/** The cursor in expression stack. */
private static int nodePtr;
- private static final boolean PARSER_DEBUG = true;
+ public static final boolean PARSER_DEBUG = false;
public final void setFileToParse(final IFile fileToParse) {
PHPParser.fileToParse = fileToParse;
return outlineInfo;
+ /**
+ * This function will throw the exception if we are in debug mode
+ * and process it if we are in production mode.
+ * this should be fast since the PARSER_DEBUG is static final so the difference will be at compile time
+ * @param e the exception
+ * @throws ParseException the thrown exception
+ */
private static void processParseExceptionDebug(final ParseException e) throws ParseException {
throw e;
- "Line " + e.currentToken.beginLine);
+ "Line " + e.currentToken.beginLine+", "+e.currentToken.sourceStart+":"+e.currentToken.sourceEnd);
} else {
- "Line " + e.currentToken.beginLine);
+ "Line " + e.currentToken.beginLine+", "+errorStart+":"+errorEnd);
errorStart = -1;
errorEnd = -1;
} catch (TokenMgrError e) {
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- errorEnd = errorStart + 1;
+ errorStart = SimpleCharStream.beginOffset;
+ errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.endOffset;
errorMessage = e.getMessage();
errorLevel = ERROR;
throw generateParseException();
final ClassDeclaration classDeclaration;
Token className = null;
- final Token superclassName, token;
+ final Token superclassName, token, extendsToken;
String classNameImage = SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR;
String superclassNameImage = null;
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', identifier expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = token.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = token.sourceEnd+1;
+ extendsToken = <EXTENDS>
try {
superclassName = <IDENTIFIER>
{superclassNameImage = superclassName.image;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', identifier expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = extendsToken.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = extendsToken.sourceEnd+1;
superclassNameImage = SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR;
final ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
final Token token;
Token token2 = null;
+ int pos;
token = <VAR> variableDeclaration = VariableDeclaratorNoSuffix()
- {arrayList.add(variableDeclaration);
- outlineInfo.addVariable(variableDeclaration.name());}
+ {
+ arrayList.add(variableDeclaration);
+ outlineInfo.addVariable(variableDeclaration.name());
+ pos = variableDeclaration.sourceEnd;
+ }
<COMMA> variableDeclaration = VariableDeclaratorNoSuffix()
- {arrayList.add(variableDeclaration);
- outlineInfo.addVariable(variableDeclaration.name());}
+ {
+ arrayList.add(variableDeclaration);
+ outlineInfo.addVariable(variableDeclaration.name());
+ pos = variableDeclaration.sourceEnd;
+ }
try {
token2 = <SEMICOLON>
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. A ';' was expected after variable declaration";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = pos+1;
+ errorEnd = pos+1;
final AbstractVariable variable;
Expression initializer = null;
+ final Token token;
variable = VariableDeclaratorId()
+ token = <ASSIGN>
try {
initializer = VariableInitializer()
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "Literal expression expected in variable initializer";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = token.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = token.sourceEnd+1;
token = <FUNCTION>
try {
functionDeclaration = MethodDeclarator(token.sourceStart)
- {outlineInfo.addVariable(new String(functionDeclaration.name));}
+ {outlineInfo.addVariable(functionDeclaration.name);}
} catch (ParseException e) {
if (errorMessage != null) throw e;
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', function identifier expected";
Token reference = null;
final Hashtable formalParameters = new Hashtable();
String identifierChar = SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR;
- final int end;
+ int end = start;
- [reference = <BIT_AND>]
+ [reference = <BIT_AND> {end = reference.sourceEnd;}]
try {
identifier = <IDENTIFIER>
- {identifierChar = identifier.image;}
+ {
+ identifierChar = identifier.image;
+ end = identifier.sourceEnd;
+ }
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', function identifier expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = e.currentToken.sourceEnd;
+ errorEnd = e.currentToken.next.sourceStart;
end = FormalParameters(formalParameters)
VariableDeclaration var;
final Token token;
- int end;
+ Token tok = PHPParser.token;
+ int end = tok.sourceEnd;
try {
