Creating a QuantumDB Bookmark

Author: jparrai
Date: 28-03-2003

To connect to a database (create a bookmark in quantum) you use the New Bookmark menu item that appears when right-clicking on the blank space in the Database Bookmarks view.

Once this menu item is selected, you will see the "New Bookmark" wizard:

The data that the form asks of you is:

Other examples (only as orientation, your particular data may be different)

For MySql (in Windows):

Connect: jdbc:mysql://localhost/test
Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
Driver Filename: C:\mysql\jdbc\mysql-connector-java-2.0.4-bin.jar

For PostgreSql (in Linux):

Connect: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/emsdevel
Driver: org.postgresql.Driver
driver filename: /opt/postgresql/share/java/postgresql.jar