X-Git-Url: http://git.phpeclipse.com diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpeditor/phpsyntax.xml b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpeditor/phpsyntax.xml index 175249e..c952eaa 100644 --- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpeditor/phpsyntax.xml +++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpeclipse/phpeditor/phpsyntax.xml @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Invokes a COM module Loads a COM module Return the absolute value of the number - + Return the arc cosine of the arg in radians Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of arg @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ It escapes \n, \r etc. in C-like style, characters with ASCII code lower than 32 higher than 126 are converted to octal representation. - + Returns a string with backslashes before characters that need to be quoted in database queries etc. These characters are single quote ('), double quote ("), backslash (\) and NUL (the NULL byte). @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ back to the operating system. This performs a partial request for a URI. It goes just far enough to obtain all the important information about the given resource and returns this information in a class. - + apache_note() is an Apache-specific function which gets and sets values in a request's notes table. If called with one argument, it returns the current value of note note_name. If called with two arguments, it sets the value of note note_name to note_value and returns the previous value of note note_name. @@ -67,17 +67,23 @@ about the given resource and returns this information in a class. - - - - - - - - - - - + This function sorts an array such that array indices maintain their correlation with the array elements they are associated with. This is used mainly when sorting associative arrays where the actual element order is significant. + Returns the arc sine of arg in radians. asin() is the complementary function of sin(), which means that a==sin(asin(a)) for every value of a that is within asin() 's range. + This function sorts an array such that array indices maintain their correlation with the array elements they are associated with. This is used mainly when sorting associative arrays where the actual element order is significant. + aspell_check() checks the spelling of a word and returns TRUE if the spelling is correct, FALSE if not. + aspell_check_raw() checks the spelling of a word, without changing its case or trying to trim it in any way and returns TRUE if the spelling is correct, FALSE if not. + aspell_new() opens up a new dictionary and returns the dictionary link identifier for use in other aspell functions. Returns FALSE on error. + aspell_suggest() returns an array of possible spellings for the given word. + +assert() will check the given assertion and take appropriate action if its result is FALSE . + +If the assertion is given as a string it will be evaluated as PHP code by assert(). The advantages of a string assertion are less overhead when assertion checking is off and messages containing the assertion expression when an assertion fails. This means that if you pass a boolean condition as assertion this condition will not show up as parameter to the assertion function which you may have defined with the assert_options() function, the condition is converted to a string before calling that handler function, and the boolean FALSE is converted as the empty string. + Using assert_options() you may set the various assert() control options or just query their current settings. + Returns the arc tangent of arg in radians. atan() is the complementary function of tan(), which means that a==tan(atan(a)) for every value of a that is within atan()'s range. + +This function calculates the arc tangent of the two variables xand y. It is similar to calculating the arc tangent of y/x, except that the signs of both arguments are used to determine the quadrant of the result. + +The function returns the result in radians, which is between -PI and PI (inclusive) base64_decode() decodes encoded_data and returns the original data. The returned data may be binary. base64_encode returns data encoded with base64. This encoding is designed to make binary data survive transport through transport layers that are not 8-bit clean, such as mail bodies. Returns a string containing number represented in base tobase. The base in which number is given is specified in frombase. Both frombase and tobase have to be between 2 and 36, inclusive. Digits in numbers with a base higher than 10 will be represented with the letters a-z, with a meaning 10, b meaning 11 and z meaning 35. @@ -88,24 +94,38 @@ about the given resource and returns this information in a class. Get the modulus of the left_operand using modulus. Multiply the left_operand by the right_operand and returns the result. The optional scale sets the number of digits after the decimal place in the result. Raise x to the power y. The optional scale can be used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result. - - - - - + This function sets the default scale parameter for all subsequent bc math functions that do not explicitly specify a scale parameter. + Return the square root of the operand. The optional scale parameter sets the number of digits after the decimal place in the result. + Subtracts the right_operand from the left_operand and returns the result in a string. The optional scale parameter is used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result. + Returns an ASCII string containing the hexadecimal representation of str. The conversion is done byte-wise with the high-nibble first. + - - - - - - - - - - - - + +Returns the decimal equivalent of the binary number represented by the binary_string argument. + +bindec() converts a binary number to an integer. The largest number that can be converted is 31 bits of 1's or 2147483647 in decimal. + The bindtextdomain() function sets the path for a domain. + Closes the bzip2 file referenced by the pointer bz. + +bzcompress() compresses the source string and returns it as bzip2 encoded data. + +The optional parameter blocksize specifies the blocksize used during compression and should be a number from 1 to 9 with 9 giving the best compression, but using more resources to do so. blocksize defaults to 4. + +The optional parameter workfactor controls how the compression phase behaves when presented with worst case, highly repetitive, input data. The value can be between 0 and 250 with 0 being a special case and 30 being the default value. Regardless of the workfactor, the generated output is the same. + bzdecompress() decompresses the source string containing bzip2 encoded data and returns it. If the optional parameter small is TRUE , an alternative decompression algorithm will be used which uses less memory (the maximum memory requirement drops to around 2300K) but works at roughly half the speed. + Returns the error number of any bzip2 error returned by the file pointer bz. + Returns the error number and error string, in an associative array, of any bzip2 error returned by the file pointer bz. + Returns the error string of any bzip2 error returned by the file pointer bz. + +Forces a write of all buffered bzip2 data for the file pointer bz. + +Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. + +Opens a bzip2 (.bz2) file for reading or writing. filename is the name of the file to open. mode is similar to the fopen() function (`r' for read, `w' for write, etc.). + +If the open fails, the function returns FALSE, otherwise it returns a pointer to the newly opened file. + bzread() reads up to length bytes from the bzip2 file pointer referenced by bz. Reading stops when length (uncompressed) bytes have been read or EOF is reached, whichever comes first. If the optional parameter length is not specified, bzread() will read 1024 (uncompressed) bytes at a time. + bzwrite() writes the contents of the string data to the bzip2 file stream pointed to by bz. If the optional length argument is given, writing will stop after length (uncompressed) bytes have been written or the end of string is reached, whichever comes first.