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diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ui/CodeGeneration.java b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ui/CodeGeneration.java
index a6d10fc..05dacb0 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ui/CodeGeneration.java
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ui/CodeGeneration.java
@@ -10,232 +10,401 @@
 package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ui;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
 import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
 import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IMethod;
-//import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.dom.IMethodBinding;
-//import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration;
 import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation.StubUtility;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
- * Class that offers access to the templates contained in the 'code templates' preference page.
+ * Class that offers access to the templates contained in the 'code templates'
+ * preference page.
  * @since 2.1
 public class CodeGeneration {
 	private CodeGeneration() {
-	 * Returns the content for a new compilation unit using the 'new Java file' code template.
-	 * @param cu The compilation to create the source for. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
-	 * @param typeComment The comment for the type to be created. Used when the code template contains a <i>${typecomment}</i> variable. Can be <code>null</code> if
-	 * no comment should be added.
-	 * @param typeContent The code of the type, including type declaration and body.
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
-	 * @return Returns the new content or <code>null</code> if the template is undefined or empty.
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 * Returns the content for a new compilation unit using the 'new Java file'
+	 * code template.
+	 * 
+	 * @param cu
+	 *            The compilation to create the source for. The compilation unit
+	 *            does not need to exist.
+	 * @param typeComment
+	 *            The comment for the type to be created. Used when the code
+	 *            template contains a <i>${typecomment}</i> variable. Can be
+	 *            <code>null</code> if no comment should be added.
+	 * @param typeContent
+	 *            The code of the type, including type declaration and body.
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @return Returns the new content or <code>null</code> if the template is
+	 *         undefined or empty.
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
-	public static String getCompilationUnitContent(ICompilationUnit cu, String typeComment, String typeContent, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {	
-		return StubUtility.getCompilationUnitContent(cu, typeComment, typeContent, lineDelimiter);
+	public static String getCompilationUnitContent(ICompilationUnit cu,
+			String typeComment, String typeContent, String lineDelimiter)
+			throws CoreException {
+		return StubUtility.getCompilationUnitContent(cu, typeComment,
+				typeContent, lineDelimiter);
-	 * Returns the content for a new type comment using the 'type comment' code template. The returned content is unformatted and is not indented.
-	 * @param cu The compilation where the type is contained. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
-	 * @param typeQualifiedName The name of the type to which the comment is added. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer
-	 * types names (dot separated). See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
-	 * @return Returns the new content or <code>null</code> if the code template is undefined or empty. The returned content is unformatted and is not indented.
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
-	 */	
-	public static String getTypeComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String typeQualifiedName, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
+	 * Returns the content for a new type comment using the 'type comment' code
+	 * template. The returned content is unformatted and is not indented.
+	 * 
+	 * @param cu
+	 *            The compilation where the type is contained. The compilation
+	 *            unit does not need to exist.
+	 * @param typeQualifiedName
+	 *            The name of the type to which the comment is added. For inner
+	 *            types the name must be qualified and include the outer types
+	 *            names (dot separated). See
+	 *            {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @return Returns the new content or <code>null</code> if the code
+	 *         template is undefined or empty. The returned content is
+	 *         unformatted and is not indented.
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 */
+	public static String getTypeComment(ICompilationUnit cu,
+			String typeQualifiedName, String lineDelimiter)
+			throws CoreException {
 		return StubUtility.getTypeComment(cu, typeQualifiedName, lineDelimiter);
-	 * Returns the content for a new field comment using the 'field comment' code template. The returned content is unformatted and is not indented.
-	 * @param cu The compilation where the field is contained. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
-	 * @param typeName The name of the field declared type.
-	 * @param fieldName The name of the field to which the comment is added.
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
-	 * @return Returns the new content or <code>null</code> if the code template is undefined or empty. The returned content is unformatted and is not indented.
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 * Returns the content for a new field comment using the 'field comment'
+	 * code template. The returned content is unformatted and is not indented.
+	 * 
+	 * @param cu
+	 *            The compilation where the field is contained. The compilation
+	 *            unit does not need to exist.
+	 * @param typeName
+	 *            The name of the field declared type.
+	 * @param fieldName
+	 *            The name of the field to which the comment is added.
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @return Returns the new content or <code>null</code> if the code
+	 *         template is undefined or empty. The returned content is
+	 *         unformatted and is not indented.
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
 	 * @since 3.0
-	 */	
-	public static String getFieldComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String typeName, String fieldName, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
-		return StubUtility.getFieldComment(cu, typeName, fieldName, lineDelimiter);
-	}	
-	/**
-	 * Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method).
