+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.PHPParser;
* Test the PHP Parser with different PHP snippets
public void testPHPParser() {
- check("if (isset($test)) { } elseif (isset($lang)) { }");
- check("require_once(\"mainfile.php\"); ");
- check("if (eregi(\"footer.php\",$PHP_SELF)) {\n" + "Header(\"Location: index.php\");\n" + "die();\n" + "}\n");
- check("while (eregi(\"footer.php\",$PHP_SELF)) {\n" + "Header(\"Location: index.php\");\n" + "die();\n" + "}\n");
- check("while (eregi(\"footer.php\",$PHP_SELF)) :\n" + "Header(\"Location: index.php\");\n" + "die();\n" + "endwhile;\n");
- check("$tipath = \"images/topics/\";");
- check("$reasons = array(\"1\", \"2\",\"test\");");
- check("if ($home == 1) { message_box(); blocks(Center);}");
- check("$bresult = sql_query(\"select * from \".$prefix.\"_banner WHERE type='0' AND active='1'\", $dbi);");
- check("switch($func) {\n case \"f1\":\n f1();\n break; \n default: \n f0(); \n break;\n }");
- check("list ($catid) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi);");
- check("if (!$name) { \n }");
- check("mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000);");
- check("\"\\\"\";");
- check("$v->read();");
- check("$alttext = ereg_replace(\"\\\"\", \"\", $alttext);");
- check("$message .= \"\"._THISISAUTOMATED.\"\\n\\n\";");
- check("if (!empty($pass) AND $pass==$passwd) { }");
- check("$AllowableHTML = array(\"b\"=>1,\n \"i\"=>1);");
- check("if ($term{0}!=$firstChar) {}");
- check("echo \"<center><b>\"._NOADMINYET.\"</b></center><br><br>\"\n"
- + ".\"<form action=\\\"admin.php\\\" method=\\\"post\\\">\"\n"
- + ".\"<tr><td><b>\"._NICKNAME.\":</b></td><td><input type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"name\\\" size=\\\"30\\\" maxlength=\\\"25\\\"></td></tr>\"\n"
- +";");
- check("/* \n overLib is from Eric Bosrup ( \n */");
- check("if ($arrAtchCookie[1]==0 && $IdAtchPostId!=null){ } ");
- check("$arrAtchCookie[1] -= filesize(realpath($AtchTempDir).\"/\".$xattachlist)/ 1024; ");
- check("if (!isset($message)){ \n"
- + "$message = $myrow[post_text];\n"
- + "$message = eregi_replace(\"\\[addsig]\", \"\\n-----------------\\n\" . $myrow[user_sig], $message); \n"
- +"$message = str_replace(\"<BR>\", \"\\n\", $message); \n"
- +"$message = str_replace(\"<br>\", \"\\n\", $message); \n } ");
- check("do {$array[] = array(\"$myrow[uid]\" => \"$myrow[uname]\"); } while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));");
- check("$ol = new Overlib();");
+ checkHTML("<?php print \"Hello world\" ?>");
+ checkHTML("<?php phpinfo(); ?>");
+ checkHTML("<?php phpinfo()?>");
+ checkHTML("<?php phpinfo(); ?> foo <?php phpinfo(); ?>");
+ checkHTML(" <?php //this is a line comment ?>");
+ checkPHP("echo \"Test\", \"me\";");
+ checkPHP("print (\"Test me\");");
+ checkPHP("$s = <<<HEREDOC \n dskjfhskj\n \n\nHEREDOC;");
+ checkPHP("$a == 0 ? print \"true\" : print \"false\";");
+ checkPHP("if(!$result = mysql_query($sql)) return(array());");
+ checkPHP("class test { function &fetchRow($result, $fetchmode = DB_FETCHMODE_DEFAULT, $rownum=null) \n{ \n } \n }");
+ checkPHP("call_user_method_array($function_name[1], ${$objectname}, $arguments);");
+ checkPHP("@$connect_function($dbhost, $user, $pw);");
+ checkPHP("$conn = @$connect_function($dbhost, $user, $pw);");
+ checkPHP("global ${$objectname}; ");
+ checkPHP("class DB_mssql extends DB_common { var $connection; var $phptype, $dbsyntax; } ");
+ checkPHP("unset($this->blockvariables[$block][$varname]);");
+ checkPHP("new IT_Error(\"The block '$block' was not found in the template.\", __FILE__, __LINE__);");
