<phpsyntax function="COM_load" usage="int com_load(string module_name [, string remote_host [, int codepage [, string typelib]]])">Loads a COM module</phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="abs" usage="int abs(int number)">Return the absolute value of the number</phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="accept_connect"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="acos" usage="float acos(float number)">Return the arc cosine of the number in radians</phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="acos" usage="float acos(float arg)">Return the arc cosine of the arg in radians</phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="acosh" usage="float acosh(float arg)">Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of arg</phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="add"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="add_iovec"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="addaction"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="addcolor"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="addcslashes"></phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="addcslashes" usage="string addcslashes (string str, string charlist)">
+Returns a string with backslashes before characters that are listed in charlist parameter.
+It escapes \n, \r etc. in C-like style, characters with ASCII code lower than 32 and
+higher than 126 are converted to octal representation.</phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="addentry"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="addfill"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="addshape"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="addslashes"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="addstring"></phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="addslashes" usage="string addslashes (string str)">
+Returns a string with backslashes before characters that need to be quoted in database queries etc.
+These characters are single quote ('), double quote ("), backslash (\) and NUL (the NULL byte).</phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="addstring"></phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="aggregate" usage="void aggregate ( object object, string class_name)">
+Aggregates methods and properties defined in a class to an existing object.
+Methods and properties with names starting with an underscore character (_) are considered private
+to the aggregated class and are not used, constructors are also excluded from the aggregation procedure.</phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="align"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="apache_child_terminate"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="apache_lookup_uri"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="apache_lookup_uri"></phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="apache_child_terminate" usage="bool apache_child_terminate ( void)">
+apache_child_terminate() will register the Apache process executing the current PHP request for termination
+once execution of PHP code it is completed. It may be used to terminate a process after a script with
+high memory consumption has been run as memory will usually only be freed internally but not given
+back to the operating system.
+ </phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="apache_lookup_uri" usage="object apache_lookup_uri ( string filename)">
+This performs a partial request for a URI. It goes just far enough to obtain all the important information
+about the given resource and returns this information in a class.
+ </phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="apache_note"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="apache_sub_req"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="array_count_values"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="crack_opendict"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="crash"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="crc32"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="create_function" usage="Creates an anonymous function, and returns its name (funny, eh?)">string create_function(string args, string code)</phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="create_function" usage="string create_function(string args, string code)">Creates an anonymous function, and returns its name (funny, eh?)</phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="crypt"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="crypt"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="ctype_alnum"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="decbin"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="dechex"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="decoct"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="define" usage="Define a new constant">bool define(string constant_name, mixed value, case_sensitive=true)</phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="define" usage="bool define(string constant_name, mixed value, case_sensitive=true)">Define a new constant</phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="define_syslog_variables"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="defined" usage="Check whether a constant exists">bool defined(string constant_name)</phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="defined" usage="bool defined(string constant_name)">Check whether a constant exists</phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="deg2rad"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="delete_iovec"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="dgettext"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="dir" usage="Directory class with properties, handle and class and methods read, rewind and close">class dir(string directory)</phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="dir" usage="class dir(string directory)">
+Directory class with properties, handle and class and methods read, rewind and close.
+ </phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="dirname"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="diskfreespace"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="display_disabled_function"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="mysql_numfields"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="mysql_numrows"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="mysql_pconnect"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="mysql_query"></phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="mysql_query" usage="resource mysql_query ( string query [, resource link_identifier [, int result_mode]])">
+mysql_query() sends a query to the currently active database on the server
+that's associated with the specified link identifier.
+If link_identifier isn't specified, the last opened link is assumed.
+If no link is open, the function tries to establish a link as if mysql_connect()
+was called with no arguments, and use it.
+The optional result_mode parameter can be MYSQL_USE_RESULT and MYSQL_STORE_RESULT.
+It defaults to MYSQL_STORE_RESULT, so the result is buffered.
+See also mysql_unbuffered_query() for the counterpart of this behaviour.
+ </phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="mysql_result"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="mysql_select_db"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="mysql_selectdb"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="mysql_tablename"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="mysql_unbuffered_query"></phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="mysql_unbuffered_query" usage="resource mysql_unbuffered_query ( string query [, resource link_identifier [, int result_mode]])">
+mysql_unbuffered_query() sends a SQL query query to MySQL, without fetching and buffering the
+result rows automatically, as mysql_query() does.
+On the one hand, this saves a considerable amount of memory with SQL queries
+that produce large result sets. On the other hand, you can start working on
+the result set immediately after the first row has been retrieved: you don't
+have to wait until the complete SQL query has been performed. When using multiple DB-connects,
+you have to specify the optional parameter link_identifier.
+The optional result_mode parameter can be MYSQL_USE_RESULT and MYSQL_STORE_RESULT.
+It defaults to MYSQL_USE_RESULT, so the result is not buffered.
+See also mysql_query() for the counterpart of this behaviour.
+ </phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="natcasesort"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="natsort"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="new_xmldoc"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="strtoupper"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="strtr"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="strval"></phpsyntax>
- <phpsyntax function="substr" usage="Returns part of a string">string substr(string str, int start [, int length])</phpsyntax>
+ <phpsyntax function="substr" usage="string substr(string str, int start [, int length])">Returns part of a string</phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="substr_count"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="substr_replace"></phpsyntax>
<phpsyntax function="swf_actiongeturl"></phpsyntax>