+ tok = <LPAREN>
+ {end = tok.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', '(' expected after function identifier";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = e.currentToken.next.sourceStart;
+ errorEnd = e.currentToken.next.sourceEnd;
var = FormalParameter()
- {parameters.put(new String(var.name()),var);}
+ {parameters.put(var.name(),var);end = var.sourceEnd;}
<COMMA> var = FormalParameter()
- {parameters.put(new String(var.name()),var);}
+ {parameters.put(var.name(),var);end = var.sourceEnd;}
try {
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "')' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = e.currentToken.next.sourceStart;
+ errorEnd = e.currentToken.next.sourceEnd;
- end = e.currentToken.sourceStart;
{return end;}
Expression expr,expr2;
int operator;
+ Token token;
expr = RelationalExpression()
- ( <EQUAL_EQUAL> {operator = OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL;}
- | <DIF> {operator = OperatorIds.DIF;}
- | <NOT_EQUAL> {operator = OperatorIds.DIF;}
- | <BANGDOUBLEEQUAL> {operator = OperatorIds.BANG_EQUAL_EQUAL;}
- | <TRIPLEEQUAL> {operator = OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL_EQUAL;}
+ ( token = <EQUAL_EQUAL> {operator = OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL;}
+ | token = <DIF> {operator = OperatorIds.DIF;}
+ | token = <NOT_EQUAL> {operator = OperatorIds.DIF;}
+ | token = <BANGDOUBLEEQUAL> {operator = OperatorIds.BANG_EQUAL_EQUAL;}
+ | token = <TRIPLEEQUAL> {operator = OperatorIds.EQUAL_EQUAL_EQUAL;}
try {
expr2 = RelationalExpression()
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', expression expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = token.sourceEnd +1;
+ errorEnd = token.sourceEnd +1;
+ expr2 = new ConstantIdentifier(SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR,token.sourceEnd +1,token.sourceEnd +1);
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
expr = new BinaryExpression(expr,expr2,operator);
if (errorMessage != null) throw e;
errorMessage = "unexpected token '"+e.currentToken.next.image+"'";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = PHPParser.token.sourceStart;
+ errorEnd = PHPParser.token.sourceEnd;
throw e;
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "')' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = expr.sourceEnd +1;
+ errorEnd = expr.sourceEnd +1;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
{return expr;}
token = <ARRAY> vars = ArrayInitializer()
- {return new ArrayInitializer(vars,token.sourceStart,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ {return new ArrayInitializer(vars,
+ token.sourceStart,
+ PHPParser.token.sourceEnd);}
Expression ClassIdentifier():
Expression expression = null;
final Token classAccessToken;
+ Token token;
+ int pos;
classAccessToken = <CLASSACCESS>
- <LBRACKET> [ expression = Expression() | expression = Type() ] //Not good
+ token = <LBRACKET> {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;}
+ [ expression = Expression() {pos = expression.sourceEnd+1;}
+ | expression = Type() {pos = expression.sourceEnd+1;}] //Not good
try {
+ token = <RBRACKET>
+ {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "']' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
- {return new ArrayDeclarator(prefix,expression,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ {return new ArrayDeclarator(prefix,expression,pos);}
Literal Literal() :
<LPAREN> [ args = ArgumentList() ]
try {
token = <RPAREN>
+ {return new FunctionCall(func,args,token.sourceEnd);}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', ')' expected to close the argument list";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = args[args.length-1].sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = args[args.length-1].sourceEnd+1;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
- {return new FunctionCall(func,args,token.sourceEnd);}
+ {return new FunctionCall(func,args,args[args.length-1].sourceEnd);}
Expression arg;
final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
+int pos;
+Token token;
arg = Expression()
- {list.add(arg);}
- ( <COMMA>
+ {list.add(arg);pos = arg.sourceEnd;}
+ ( token = <COMMA> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
try {
arg = Expression()
- {list.add(arg);}
+ {list.add(arg);
+ pos = arg.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. An expression expected after a comma in argument list";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos+1;
+ errorEnd = pos+1;
+ processParseException(e);