-	 * <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
-	 * @param cu The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
-	 * @param declaringTypeName Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer
-	 * types names (dot separated). See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
-	 * @param decl The MethodDeclaration AST node that will be added as new
-	 * method. The node does not need to exist in an AST (no parent needed) and does not need to resolve.
-	 * See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.dom.AST#newMethodDeclaration()} for how to create such a node.
-	 * @param overridden The binding of the method that will be overridden by the created
-	 * method or <code>null</code> if no method is overridden.
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
-	 * @return Returns the generated method comment or <code>null</code> if the
-	 * code template is empty. The returned content is unformatted and not indented (formatting required).
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
-//	public static String getMethodComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, MethodDeclaration decl, IMethodBinding overridden, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
-//		return StubUtility.getMethodComment(cu, declaringTypeName, decl, overridden, lineDelimiter);
-//	}
+	public static String getFieldComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String typeName,
+			String fieldName, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
+		return StubUtility.getFieldComment(cu, typeName, fieldName,
+				lineDelimiter);
+	}
-	 * Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method).
-	 * <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
-	 * <p>The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
-	 * <p>Exception types and return type are in signature notation. e.g. a source method declared as <code>public void foo(String text, int length)</code>
-	 * would return the array <code>{"QString;","I"}</code> as parameter types. See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.Signature}.
+	 * Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code
+	 * templates (constructor / method / overriding method). <code>null</code>
+	 * is returned if the template is empty.
-	 * @param cu The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
-	 * @param declaringTypeName Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer
-	 * types names (dot separated). See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
-	 * @param methodName Name of the method.
-	 * @param paramNames Names of the parameters for the method.
-	 * @param excTypeSig Thrown exceptions (Signature notation).
-	 * @param retTypeSig Return type (Signature notation) or <code>null</code>
-	 * for constructors.
-	 * @param overridden The method that will be overridden by the created method or
-	 * <code>null</code> for non-overriding methods. If not <code>null</code>, the method must exist.
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
-	 * @return Returns the constructed comment or <code>null</code> if
-	 * the comment code template is empty. The returned content is unformatted and not indented (formatting required).
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 * @param cu
+	 *            The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The
+	 *            compilation unit does not need to exist.
+	 * @param declaringTypeName
+	 *            Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types
+	 *            the name must be qualified and include the outer types names
+	 *            (dot separated). See
+	 *            {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
+	 * @param decl
+	 *            The MethodDeclaration AST node that will be added as new
+	 *            method. The node does not need to exist in an AST (no parent
+	 *            needed) and does not need to resolve. See
+	 *            {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.dom.AST#newMethodDeclaration()}
+	 *            for how to create such a node.
+	 * @param overridden
+	 *            The binding of the method that will be overridden by the
+	 *            created method or <code>null</code> if no method is
+	 *            overridden.
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @return Returns the generated method comment or <code>null</code> if
+	 *         the code template is empty. The returned content is unformatted
+	 *         and not indented (formatting required).
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
-	public static String getMethodComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String[] paramNames, String[] excTypeSig, String retTypeSig, IMethod overridden, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
-		return StubUtility.getMethodComment(cu, declaringTypeName, methodName, paramNames, excTypeSig, retTypeSig, overridden, lineDelimiter);
+	// public static String getMethodComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String
+	// declaringTypeName, MethodDeclaration decl, IMethodBinding overridden,
+	// String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
+	// return StubUtility.getMethodComment(cu, declaringTypeName, decl,
+	// overridden, lineDelimiter);
+	// }
+	/**
+	 * Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code
+	 * templates (constructor / method / overriding method). <code>null</code>
+	 * is returned if the template is empty.
+	 * <p>
+	 * The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
+	 * <p>
+	 * Exception types and return type are in signature notation. e.g. a source
+	 * method declared as <code>public void foo(String text, int length)</code>
+	 * would return the array <code>{"QString;","I"}</code> as parameter
+	 * types. See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.Signature}.
+	 * 
+	 * @param cu
+	 *            The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The
+	 *            compilation unit does not need to exist.
+	 * @param declaringTypeName
+	 *            Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types
+	 *            the name must be qualified and include the outer types names
+	 *            (dot separated). See
+	 *            {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
+	 * @param methodName
+	 *            Name of the method.
+	 * @param paramNames
+	 *            Names of the parameters for the method.
+	 * @param excTypeSig
+	 *            Thrown exceptions (Signature notation).
+	 * @param retTypeSig
+	 *            Return type (Signature notation) or <code>null</code> for
+	 *            constructors.
+	 * @param overridden
+	 *            The method that will be overridden by the created method or
+	 *            <code>null</code> for non-overriding methods. If not
+	 *            <code>null</code>, the method must exist.
