--- /dev/null
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\r
+<!-- Schema file written by PDE -->\r
+<schema targetNamespace="net.sf.wdte.css.ui">\r
+ <appInfo>\r
+ <meta.schema plugin="net.sf.wdte.css.ui" id="profiles" name="CSS Profiles"/>\r
+ </appInfo>\r
+ <documentation>\r
+ [Enter description of this extension point.]\r
+ </documentation>\r
+ </annotation>\r
+ <element name="extension">\r
+ <complexType>\r
+ <sequence>\r
+ <element ref="profile" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>\r
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+ <annotation>\r
+ <documentation>\r
+ \r
+ </documentation>\r
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+ <annotation>\r
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+ \r
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+ <annotation>\r
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+ \r
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+ <element name="profile">\r
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+ \r
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+ <annotation>\r
+ <documentation>\r
+ \r
+ </documentation>\r
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+ <annotation>\r
+ <documentation>\r
+ \r
+ </documentation>\r
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+ <annotation>\r
+ <documentation>\r
+ \r
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+ <annotation>\r
+ <appInfo>\r
+ <meta.section type="since"/>\r
+ </appInfo>\r
+ <documentation>\r
+ [Enter the first release in which this extension point appears.]\r
+ </documentation>\r
+ </annotation>\r
+ <annotation>\r
+ <appInfo>\r
+ <meta.section type="examples"/>\r
+ </appInfo>\r
+ <documentation>\r
+ [Enter extension point usage example here.]\r
+ </documentation>\r
+ </annotation>\r
+ <annotation>\r
+ <appInfo>\r
+ <meta.section type="apiInfo"/>\r
+ </appInfo>\r
+ <documentation>\r
+ [Enter API information here.]\r
+ </documentation>\r
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+ <annotation>\r
+ <appInfo>\r
+ <meta.section type="implementation"/>\r
+ </appInfo>\r
+ <documentation>\r
+ [Enter information about supplied implementation of this extension point.]\r
+ </documentation>\r
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+ <annotation>\r
+ <appInfo>\r
+ <meta.section type="copyright"/>\r
+ </appInfo>\r
+ <documentation>\r
+ \r
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+ </annotation>\r