if (e.currentToken.next.kind != PHPParserConstants.PHPEND) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. A ';' was expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = statement.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = statement.sourceEnd+1;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
{return statement;}
Define defineStatement() :
- final int start = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
Expression defineName,defineValue;
+ final Token defineToken;
+ Token token;
+ int pos;
+ defineToken = <DEFINE> {pos = defineToken.sourceEnd+1;}
try {
+ token = <LPAREN>
+ {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', '(' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
try {
defineName = Expression()
+ {pos = defineName.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', expression expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ defineName = new StringLiteral(SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR,pos,pos);
try {
+ token = <COMMA>
+ {pos = defineName.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', ',' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
try {
defineValue = Expression()
+ {pos = defineValue.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', expression expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ defineValue = new StringLiteral(SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR,pos,pos);
try {
+ token = <RPAREN>
+ {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', ')' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
{return new Define(currentSegment,
- start,
- SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ defineToken.sourceStart,
+ pos);}
InclusionStatement IncludeStatement() :
- final Expression expr;
+ Expression expr;
final int keyword;
final InclusionStatement inclusionStatement;
final Token token, token2;
+ int pos;
- ( token = <REQUIRE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.REQUIRE;}
- | token = <REQUIRE_ONCE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.REQUIRE_ONCE;}
- | token = <INCLUDE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.INCLUDE;}
- | token = <INCLUDE_ONCE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.INCLUDE_ONCE;})
+ ( token = <REQUIRE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.REQUIRE;pos=token.sourceEnd;}
+ | token = <REQUIRE_ONCE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.REQUIRE_ONCE;pos=token.sourceEnd;}
+ | token = <INCLUDE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.INCLUDE;pos=token.sourceEnd;}
+ | token = <INCLUDE_ONCE> {keyword = InclusionStatement.INCLUDE_ONCE;pos=token.sourceEnd;})
try {
expr = Expression()
+ {pos=expr.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
if (errorMessage != null) {
throw e;
errorMessage = "unexpected token '"+ e.currentToken.next.image+"', expression expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos+1;
+ errorEnd = pos+1;
+ expr = new ConstantIdentifier(SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR,pos,pos);
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
{inclusionStatement = new InclusionStatement(currentSegment,
PrintExpression PrintExpression() :
final Expression expr;
- final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+ final Token printToken;
- <PRINT> expr = Expression() {return new PrintExpression(expr,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ token = <PRINT> expr = Expression()
+ {return new PrintExpression(expr,token.sourceStart,expr.sourceEnd);}
ListExpression ListExpression() :
Expression expr = null;
final Expression expression;
final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- final Token listToken;
+ int pos;
+ final Token listToken, rParen;
+ Token token;
- listToken = <LIST>
+ listToken = <LIST> {pos = listToken.sourceEnd;}
try {
+ token = <LPAREN> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', '(' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
expr = VariableDeclaratorId()
- {list.add(expr);}
+ {list.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd;}
{if (expr == null) list.add(null);}
try {
+ token = <COMMA>
+ {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', ',' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos+1;
+ errorEnd = pos+1;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
- [expr = VariableDeclaratorId() {list.add(expr);}]
+ [expr = VariableDeclaratorId() {list.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd;}]
try {
+ rParen = <RPAREN>
+ {pos = rParen.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"', ')' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos+1;
+ errorEnd = pos+1;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
[ <ASSIGN> expression = Expression()
return new ListExpression(vars,
