X-Git-Url: http://git.phpeclipse.com diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.externaltools/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/externaltools/internal/model/messages.properties b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.externaltools/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/externaltools/internal/model/messages.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..875ed09 --- /dev/null +++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.externaltools/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/externaltools/internal/model/messages.properties @@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ +# ====================================================================== +# Copyright (c) 2002 IBM Corp. and others. All rights reserved. +# This file is made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 +# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at +# http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html +#   +# Contributors: +# ====================================================================== + +# ======================================================================= +# Base External Tool +# ======================================================================= + +ExternalTool.nameMustContainOneChar = The external tool name must contain at least one letter or number. +ExternalTool.nameContainsInvalidChar = The external tool name must contain only letters, numbers, hyphens, and spaces. + +ToolUtil.dirLocVarBetweenText = The variable for the directory location cannot have any other text before or after itself. +ToolUtil.dirLocVarFormatWrong = The variable for the directory location is not in a valid format. +ToolUtil.dirLocVarMissing = The variable named ''{0}'' for the directory location does not exist. +ToolUtil.dirLocVarExpandFailed = The variable named ''{0}'' for the directory location could not be expanded. +ToolUtil.fileLocVarBetweenText = The variable for the file location cannot have any other text before or after itself. +ToolUtil.fileLocVarFormatWrong = The variable for the file location is not in a valid format. +ToolUtil.fileLocVarMissing = The variable named ''{0}'' for the file location does not exist. +ToolUtil.fileLocVarExpandFailed = The variable named ''{0}'' for the file location could not be expanded. +ToolUtil.argumentVarFormatWrong = A variable for the arguments is not in a valid format. +ToolUtil.argumentVarMissing = The variable named ''{0}'' for the arguments does not exist. +ToolUtil.argumentVarExpandFailed = The variable named ''{0}'' for the arguments could not be expanded. + +ExternalToolRegistry.loadToolFailure = Press the Details button for more information. +ExternalToolRegistry.fileNotFoundError = Could not find external tool storage file. +ExternalToolRegistry.ioLoadError = Problems reading external tool storage file. +ExternalToolRegistry.ioSaveError = Problems writing external tool storage file. +ExternalToolRegistry.loadErrorTitle = Problem Loading External Tools. +ExternalToolRegistry.loadErrorMessage = Could not load all external tools. +ExternalToolRegistry.noToolFilename = External tool filename for storage not specified. +ExternalToolRegistry.deleteToolFileFailed = Could not delete external tool file ''{0}''. + +ExternalToolStorage.deleteErrorTitle = Problem Deleting External Tool. +ExternalToolStorage.deleteErrorMessage = Could not delete external tool. Refresh list and try again. +ExternalToolStorage.reloadErrorTitle = Problem Refreshing External Tools +ExternalToolStorage.reloadErrorMessage = Could not load all external tools. +ExternalToolStorage.saveErrorTitle = Problem Saving External Tool. +ExternalToolStorage.saveErrorMessage = Could not save external tool. Please try again. + +NewExternalToolAction.text = &New +NewExternalToolAction.toolTip = New External Tool Wizard + +CopyExternalToolAction.text = &Copy +CopyExternalToolAction.toolTip = Copy External Tool + +PasteExternalToolAction.text = &Paste +PasteExternalToolAction.toolTip = Paste External Tool + +DeleteExternalToolAction.text = &Delete +DeleteExternalToolAction.toolTip = Delete External Tool +DeleteExternalToolAction.confirmToolDeleteTitle = Confirm External Tool Delete +DeleteExternalToolAction.confirmToolDeleteMsg = Are you sure want to delete ''{0}''? + +RenameExternalToolAction.text = Rena&me +RenameExternalToolAction.toolTip = Rename External Tool + +RefreshViewAction.text = Re&fresh +RefreshViewAction.toolTip = Refresh External Tool View + +RunExternalToolAction.text = R&un +RunExternalToolAction.toolTip = Run External Tool + +RunWithExternalToolAction.text = Run &With... +RunWithExternalToolAction.toolTip = Prompt for Arguments and Run External Tool + +EditExternalToolPropertiesAction.text = P&roperties +EditExternalToolPropertiesAction.toolTip = Edit External Tool Properties + +ExternalToolMainGroup.locationLabel = &Location: +ExternalToolMainGroup.locationBrowseLabel = B&rowse... +ExternalToolMainGroup.descriptionLabel = D&escription: +ExternalToolMainGroup.nameLabel = Na&me: +ExternalToolMainGroup.workDirLabel = &Working Directory: +ExternalToolMainGroup.workDirBrowseLabel = Br&owse... +ExternalToolMainGroup.nameRequired = External tool name cannot be empty. +ExternalToolMainGroup.nameAlreadyExist = Another external tool exists with the same name. +ExternalToolMainGroup.locationRequired = External tool location cannot be empty. +ExternalToolMainGroup.invalidLocation = External tool location does not exist or is invalid. +ExternalToolMainGroup.invalidWorkDir = External tool working directory does not exist or is invalid. + +ExternalToolOptionGroup.captureOutputLabel = &Capture output messages from running tool +ExternalToolOptionGroup.showConsoleLabel = &Show console when tool is run +ExternalToolOptionGroup.runBackgroundLabel = &Run tool in background +ExternalToolOptionGroup.openPerspLabel = &Open perspective when tool is run: +ExternalToolOptionGroup.argumentLabel = Ar&guments: +ExternalToolOptionGroup.argumentInstruction = Note: Enclose an argument containing spaces using double-quotes ("). Not\napplicable for variables. +ExternalToolOptionGroup.argumentVariableLabel = &Variables... +ExternalToolOptionGroup.promptArgLabel = &Prompt for arguments before running tool +ExternalToolOptionGroup.showInMenuLabel = S&how in Run > External Tools menu +ExternalToolOptionGroup.saveDirtyEditorsLabel = Save dirty &editors before running tool + +ExternalToolRefreshGroup.refreshLabel = &Refresh resources after running tool +ExternalToolRefreshGroup.recursiveLabel = Recursively &include sub-folders +ExternalToolRefreshGroup.scopeLabel = Choose &Scope Variable: + +ExternalToolNewWizard.shellTitle = New External Tool +ExternalToolNewWizard.optionPageTitle = Options +ExternalToolNewWizard.optionPageDescription = Configure the options when the external tool is run. +ExternalToolNewWizard.refreshPageTitle = Refresh Scope +ExternalToolNewWizard.refreshPageDescription = Specify which resources to refresh after the external tool is run. + +ExternalToolVariable.componentErrorMessage = Problem displaying UI component of selected variable. + +ResourceComponent.selectedResLabel = &Use selected resource +ResourceComponent.specificResLabel = Us&e specific resource: +ResourceComponent.selectionRequired = A specific resource must be selected from the list. + +RunExternalToolAction.openPerspProblem = Failed to open the perspective. +RunExternalToolAction.openPerspTitle = Open Perspective Problem +RunExternalToolAction.runProblem = Could not run the external tool. +RunExternalToolAction.runErrorTitle = Run Tool Problem +RunExternalToolAction.internalError = External tool runner internal error + +DefaultRunnerContext.runningExternalTool = Running external tool... +DefaultRunnerContext.invalidLocation = The file does not exist for the external tool named {0}. +DefaultRunnerContext.invalidDirectory = The working directory does not exist for the external tool named {0}. +DefaultRunnerContext.refreshResources = Refresh resources... +DefaultRunnerContext.noToolRunner = The no valid runner provided for the external tool named {0}. +DefaultRunnerContext.invalidRefreshVarFormat = Invalid refresh scope variable format for the external tool named {0}. +DefaultRunnerContext.noRefreshVarNamed = Could not find refresh scope variable called ''{1}'' for the external tool named {0}. + +ExternalToolMenuDelegate.showView = Show External Tools View +ExternalToolMenuDelegate.runRecent = Run Last Tool +ExternalToolMenuDelegate.configure = Configure... + + +# ======================================================================= +# Program External Tool Type +# ======================================================================= + +ProgramRunner.runningToolLabel = Running external tool: {0} +ProgramRunner.internalErrorMessage = Internal error +ProgramRunner.callingRuntimeExec = Calling runtime exec with:\n +ProgramRunner.program = Program: {0}\n +ProgramRunner.argument = Argument: {0}\n +ProgramRunner.workDir = Working Directory: {0}\n + + +# ======================================================================= +# Ant Build File External Tool Type +# ======================================================================= + +AntFileRunner.callingAntRunner = Calling Ant runner with:\n +AntFileRunner.antFile = Ant build file: {0}\n +AntFileRunner.argument = Argument: {0}\n +AntFileRunner.target = Target: {0}\n + +AntTargetsGroup.availableTargetsLabel = A&vailable targets: +AntTargetsGroup.activeTargetsLabel = A&ctive targets: +AntTargetsGroup.addLabel = > +AntTargetsGroup.removeLabel = < +AntTargetsGroup.addAllLabel = >> +AntTargetsGroup.removeAllLabel = << +AntTargetsGroup.descriptionLabel = &Target description: +AntTargetsGroup.upLabel = U&p +AntTargetsGroup.downLabel = D&own +AntTargetsGroup.getTargetsTitle = Problem retrieving targets +AntTargetsGroup.getTargetsProblem = Could not retrieve targets. +AntTargetsGroup.runDefaultTargetLabel = R&un default target ({0}) +AntTargetsGroup.runDefaultTargetUnknownLabel = R&un default target +AntTargetsGroup.showSubTargetsLabel = S&how sub-targets + +AntExternalToolNewWizard.antTargetsPageTitle = Ant Targets +AntExternalToolNewWizard.antTargetsPageDescription = Specify which Ant targets to execute when the external tool is run. +AntExternalToolNewWizard.promptForArgumentLabel = &Prompt for targets and arguments before running tool + +AntOptionGroupPropertyPage.promptForArgumentLabel = &Prompt for targets and arguments before running tool + + + +# ======================================================================= +# OLD STUFF +# ======================================================================= + +ConfigurationDialog.shellTitle = External Tools Configuration +ConfigurationDialog.dialogTitle = External Tools +ConfigurationDialog.dialogMessage = Configure an external tool to run a program, batch file, or Ant build file. +ConfigurationDialog.toolList = &Tools: +ConfigurationDialog.newButton = &New... +ConfigurationDialog.editButton = &Edit... +ConfigurationDialog.removeButton = &Remove +ConfigurationDialog.upButton = &Up +ConfigurationDialog.downButton = &Down +ConfigurationDialog.details = Det&ails: +ConfigurationDialog.detailMessage = Location: {0}\nArguments: {1}\nDirectory: {2} + +EditDialog.newShellTitle = New External Tool +EditDialog.editShellTitle = Edit External Tool +EditDialog.dialogTitle = External Tool +EditDialog.newDialogMessage = Create an external tool to run a program, batch file, or Ant build file. +EditDialog.editDialogMessage = Edit an external tool to run a program, batch file, or Ant build file. +EditDialog.howToSelectAntTargets = To choose Ant targets, press the ''Browse Variables'' button and select ''Ant targets''. +EditDialog.nameLabel = &Name: +EditDialog.locationLabel = Tool &Location: +EditDialog.argumentLabel = Tool &Arguments: +EditDialog.dirLabel = Working &Directory: +EditDialog.refreshOption = After running, &refresh: +EditDialog.browseWkspButton1 = Browse &Workspace... +EditDialog.browseFileSysButton1 = Browse &File System... +EditDialog.browseVarsButton = Browse &Variables... +EditDialog.directoryBrowseButton = Browse &Options... +EditDialog.refreshOptionButton = Browse O&ptions... +EditDialog.browseWorkspaceTitle = Browse Workspace +EditDialog.selectTool = &Select the external tool to use: +EditDialog.selectResource = &Select the resource to use: +EditDialog.selectContainer = &Select the container to use: +EditDialog.selectDirectory = &Select the working directory to use: +EditDialog.selectTargets = &Select the Ant targets to use: +EditDialog.selectFolder = &Select the folder to use: +EditDialog.browseVarTitle = Browse Variables +EditDialog.browseDirTitle = Browse Working Directory Options +EditDialog.selectVar = &Select a variable to use: +EditDialog.selectDir = &Select a working directory option: +EditDialog.dirBrowseWorkspace = Browse workspace +EditDialog.dirBrowseFileSystem = Browse file system +EditDialog.varWorkspaceLocLabel = Workspace location +EditDialog.varProjectLocLabel = Selected resource's project location +EditDialog.varContainerLocLabel = Selected resource's container location +EditDialog.varResourceLocLabel = Selected resource location +EditDialog.varProjectPathLabel = Selected resource's project full path +EditDialog.varContainerPathLabel = Selected resource's container full path +EditDialog.varResourcePathLabel = Selected resource full path +EditDialog.varProjectNameLabel = Selected resource's project name +EditDialog.varContainerNameLabel = Selected resource's container name +EditDialog.varResourceNameLabel = Selected resource name +EditDialog.varProjectXLocLabel = Specific resource's project location +EditDialog.varContainerXLocLabel = Specific resource's container location +EditDialog.varResourceXLocLabel = Specific resource location +EditDialog.varProjectXPathLabel = Specific resource's project full path +EditDialog.varContainerXPathLabel = Specific resource's container full path +EditDialog.varResourceXPathLabel = Specific