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @return Returns the constructed comment or <code>null</code> if the
+	 *         comment code template is empty. The returned content is
+	 *         unformatted and not indented (formatting required).
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 */
+	public static String getMethodComment(ICompilationUnit cu,
+			String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String[] paramNames,
+			String[] excTypeSig, String retTypeSig, IMethod overridden,
+			String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
+		return StubUtility.getMethodComment(cu, declaringTypeName, methodName,
+				paramNames, excTypeSig, retTypeSig, overridden, lineDelimiter);
-	 * Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code templates (constructor / method / overriding method).
-	 * <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
-	 * <p>The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
+	 * Returns the comment for a method or constructor using the comment code
+	 * templates (constructor / method / overriding method). <code>null</code>
+	 * is returned if the template is empty.
+	 * <p>
+	 * The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
-	 * @param method The method to be documented. The method must exist.
-	 * @param overridden The method that will be overridden by the created method or
-	 * <code>null</code> for non-overriding methods. If not <code>null</code>, the method must exist.
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
-	 * @return Returns the constructed comment or <code>null</code> if
-	 * the comment code template is empty. The returned string is unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 * @param method
+	 *            The method to be documented. The method must exist.
+	 * @param overridden
+	 *            The method that will be overridden by the created method or
+	 *            <code>null</code> for non-overriding methods. If not
+	 *            <code>null</code>, the method must exist.
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @return Returns the constructed comment or <code>null</code> if the
+	 *         comment code template is empty. The returned string is
+	 *         unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
-	public static String getMethodComment(IMethod method, IMethod overridden, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
+	public static String getMethodComment(IMethod method, IMethod overridden,
+			String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
 		return StubUtility.getMethodComment(method, overridden, lineDelimiter);
-	}	
+	}
-	 * Returns the content of the body for a method or constructor using the method body templates.
-	 * <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
-	 * <p>The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
+	 * Returns the content of the body for a method or constructor using the
+	 * method body templates. <code>null</code> is returned if the template is
+	 * empty.
+	 * <p>
+	 * The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
-	 * @param cu The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
-	 * @param declaringTypeName Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer
-	 * types names (dot separated). See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
-	 * @param methodName Name of the method.
-	 * @param isConstructor Defines if the created body is for a constructor.
-	 * @param bodyStatement The code to be entered at the place of the variable ${body_statement}. 
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @param cu
+	 *            The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The
+	 *            compilation unit does not need to exist.
+	 * @param declaringTypeName
+	 *            Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types
+	 *            the name must be qualified and include the outer types names
+	 *            (dot separated). See
+	 *            {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
+	 * @param methodName
+	 *            Name of the method.
+	 * @param isConstructor
+	 *            Defines if the created body is for a constructor.
+	 * @param bodyStatement
+	 *            The code to be entered at the place of the variable
+	 *            ${body_statement}.
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
 	 * @return Returns the constructed body content or <code>null</code> if
-	 * the comment code template is empty. The returned string is unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
-	 */	
-	public static String getMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, boolean isConstructor, String bodyStatement, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
-		return StubUtility.getMethodBodyContent(isConstructor, cu.getJavaProject(), declaringTypeName, methodName, bodyStatement, lineDelimiter);
+	 *         the comment code template is empty. The returned string is
+	 *         unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 */
+	public static String getMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu,
+			String declaringTypeName, String methodName, boolean isConstructor,
+			String bodyStatement, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
+		return StubUtility.getMethodBodyContent(isConstructor, cu
+				.getJavaProject(), declaringTypeName, methodName,
+				bodyStatement, lineDelimiter);
-	 * Returns the content of body for a getter method using the getter method body template.
-	 * <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
-	 * <p>The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
+	 * Returns the content of body for a getter method using the getter method
+	 * body template. <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
+	 * <p>
+	 * The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
-	 * @param cu The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
-	 * @param declaringTypeName Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer
-	 * types names (dot separated). See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
-	 * @param methodName The name of the getter method.
-	 * @param fieldName The name of the field to get in the getter method, corresponding to the template variable for ${field}. 
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @param cu
+	 *            The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The
+	 *            compilation unit does not need to exist.
+	 * @param declaringTypeName
+	 *            Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types
+	 *            the name must be qualified and include the outer types names
+	 *            (dot separated). See
+	 *            {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
+	 * @param methodName
+	 *            The name of the getter method.
+	 * @param fieldName
+	 *            The name of the field to get in the getter method,
+	 *            corresponding to the template variable for ${field}.