- pos,
- SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ listToken.sourceStart,
+ expression.sourceEnd);}
- final Variable[] vars = new Variable[list.size()];
+ final AbstractVariable[] vars = new AbstractVariable[list.size()];
- return new ListExpression(vars,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ return new ListExpression(vars,listToken.sourceStart,pos);}
final ArrayList vars = new ArrayList();
final GlobalStatement global;
final Token token, token2;
+ int pos;
token = <GLOBAL>
expr = Variable()
- {vars.add(expr);}
+ {vars.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd+1;}
expr = Variable()
- {vars.add(expr);}
+ {vars.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd+1;}
try {
token2 = <SEMICOLON>
+ {pos = token2.sourceEnd+1;}
+ } catch (ParseException e) {
+ errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. a ';' was expected";
+ errorLevel = ERROR;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ }
final Variable[] variables = new Variable[vars.size()];
global = new GlobalStatement(currentSegment,
- token2.sourceEnd);
+ pos);
return global;}
- } catch (ParseException e) {
- errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. a ';' was expected";
- errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
- }
StaticStatement StaticStatement() :
final ArrayList vars = new ArrayList();
VariableDeclaration expr;
final Token token, token2;
+ int pos;
- token = <STATIC> expr = VariableDeclarator() {vars.add(expr);}
+ token = <STATIC> expr = VariableDeclarator() {vars.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd+1;}
- <COMMA> expr = VariableDeclarator() {vars.add(expr);}
+ <COMMA> expr = VariableDeclarator() {vars.add(expr);pos = expr.sourceEnd+1;}
try {
token2 = <SEMICOLON>
+ {pos = token2.sourceEnd+1;}
+ } catch (ParseException e) {
+ errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. a ';' was expected";
+ errorLevel = ERROR;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseException(e);
+ }
final VariableDeclaration[] variables = new VariableDeclaration[vars.size()];
return new StaticStatement(variables,
- token2.sourceEnd);}
- } catch (ParseException e) {
- errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. a ';' was expected";
- errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
- }
+ pos);}
LabeledStatement LabeledStatement() :
final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
Statement statement;
final Token token, token2;
+ int pos,start;
try {
token = <LBRACE>
+ {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;start=token.sourceStart;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "'{' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ pos = PHPParser.token.sourceEnd+1;
+ start=pos;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
- ( statement = BlockStatement() {list.add(statement);}
- | statement = htmlBlock() {list.add(statement);})*
+ ( statement = BlockStatement() {list.add(statement);pos = statement.sourceEnd+1;}
+ | statement = htmlBlock() {list.add(statement);pos = statement.sourceEnd+1;})*
try {
token2 = <RBRACE>
+ {pos = token2.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.image +"', '}' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
final Statement[] statements = new Statement[list.size()];
- return new Block(statements,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);}
+ return new Block(statements,start,pos);}
Statement BlockStatement() :
Expression StatementExpression() :
final Expression expr;
+ final Token operator;
expr = PreIncDecExpression() {return expr;}
expr = PrimaryExpression()
- [ <PLUS_PLUS> {return new PostfixedUnaryExpression(expr,
- OperatorIds.PLUS_PLUS,
- SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
- | <MINUS_MINUS> {return new PostfixedUnaryExpression(expr,
- OperatorIds.MINUS_MINUS,
- SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ [ operator = <PLUS_PLUS> {return new PostfixedUnaryExpression(expr,
+ OperatorIds.PLUS_PLUS,
+ operator.sourceEnd);}
+ | operator = <MINUS_MINUS> {return new PostfixedUnaryExpression(expr,
+ OperatorIds.MINUS_MINUS,
+ operator.sourceEnd);}
{return expr;}
SwitchStatement SwitchStatement() :
- final Expression variable;
+ Expression variable;
final AbstractCase[] cases;
- final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
- final Token switchToken;
+ final Token switchToken,lparenToken,rparenToken;
+ int pos;
- switchToken = <SWITCH>
+ switchToken = <SWITCH> {pos = switchToken.sourceEnd+1;}
try {
+ lparenToken = <LPAREN>
+ {pos = lparenToken.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "'(' expected after 'switch'";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