resource full path +EditDialog.varProjectXNameLabel = Specific resource's project name +EditDialog.varContainerXNameLabel = Specific resource's container name +EditDialog.varResourceXNameLabel = Specific resource name +EditDialog.varBuildTypeNameLabel = Build type +EditDialog.varAntTargetLabel = Ant targets +EditDialog.browseProjectTitle = Browse Projects +EditDialog.selectProject = &Select a project to use: +EditDialog.noToolName = Enter a name for the tool +EditDialog.noToolLocation = Enter a location for the tool +EditDialog.missingToolLocation = Tool location does not exist or is invalid +EditDialog.missingToolDirectory = Tool working directory does not exist or is invalid +EditDialog.refreshScopeNone = Nothing +EditDialog.refreshScopeWorkspace = Workspace +EditDialog.refreshScopeProject = Current project +EditDialog.refreshScopeProjectX = Project named {0} +EditDialog.refreshScopeWorkingSet = Working set named {0} +EditDialog.browseRefreshTitle = Browse Refresh Scopes +EditDialog.selectRefresh = &Select the refresh scope to use: +EditDialog.refreshNothingLabel = Nothing +EditDialog.refreshWorkspaceLabel = Current workspace +EditDialog.refreshProjectLabel = Current project +EditDialog.refreshProjectXLabel = Specific project +EditDialog.refreshWorkingSetLabel = Specific working set +EditDialog.showLogLabel = S&how execution log on console +EditDialog.errorTitle = Edit External Tool Problem +EditDialog.errorReadAntFile = Problems reading Ant build file: {0} +EditDialog.noAntTargets = Could not find any targets in Ant build file: {0} + +ExternalToolsRegistry.saveStateErrorTitle = Problem Saving External Tool +ExternalToolsRegistry.saveStateError = Could not write external tool configurations to disk.\n\nPlease try again. + +BuilderPropertyPage.description = Add external tools to the build order. +BuilderPropertyPage.newButton = &New... +BuilderPropertyPage.editButton = &Edit... +BuilderPropertyPage.removeButton = &Remove +BuilderPropertyPage.upButton = &Up +BuilderPropertyPage.downButton = &Down +BuilderPropertyPage.statusMessage = Internal error +BuilderPropertyPage.errorTitle = External Tool Builder Problem +BuilderPropertyPage.errorMessage = Internal error +BuilderPropertyPage.invalidBuildTool = Invalid External Tool Builder +BuilderPropertyPage.missingBuilder = Missing builder ({0}) + +ExternalToolsAction.configure = &Configure... + +LogConsoleDocument.externalTool = External Tool + +LogConsoleView.copy = &Copy@Ctrl+C +LogConsoleView.expandAll = &Expand All +LogConsoleView.selectAll = Select &All@Ctrl+A +LogConsoleView.clearOutput = Clear Output +LogConsoleView.hideOutputStructureTree = Hide Output Structure Tree +LogConsoleView.showOutputStructureTree = Show Output Structure Tree +LogConsoleView.showTree = &Show Tree +LogConsoleView.showSelectedElementOnly = Show Output of Selected Element Only +LogConsoleView.showCompleteOutput = Show Complete Output +LogConsoleView.findAction.label = Find/Replace + +LogTreeLabelProvider.invalidItemName = Invalid item name + +ToolsPreferencePage.errorColor = &Error: +ToolsPreferencePage.warningColor = &Warning: +ToolsPreferencePage.infoColor = I&nformation: +ToolsPreferencePage.verboseColor = Ve&rbose: +ToolsPreferencePage.debugColor = Deb&ug: +ToolsPreferencePage.font = Console font setting: +ToolsPreferencePage.description = Console text color settings. + +BuildCanceledException.canceled = Canceled + +AntUtil.antFileNotFound = Could not open Ant build file. +AntUtil.parserConfigError = Internal parser configuration error. +AntUtil.ioError = Could not read content of Ant build file. +AntUtil.formatError = Could not parse content of Ant build file. +AntUtil.invalidAntBuildFile = Invalid content format of Ant build file. + +AntAction.runErrorTitle = Run Ant Problem +AntAction.errorReadAntFile = Problems reading Ant build file: {0} +AntAction.noAntTargets = Could not find any targets in Ant build file: {0} + +AntLaunchWizard.shellTitle = Run Ant +AntLaunchWizard.dialogTitle = Run +AntLaunchWizard.dialogDescription = Run an Ant build file +AntLaunchWizard.runningAnt = Running Ant +AntLaunchWizard.runAntProblem = A problem occurred executing the Ant file. See the log console for details. +AntLaunchWizard.runErrorTitle = Run Ant Problem +AntLaunchWizard.internalAntError = Ant runner internal error + +AntLaunchWizardPage.targetLabel = Available &targets: +AntLaunchWizardPage.argsLabel = &Arguments: +AntLaunchWizardPage.showLogLabel = S&how execution log in console + +AntTargetLabelProvider.defaultTarget = Default + +ExternalToolsDialog.External_Tools_1=External Tools +ExternalToolsDialog.Create,_manage,_and_run_external_tools_2=Create, manage, and run external tools