/* * @(#)TagTable.java 1.11 2000/08/16 * */ package net.sourceforge.phpdt.tidy; /** * * Tag dictionary node hash table * * (c) 1998-2000 (W3C) MIT, INRIA, Keio University * See Tidy.java for the copyright notice. * Derived from * HTML Tidy Release 4 Aug 2000 * * @author Dave Raggett * @author Andy Quick (translation to Java) * @version 1.0, 1999/05/22 * @version 1.0.1, 1999/05/29 * @version 1.1, 1999/06/18 Java Bean * @version 1.2, 1999/07/10 Tidy Release 7 Jul 1999 * @version 1.3, 1999/07/30 Tidy Release 26 Jul 1999 * @version 1.4, 1999/09/04 DOM support * @version 1.5, 1999/10/23 Tidy Release 27 Sep 1999 * @version 1.6, 1999/11/01 Tidy Release 22 Oct 1999 * @version 1.7, 1999/12/06 Tidy Release 30 Nov 1999 * @version 1.8, 2000/01/22 Tidy Release 13 Jan 2000 * @version 1.9, 2000/06/03 Tidy Release 30 Apr 2000 * @version 1.10, 2000/07/22 Tidy Release 8 Jul 2000 * @version 1.11, 2000/08/16 Tidy Release 4 Aug 2000 * Modified from a Singleton to a non-Singleton. */ import java.util.Hashtable; public class TagTable { private Configuration configuration = null; public TagTable() { for ( int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++ ) { install( tags[i] ); } tagHtml = lookup("html"); tagHead = lookup("head"); tagBody = lookup("body"); tagFrameset = lookup("frameset"); tagFrame = lookup("frame"); tagNoframes = lookup("noframes"); tagMeta = lookup("meta"); tagTitle = lookup("title"); tagBase = lookup("base"); tagHr = lookup("hr"); tagPre = lookup("pre"); tagListing = lookup("listing"); tagH1 = lookup("h1"); tagH2 = lookup("h2"); tagP = lookup("p"); tagUl = lookup("ul"); tagOl = lookup("ol"); tagDir = lookup("dir"); tagLi = lookup("li"); tagDt = lookup("dt"); tagDd = lookup("dd"); tagDl = lookup("dl"); tagTd = lookup("td"); tagTh = lookup("th"); tagTr = lookup("tr"); tagCol = lookup("col"); tagBr = lookup("br"); tagA = lookup("a"); tagLink = lookup("link"); tagB = lookup("b"); tagI = lookup("i"); tagStrong = lookup("strong"); tagEm = lookup("em"); tagBig = lookup("big"); tagSmall = lookup("small"); tagParam = lookup("param"); tagOption = lookup("option"); tagOptgroup = lookup("optgroup"); tagImg = lookup("img"); tagMap = lookup("map"); tagArea = lookup("area"); tagNobr = lookup("nobr"); tagWbr = lookup("wbr"); tagFont = lookup("font"); tagSpacer = lookup("spacer"); tagLayer = lookup("layer"); tagCenter = lookup("center"); tagStyle = lookup("style"); tagScript = lookup("script"); tagNoscript = lookup("noscript"); tagTable = lookup("table"); tagCaption = lookup("caption"); tagForm = lookup("form"); tagTextarea = lookup("textarea"); tagBlockquote = lookup("blockquote"); tagApplet = lookup("applet"); tagObject = lookup("object"); tagDiv = lookup("div"); tagSpan = lookup("span"); } public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } public Dict lookup( String name ) { return (Dict)tagHashtable.get( name ); } public Dict install( Dict dict ) { Dict d = (Dict)tagHashtable.get(dict.name); if (d != null) { d.versions = dict.versions; d.model |= dict.model; d.parser = dict.parser; d.chkattrs = dict.chkattrs; return d; } else { tagHashtable.put(dict.name, dict); return dict; } } /* public interface for finding tag by name */ public boolean findTag( Node node ) { Dict np; if ( configuration != null && configuration.XmlTags ) { node.tag = xmlTags; return true; } if ( node.element != null ) { np = lookup( node.element ); if ( np != null ) { node.tag = np; return true; } } return false; } public Parser findParser(Node node) { Dict np; if (node.element != null) { np = lookup(node.element); if (np != null) { return np.parser; } } return null; } private Hashtable tagHashtable = new Hashtable(); private static Dict[] tags = { new Dict( "html", (short)(Dict.VERS_ALL|Dict.VERS_FRAMES), (Dict.CM_HTML|Dict.CM_OPT|Dict.CM_OMITST), ParserImpl.getParseHTML(), CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckHTML() ), new Dict( "head", (short)(Dict.VERS_ALL|Dict.VERS_FRAMES), (Dict.CM_HTML|Dict.CM_OPT|Dict.CM_OMITST), ParserImpl.getParseHead(), null ), new Dict( "title", (short)(Dict.VERS_ALL|Dict.VERS_FRAMES), Dict.CM_HEAD, ParserImpl.getParseTitle(), null ), new Dict( "base", (short)(Dict.VERS_ALL|Dict.VERS_FRAMES), (Dict.CM_HEAD|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "link", (short)(Dict.VERS_ALL|Dict.VERS_FRAMES), (Dict.CM_HEAD|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckLINK() ), new Dict( "meta", (short)(Dict.VERS_ALL|Dict.VERS_FRAMES), (Dict.CM_HEAD|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "style", (short)(Dict.VERS_FROM32|Dict.VERS_FRAMES), Dict.CM_HEAD, ParserImpl.getParseScript(), CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckSTYLE() ), new Dict( "script", (short)(Dict.VERS_FROM32|Dict.VERS_FRAMES), (Dict.CM_HEAD|Dict.CM_MIXED|Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_INLINE), ParserImpl.getParseScript(), CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckSCRIPT() ), new Dict( "server", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, (Dict.CM_HEAD|Dict.CM_MIXED|Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_INLINE), ParserImpl.getParseScript(), null ), new Dict( "body", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_HTML|Dict.CM_OPT|Dict.CM_OMITST), ParserImpl.getParseBody(), null ), new Dict( "frameset", Dict.VERS_FRAMES, (Dict.CM_HTML|Dict.CM_FRAMES), ParserImpl.getParseFrameSet(), null ), new Dict( "p", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_OPT), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "h1", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_HEADING), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "h2", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_HEADING), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "h3", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_HEADING), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "h4", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_HEADING), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "h5", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_HEADING), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "h6", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_HEADING), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "ul", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseList(), null ), new Dict( "ol", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseList(), null ), new Dict( "dl", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseDefList(), null ), new Dict( "dir", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_OBSOLETE), ParserImpl.getParseList(), null ), new Dict( "menu", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_OBSOLETE), ParserImpl.getParseList(), null ), new Dict( "pre", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParsePre(), null ), new Dict( "listing", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_OBSOLETE), ParserImpl.getParsePre(), null ), new Dict( "xmp", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_OBSOLETE), ParserImpl.getParsePre(), null ), new Dict( "plaintext", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_OBSOLETE), ParserImpl.getParsePre(), null ), new Dict( "address", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "blockquote", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "form", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "isindex", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "fieldset", Dict.VERS_HTML40, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "table", Dict.VERS_FROM32, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseTableTag(), CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckTABLE() ), new Dict( "hr", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckHR() ), new Dict( "div", Dict.VERS_FROM32, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "multicol", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "nosave", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "layer", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "ilayer", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "nolayer", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_MIXED), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "align", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "center", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, Dict.CM_BLOCK, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "ins", Dict.VERS_HTML40, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_MIXED), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "del", Dict.VERS_HTML40, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_MIXED), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "li", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_LIST|Dict.CM_OPT|Dict.CM_NO_INDENT), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "dt", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_DEFLIST|Dict.CM_OPT|Dict.CM_NO_INDENT), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "dd", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_DEFLIST|Dict.CM_OPT|Dict.CM_NO_INDENT), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "caption", Dict.VERS_FROM32, Dict.CM_TABLE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckCaption() ), new Dict( "colgroup", Dict.VERS_HTML40, (Dict.CM_TABLE|Dict.CM_OPT), ParserImpl.getParseColGroup(), null ), new Dict( "col", Dict.VERS_HTML40, (Dict.CM_TABLE|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "thead", Dict.VERS_HTML40, (Dict.CM_TABLE|Dict.CM_ROWGRP|Dict.CM_OPT), ParserImpl.getParseRowGroup(), null ), new Dict( "tfoot", Dict.VERS_HTML40, (Dict.CM_TABLE|Dict.CM_ROWGRP|Dict.CM_OPT), ParserImpl.getParseRowGroup(), null ), new Dict( "tbody", Dict.VERS_HTML40, (Dict.CM_TABLE|Dict.CM_ROWGRP|Dict.CM_OPT), ParserImpl.getParseRowGroup(), null ), new Dict( "tr", Dict.VERS_FROM32, (Dict.CM_TABLE|Dict.CM_OPT), ParserImpl.getParseRow(), null ), new Dict( "td", Dict.VERS_FROM32, (Dict.CM_ROW|Dict.CM_OPT|Dict.CM_NO_INDENT), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckTableCell() ), new Dict( "th", Dict.VERS_FROM32, (Dict.CM_ROW|Dict.CM_OPT|Dict.CM_NO_INDENT), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckTableCell() ), new Dict( "q", Dict.VERS_HTML40, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "a", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckAnchor() ), new Dict( "br", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "img", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_IMG|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckIMG() ), new Dict( "object", Dict.VERS_HTML40, (Dict.CM_OBJECT|Dict.CM_HEAD|Dict.CM_IMG|Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_PARAM), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "applet", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, (Dict.CM_OBJECT|Dict.CM_IMG|Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_PARAM), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "servlet", Dict.VERS_SUN, (Dict.CM_OBJECT|Dict.CM_IMG|Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_PARAM), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "param", Dict.VERS_FROM32, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "embed", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_IMG|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "noembed", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "iframe", Dict.VERS_HTML40_LOOSE, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "frame", Dict.VERS_FRAMES, (Dict.CM_FRAMES|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "noframes", Dict.VERS_IFRAMES, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_FRAMES), ParserImpl.getParseNoFrames(), null ), new