try {
- variable = Expression()
+ variable = Expression() {pos = variable.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
if (errorMessage != null) {
throw e;
errorMessage = "expression expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ variable = new ConstantIdentifier(SYNTAX_ERROR_CHAR,pos,pos);
try {
+ rparenToken = <RPAREN> {pos = rparenToken.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "')' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
- (cases = switchStatementBrace() | cases = switchStatementColon(switchToken.sourceStart, switchToken.sourceEnd))
- {return new SwitchStatement(variable,cases,switchToken.sourceStart,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ ( cases = switchStatementBrace()
+ | cases = switchStatementColon(switchToken.sourceStart, switchToken.sourceEnd))
+ {return new SwitchStatement(variable,
+ cases,
+ switchToken.sourceStart,
+ PHPParser.token.sourceEnd);}
AbstractCase[] switchStatementBrace() :
AbstractCase cas;
final ArrayList cases = new ArrayList();
+ Token token;
+ int pos;
- ( cas = switchLabel0() {cases.add(cas);})*
+ token = <LBRACE> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
+ ( cas = switchLabel0() {cases.add(cas);pos = cas.sourceEnd;})*
try {
- {
- final AbstractCase[] abcase = new AbstractCase[cases.size()];
- cases.toArray(abcase);
- return abcase;}
+ token = <RBRACE>
+ {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "'}' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos+1;
+ errorEnd = pos+1;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ }
+ {
+ final AbstractCase[] abcase = new AbstractCase[cases.size()];
+ cases.toArray(abcase);
+ return abcase;
AbstractCase cas;
final ArrayList cases = new ArrayList();
+ Token token;
+ int pos;
+ token = <COLON> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
{try {
"Ugly syntax detected, you should switch () {...} instead of switch (): ... enswitch;",
} catch (CoreException e) {
- ( cas = switchLabel0() {cases.add(cas);})*
+ ( cas = switchLabel0() {cases.add(cas);pos = cas.sourceEnd;})*
try {
+ token = <ENDSWITCH> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "'endswitch' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos+1;
+ errorEnd = pos+1;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
try {
- {
- final AbstractCase[] abcase = new AbstractCase[cases.size()];
- cases.toArray(abcase);
- return abcase;}
+ token = <SEMICOLON> {pos = token.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "';' expected after 'endswitch' keyword";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos+1;
+ errorEnd = pos+1;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ }
+ {
+ final AbstractCase[] abcase = new AbstractCase[cases.size()];
+ cases.toArray(abcase);
+ return abcase;
final Expression expr;
Statement statement;
final ArrayList stmts = new ArrayList();
- final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+ final Token token = PHPParser.token;
expr = SwitchLabel()
| statement = htmlBlock() {stmts.add(statement);})*
[ statement = BreakStatement() {stmts.add(statement);}]
- final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[stmts.size()];
- stmts.toArray(stmtsArray);
- if (expr == null) {//it's a default
- return new DefaultCase(stmtsArray,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());
+ final int listSize = stmts.size();
+ final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[listSize];
+ stmts.toArray(stmtsArray);
+ if (expr == null) {//it's a default
+ return new DefaultCase(stmtsArray,token.sourceStart,stmtsArray[listSize-1].sourceEnd);
+ }
+ if (listSize != 0) {
+ return new Case(expr,stmtsArray,expr.sourceStart,stmtsArray[listSize-1].sourceEnd);
+ } else {
+ return new Case(expr,stmtsArray,expr.sourceStart,expr.sourceEnd);
+ }
- return new Case(expr,stmtsArray,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
Expression expression = null;
final Token token, token2;
+ int pos;
- token = <BREAK> [ expression = Expression() ]
+ token = <BREAK> {pos = token.sourceEnd+1;}
+ [ expression = Expression() {pos = expression.sourceEnd+1;}]
try {
token2 = <SEMICOLON>
+ {pos = token2.sourceEnd;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "';' expected after 'break' keyword";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
- {return new Break(expression, token.sourceStart, token2.sourceEnd);}
+ {return new Break(expression, token.sourceStart, pos);}
IfStatement IfStatement() :
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "'(' expected after " + keyword + " keyword";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length();