+ checkPHP("for ($i=156, $j=0; $i<512; $i++, $j++) $v_checksum += ord(substr($v_binary_data_last,$j,1));");
+ checkPHP("define('MAIL_MIME_CRLF', $crlf, true);");
+ checkPHP("static $last_run = 0;");
+ checkPHP("unset($headers['Subject']);");
+ checkPHP("switch($func) {\n case \"f0\":\n case \"f1\":\n f1();\n break; \n case \"tt\": \n default: \n f0(); \n break;\n }");
+ checkPHP("function validateAndParseResponse($code, &$arguments) { }");
+ checkPHP("$options = Console_Getopt::getopt($argv, \"h?v:e:p:d:\");");
+ checkPHP("$this->container = new $container_class($container_options);");
+ checkPHP("class Cmd extends PEAR { var $arrSetting = array(); }");
+ checkPHP("class Cmd extends PEAR { var $arrSetting = array(), $i=10; }");
+ checkPHP("if (isset($test)) { } elseif (isset($lang)) { }");
+ checkPHP("require_once(\"mainfile.php\"); ");
+ checkPHP("if (eregi(\"footer.php\",$PHP_SELF)) {\n" + "Header(\"Location: index.php\");\n" + "die();\n" + "}\n");
+ checkPHP("while (eregi(\"footer.php\",$PHP_SELF)) {\n" + "Header(\"Location: index.php\");\n" + "die();\n" + "}\n");
+ checkPHP("while (eregi(\"footer.php\",$PHP_SELF)) :\n" + "Header(\"Location: index.php\");\n" + "die();\n" + "endwhile;\n");
+ checkPHP("$tipath = \"images/topics/\";");
+ checkPHP("$reasons = array(\"1\", \"2\",\"test\");");
+ checkPHP("if ($home == 1) { message_box(); blocks(Center);}");
+ checkPHP("$bresult = sql_query(\"select * from \".$prefix.\"_banner WHERE type='0' AND active='1'\", $dbi);");
+ checkPHP("switch($func) {\n case \"f1\":\n f1();\n break; \n default: \n f0(); \n break;\n }");
+ checkPHP("list ($catid) = sql_fetch_row($result, $dbi);");
+ checkPHP("if (!$name) { \n }");
+ checkPHP("mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000);");
+ checkPHP("\"\\\"\";");
+ checkPHP("$v->read();");
+ checkPHP("$alttext = ereg_replace(\"\\\"\", \"\", $alttext);");
+ checkPHP("$message .= \"\"._THISISAUTOMATED.\"\\n\\n\";");
+ checkPHP("if (!empty($pass) AND $pass==$passwd) { }");
+ checkPHP("$AllowableHTML = array(\"b\"=>1,\n \"i\"=>1);");
+ checkPHP("if ($term{0}!=$firstChar) {}");
+ checkPHP(
+ "echo \"<center><b>\"._NOADMINYET.\"</b></center><br><br>\"\n"
+ + ".\"<form action=\\\"admin.php\\\" method=\\\"post\\\">\"\n"
+ + ".\"<tr><td><b>\"._NICKNAME.\":</b></td><td><input type=\\\"text\\\" name=\\\"name\\\" size=\\\"30\\\" maxlength=\\\"25\\\"></td></tr>\"\n"
+ + ";");
+ checkPHP("/* \n overLib is from Eric Bosrup ( \n */");
+ checkPHP("if ($arrAtchCookie[1]==0 && $IdAtchPostId!=null){ } ");
+ checkPHP("$arrAtchCookie[1] -= filesize(realpath($AtchTempDir).\"/\".$xattachlist)/ 1024; ");
+ checkPHP(
+ "if (!isset($message)){ \n"
+ + "$message = $myrow[post_text];\n"
+ + "$message = eregi_replace(\"\\[addsig]\", \"\\n-----------------\\n\" . $myrow[user_sig], $message); \n"
+ + "$message = str_replace(\"<BR>\", \"\\n\", $message); \n"
+ + "$message = str_replace(\"<br>\", \"\\n\", $message); \n } ");
+ checkPHP("do {$array[] = array(\"$myrow[uid]\" => \"$myrow[uname]\"); } while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));");
+ checkPHP("$ol = new Overlib();");
+ checkPHP("$risultato = mysql_query($sql) or\n die(mysql_error());");
+ }
+ private void checkPHP(String strEval) {
+ try {
+ parser.phpParse(strEval, 1);
+ } catch (CoreException e) {
+ }
- public void check(String strEval) {
- parser.start(strEval, 1);
+ private void checkHTML(String strEval) {
+ parser.htmlParse(strEval);
* The JUnit setup method
protected void setUp() {
- parser = new PHPParser();
+ parser = new PHPParser(null);