == substringsStartPositions.length) { System.arraycopy( substringsStartPositions, 0, (substringsStartPositions = new int[substringsCount * 2]), 0, substringsCount); System.arraycopy( substringsEndPositions, 0, (substringsEndPositions = new int[substringsCount * 2]), 0, substringsCount); } // avoid empty extra substring, e.g. line terminated with a semi-colon substringsStartPositions[substringsCount] = position; substringsEndPositions[substringsCount++] = stringToSplit.length(); } if (splitOperatorsCount == splitOperators.length) { System.arraycopy( splitOperators, 0, (splitOperators = new int[splitOperatorsCount * 2]), 0, splitOperatorsCount); } splitOperators[splitOperatorsCount] = 0; // the last element of the stack is the position of the end of StringToSPlit // +1 because the substring method excludes the last character String[] result = new String[substringsCount]; for (int i = 0; i < substringsCount; i++) { int start = substringsStartPositions[i]; int end = substringsEndPositions[i]; if (stringToSplit.charAt(start) == ' ') { start++; substringsStartPositions[i]++; } if (end != start && stringToSplit.charAt(end - 1) == ' ') { end--; } result[i] = stringToSplit.substring(start, end); substringsStartPositions[i] += offsetInGlobalLine; } if (splitOperatorsCount > substringsCount) { System.arraycopy( substringsStartPositions, 0, (substringsStartPositions = new int[splitOperatorsCount]), 0, substringsCount); System.arraycopy( substringsEndPositions, 0, (substringsEndPositions = new int[splitOperatorsCount]), 0, substringsCount); for (int i = substringsCount; i < splitOperatorsCount; i++) { substringsStartPositions[i] = position; substringsEndPositions[i] = position; } System.arraycopy( splitOperators, 0, (splitOperators = new int[splitOperatorsCount]), 0, splitOperatorsCount); } else { System.arraycopy( substringsStartPositions, 0, (substringsStartPositions = new int[substringsCount]), 0, substringsCount); System.arraycopy( substringsEndPositions, 0, (substringsEndPositions = new int[substringsCount]), 0, substringsCount); System.arraycopy( splitOperators, 0, (splitOperators = new int[substringsCount]), 0, substringsCount); } SplitLine splitLine = new SplitLine(splitOperators, result, substringsStartPositions); return splitLine; } private void updateMappedPositions(int startPosition) { if (positionsToMap == null) { return; } char[] source = scanner.source; int sourceLength = source.length; while (indexToMap < positionsToMap.length && positionsToMap[indexToMap] <= startPosition) { int posToMap = positionsToMap[indexToMap]; if (posToMap < 0 || posToMap >= sourceLength) { // protection against out of bounds position if (posToMap == sourceLength) { mappedPositions[indexToMap] = formattedSource.length(); } indexToMap = positionsToMap.length; // no more mapping return; } if (CharOperation.isWhitespace(source[posToMap])) { mappedPositions[indexToMap] = startPosition + globalDelta + lineDelta; } else { if (posToMap == sourceLength - 1) { mappedPositions[indexToMap] = startPosition + globalDelta + lineDelta; } else { mappedPositions[indexToMap] = posToMap + globalDelta + lineDelta; } } indexToMap++; } } private void updateMappedPositionsWhileSplitting( int startPosition, int endPosition) { if (mappedPositions == null || mappedPositions.length == indexInMap) return; while (indexInMap < mappedPositions.length && startPosition <= mappedPositions[indexInMap] && mappedPositions[indexInMap] < endPosition && indexInMap < indexToMap) { mappedPositions[indexInMap] += splitDelta; indexInMap++; } } private int getLength(String s, int tabDepth) { int length = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tabDepth; i++) { length += options.tabSize; } for (int i = 0, max = s.length(); i < max; i++) { char currentChar = s.charAt(i); switch (currentChar) { case '\t' : length += options.tabSize; break; default : length++; } } return length; } /** * Sets the initial indentation level * @param indentationLevel new indentation level * * @deprecated */ public void setInitialIndentationLevel(int newIndentationLevel) { this.initialIndentationLevel = currentLineIndentationLevel = indentationLevel = newIndentationLevel; } }