- errorEnd = errorStart +1;
+ errorStart = PHPParser.token.sourceEnd + 1;
+ errorEnd = PHPParser.token.sourceEnd + 1;
condition = Expression()
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "')' expected after " + keyword + " keyword";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
+ errorStart = condition.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = condition.sourceEnd+1;
{return condition;}
final Expression condition;
Statement statement;
final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+ final Token elseifToken;
- <ELSEIF> condition = Condition("elseif")
+ elseifToken = <ELSEIF> condition = Condition("elseif")
<COLON> ( statement = Statement() {list.add(statement);}
| statement = htmlBlock() {list.add(statement);})*
- final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[list.size()];
+ final int sizeList = list.size();
+ final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[sizeList];
- return new ElseIf(condition,stmtsArray ,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ return new ElseIf(condition,stmtsArray ,
+ elseifToken.sourceStart,
+ stmtsArray[sizeList-1].sourceEnd);}
Else ElseStatementColon() :
Statement statement;
final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+ final Token elseToken;
- <ELSE> <COLON> ( statement = Statement() {list.add(statement);}
+ elseToken = <ELSE> <COLON> ( statement = Statement() {list.add(statement);}
| statement = htmlBlock() {list.add(statement);})*
- final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[list.size()];
+ final int sizeList = list.size();
+ final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[sizeList];
- return new Else(stmtsArray,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ return new Else(stmtsArray,elseToken.sourceStart,stmtsArray[sizeList-1].sourceEnd);}
ElseIf ElseIfStatement() :
final Expression condition;
- final Statement statement;
- final ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+ //final Statement statement;
+ final Token elseifToken;
+ final Statement[] statement = new Statement[1];
- <ELSEIF> condition = Condition("elseif") statement = Statement() {list.add(statement);/*todo:do better*/}
+ elseifToken = <ELSEIF> condition = Condition("elseif") statement[0] = Statement()
- final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[list.size()];
- list.toArray(stmtsArray);
- return new ElseIf(condition,stmtsArray,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ return new ElseIf(condition,statement,elseifToken.sourceStart,statement[0].sourceEnd);}
WhileStatement WhileStatement() :
final Expression condition;
final Statement action;
- final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+ final Token whileToken;
+ whileToken = <WHILE>
condition = Condition("while")
- action = WhileStatement0(pos,pos + 5)
- {return new WhileStatement(condition,action,pos,SimpleCharStream.getPosition());}
+ action = WhileStatement0(whileToken.sourceStart,whileToken.sourceEnd)
+ {return new WhileStatement(condition,action,whileToken.sourceStart,action.sourceEnd);}
Statement WhileStatement0(final int start, final int end) :
final Statement action;
final Expression condition;
- final Token token, token2;
+ final Token token;
+ Token token2 = null;
token = <DO> action = Statement() <WHILE> condition = Condition("while")
try {
token2 = <SEMICOLON>
- {return new DoStatement(condition,action,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "unexpected token : '"+ e.currentToken.next.image +"'. A ';' was expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = condition.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = condition.sourceEnd+1;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ }
+ {
+ if (token2 == null) {
+ return new DoStatement(condition,action,token.sourceStart,condition.sourceEnd);
+ }
+ return new DoStatement(condition,action,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);
ForeachStatement ForeachStatement() :
- Statement statement;
- Expression expression;
- ArrayVariableDeclaration variable;
- Token token;
+ Statement statement = null;
+ Expression expression = null;
+ ArrayVariableDeclaration variable = null;
+ Token foreachToken;
+ Token lparenToken = null;
+ Token asToken = null;
+ Token rparenToken = null;
+ int pos;
- token = <FOREACH>
- try {
+ foreachToken = <FOREACH>
+ try {
+ lparenToken = <LPAREN>
+ {pos = lparenToken.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "'(' expected after 'foreach' keyword";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = foreachToken.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = foreachToken.sourceEnd+1;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ {pos = foreachToken.sourceEnd+1;}