Dict( "noscript", (short)(Dict.VERS_FRAMES|Dict.VERS_HTML40), (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_MIXED), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "b", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "i", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "u", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "tt", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "s", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "strike", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "big", Dict.VERS_FROM32, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "small", Dict.VERS_FROM32, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "sub", Dict.VERS_FROM32, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "sup", Dict.VERS_FROM32, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "em", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "strong", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "dfn", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "code", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "samp", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "kbd", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "var", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "cite", Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "abbr", Dict.VERS_HTML40, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "acronym", Dict.VERS_HTML40, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "span", Dict.VERS_FROM32, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "blink", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "nobr", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "wbr", Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "marquee", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_OPT), ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "bgsound", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT, (Dict.CM_HEAD|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "comment", Dict.VERS_MICROSOFT, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "spacer", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "keygen", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "nolayer", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_MIXED), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ), new Dict( "ilayer", Dict.VERS_NETSCAPE, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "map", Dict.VERS_FROM32, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckMap() ), new Dict( "area", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, CheckAttribsImpl.getCheckAREA() ), new Dict( "input", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_IMG|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "select", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_FIELD), ParserImpl.getParseSelect(), null ), new Dict( "option", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_FIELD|Dict.CM_OPT), ParserImpl.getParseText(), null ), new Dict( "optgroup", Dict.VERS_HTML40, (Dict.CM_FIELD|Dict.CM_OPT), ParserImpl.getParseOptGroup(), null ), new Dict( "textarea", Dict.VERS_ALL, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_FIELD), ParserImpl.getParseText(), null ), new Dict( "label", Dict.VERS_HTML40, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "legend", Dict.VERS_HTML40, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "button", Dict.VERS_HTML40, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "basefont", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_EMPTY), null, null ), new Dict( "font", Dict.VERS_LOOSE, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), new Dict( "bdo", Dict.VERS_HTML40, Dict.CM_INLINE, ParserImpl.getParseInline(), null ), }; /* create dummy entry for all xml tags */ public Dict xmlTags = new Dict( null, Dict.VERS_ALL, Dict.CM_BLOCK, null, null ); public Dict tagHtml = null; public Dict tagHead = null; public Dict tagBody = null; public Dict tagFrameset = null; public Dict tagFrame = null; public Dict tagNoframes = null; public Dict tagMeta = null; public Dict tagTitle = null; public Dict tagBase = null; public Dict tagHr = null; public Dict tagPre = null; public Dict tagListing = null; public Dict tagH1 = null; public Dict tagH2 = null; public Dict tagP = null; public Dict tagUl = null; public Dict tagOl = null; public Dict tagDir = null; public Dict tagLi = null; public Dict tagDt = null; public Dict tagDd = null; public Dict tagDl = null; public Dict tagTd = null; public Dict tagTh = null; public Dict tagTr = null; public Dict tagCol = null; public Dict tagBr = null; public Dict tagA = null; public Dict tagLink = null; public Dict tagB = null; public Dict tagI = null; public Dict tagStrong = null; public Dict tagEm = null; public Dict tagBig = null; public Dict tagSmall = null; public Dict tagParam = null; public Dict tagOption = null; public Dict tagOptgroup = null; public Dict tagImg = null; public Dict tagMap = null; public Dict tagArea = null; public Dict tagNobr = null; public Dict tagWbr = null; public Dict tagFont = null; public Dict tagSpacer = null; public Dict tagLayer = null; public Dict tagCenter = null; public Dict tagStyle = null; public Dict tagScript = null; public Dict tagNoscript = null; public Dict tagTable = null; public Dict tagCaption = null; public Dict tagForm = null; public Dict tagTextarea = null; public Dict tagBlockquote = null; public Dict tagApplet = null; public Dict tagObject = null; public Dict tagDiv = null; public Dict tagSpan = null; public void defineInlineTag( String name ) { install( new Dict( name, Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY, (Dict.CM_INLINE|Dict.CM_NO_INDENT|Dict.CM_NEW), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ) ); } public void defineBlockTag( String name ) { install( new Dict( name, Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_NO_INDENT|Dict.CM_NEW), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null ) ); } public void defineEmptyTag(String name) { install(new Dict(name, Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY, (Dict.CM_EMPTY|Dict.CM_NO_INDENT|Dict.CM_NEW), ParserImpl.getParseBlock(), null)); } public void definePreTag(String name) { install(new Dict(name, Dict.VERS_PROPRIETARY, (Dict.CM_BLOCK|Dict.CM_NO_INDENT|Dict.CM_NEW), ParserImpl.getParsePre(), null)); } }