try {
expression = Expression()
+ {pos = expression.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "variable expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
try {
- <AS>
+ asToken = <AS>
+ {pos = asToken.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "'as' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
try {
variable = ArrayVariable()
+ {pos = variable.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
+ if (errorMessage != null) throw e;
errorMessage = "variable expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
try {
+ rparenToken = <RPAREN>
+ {pos = rparenToken.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "')' expected after 'foreach' keyword";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
try {
statement = Statement()
+ {pos = rparenToken.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
if (errorMessage != null) throw e;
errorMessage = "statement expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
{return new ForeachStatement(expression,
- token.sourceStart,
+ foreachToken.sourceStart,
ForStatement ForStatement() :
-final Token token,token2;
-final int pos = SimpleCharStream.getPosition();
+final Token token,tokenEndFor,token2,tokenColon;
+int pos;
Expression[] initializations = null;
Expression condition = null;
Expression[] increments = null;
- (action = Statement() {list.add(action);})*
+ tokenColon = <COLON> {pos = tokenColon.sourceEnd+1;}
+ (action = Statement() {list.add(action);pos = action.sourceEnd+1;})*
try {
try {
+ tokenEndFor = <ENDFOR>
+ {pos = tokenEndFor.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "'endfor' expected";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
try {
token2 = <SEMICOLON>
- {
- final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[list.size()];
- list.toArray(stmtsArray);
- return new ForStatement(initializations,
- condition,
- increments,
- new Block(stmtsArray,
- stmtsArray[0].sourceStart,
- stmtsArray[stmtsArray.length-1].sourceEnd),
- token.sourceStart,
- token2.sourceEnd);}
+ {pos = token2.sourceEnd+1;}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "';' expected after 'endfor' keyword";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ errorStart = pos;
+ errorEnd = pos;
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ {
+ final Statement[] stmtsArray = new Statement[list.size()];
+ list.toArray(stmtsArray);
+ return new ForStatement(initializations,
+ condition,
+ increments,
+ new Block(stmtsArray,
+ stmtsArray[0].sourceStart,
+ stmtsArray[stmtsArray.length-1].sourceEnd),
+ token.sourceStart,
+ pos);}
Continue ContinueStatement() :
Expression expr = null;
- final Token token,token2;
+ final Token token;
+ Token token2 = null;
token = <CONTINUE> [ expr = Expression() ]
try {
token2 = <SEMICOLON>
- {return new Continue(expr,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "';' expected after 'continue' statement";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
+ if (expr == null) {
+ errorStart = token.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = token.sourceEnd+1;
+ } else {
+ errorStart = expr.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = expr.sourceEnd+1;
+ }
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ }
+ {
+ if (token2 == null) {
+ if (expr == null) {
+ return new Continue(expr,token.sourceStart,token.sourceEnd);
+ }
+ return new Continue(expr,token.sourceStart,expr.sourceEnd);
+ }
+ return new Continue(expr,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);
ReturnStatement ReturnStatement() :
Expression expr = null;
- final Token token,token2;
+ final Token token;
+ Token token2 = null;
token = <RETURN> [ expr = Expression() ]
try {
token2 = <SEMICOLON>
- {return new ReturnStatement(expr,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);}
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMessage = "';' expected after 'return' statement";
errorLevel = ERROR;
- errorStart = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() - e.currentToken.next.image.length() + 1;
- errorEnd = SimpleCharStream.getPosition() + 1;
- throw e;
- }
+ if (expr == null) {
+ errorStart = token.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = token.sourceEnd+1;
+ } else {
+ errorStart = expr.sourceEnd+1;
+ errorEnd = expr.sourceEnd+1;
+ }
+ processParseExceptionDebug(e);
+ }
+ {
+ if (token2 == null) {
+ if (expr == null) {
+ return new ReturnStatement(expr,token.sourceStart,token.sourceEnd);
+ }
+ return new ReturnStatement(expr,token.sourceStart,expr.sourceEnd);
+ }
+ return new ReturnStatement(expr,token.sourceStart,token2.sourceEnd);
+ }