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
 	 * @return Returns the constructed body content or <code>null</code> if
-	 * the comment code template is empty. The returned string is unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 *         the comment code template is empty. The returned string is
+	 *         unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
 	 * @since 3.0
-	 */	
-	public static String getGetterMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
-		return StubUtility.getGetterMethodBodyContent(cu.getJavaProject(), declaringTypeName, methodName, fieldName, lineDelimiter);
+	 */
+	public static String getGetterMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu,
+			String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName,
+			String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
+		return StubUtility.getGetterMethodBodyContent(cu.getJavaProject(),
+				declaringTypeName, methodName, fieldName, lineDelimiter);
-	 * Returns the content of body for a setter method using the setter method body template.
-	 * <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
-	 * <p>The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
+	 * Returns the content of body for a setter method using the setter method
+	 * body template. <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
+	 * <p>
+	 * The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
-	 * @param cu The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
-	 * @param declaringTypeName Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer
-	 * types names (dot separated). See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
-	 * @param methodName The name of the setter method.
-	 * @param fieldName The name of the field to be set in the setter method, corresponding to the template variable for ${field}.
-	 * @param paramName The name of the parameter passed to the setter method, corresponding to the template variable for $(param).
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @param cu
+	 *            The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The
+	 *            compilation unit does not need to exist.
+	 * @param declaringTypeName
+	 *            Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types
+	 *            the name must be qualified and include the outer types names
+	 *            (dot separated). See
+	 *            {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
+	 * @param methodName
+	 *            The name of the setter method.
+	 * @param fieldName
+	 *            The name of the field to be set in the setter method,
+	 *            corresponding to the template variable for ${field}.
+	 * @param paramName
+	 *            The name of the parameter passed to the setter method,
+	 *            corresponding to the template variable for $(param).
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
 	 * @return Returns the constructed body content or <code>null</code> if
-	 * the comment code template is empty. The returned string is unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 *         the comment code template is empty. The returned string is
+	 *         unformatted and and has no indent (formatting required).
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
 	 * @since 3.0
-	 */	
-	public static String getSetterMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String paramName, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
-		return StubUtility.getSetterMethodBodyContent(cu.getJavaProject(), declaringTypeName, methodName, fieldName, paramName, lineDelimiter);
+	 */
+	public static String getSetterMethodBodyContent(ICompilationUnit cu,
+			String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName,
+			String paramName, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
+		return StubUtility.getSetterMethodBodyContent(cu.getJavaProject(),
+				declaringTypeName, methodName, fieldName, paramName,
+				lineDelimiter);
-	 * Returns the comment for a getter method using the getter comment template.
-	 * <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
-	 * <p>The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
+	 * Returns the comment for a getter method using the getter comment
+	 * template. <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
+	 * <p>
+	 * The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
-	 * @param cu The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
-	 * @param declaringTypeName Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer
-	 * types names (dot separated). See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
-	 * @param methodName Name of the method.
-	 * @param fieldName Name of the field to get.
-	 * @param fieldType The type of the field to get.
-	 * @param bareFieldName The field name without prefix or suffix.
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
-	 * @return Returns the generated getter comment or <code>null</code> if the
-	 * code template is empty. The returned content is not indented.
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 * @param cu
+	 *            The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The
+	 *            compilation unit does not need to exist.
+	 * @param declaringTypeName
+	 *            Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types
+	 *            the name must be qualified and include the outer types names
+	 *            (dot separated). See
+	 *            {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
+	 * @param methodName
+	 *            Name of the method.
+	 * @param fieldName
+	 *            Name of the field to get.
+	 * @param fieldType
+	 *            The type of the field to get.
+	 * @param bareFieldName
+	 *            The field name without prefix or suffix.
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @return Returns the generated getter comment or <code>null</code> if
+	 *         the code template is empty. The returned content is not indented.
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
 	 * @since 3.0
-	public static String getGetterComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String fieldType, String bareFieldName, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
-		return StubUtility.getGetterComment(cu, declaringTypeName, methodName, fieldName, fieldType, bareFieldName, lineDelimiter);
+	public static String getGetterComment(ICompilationUnit cu,
+			String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName,
+			String fieldType, String bareFieldName, String lineDelimiter)
+			throws CoreException {
+		return StubUtility.getGetterComment(cu, declaringTypeName, methodName,
+				fieldName, fieldType, bareFieldName, lineDelimiter);
-	 * Returns the comment for a setter method using the setter method body template.
-	 * <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
-	 * <p>The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
+	 * Returns the comment for a setter method using the setter method body
+	 * template. <code>null</code> is returned if the template is empty.
+	 * <p>
+	 * The returned string is unformatted and not indented.
-	 * @param cu The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The compilation unit does not need to exist.
-	 * @param declaringTypeName Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types the name must be qualified and include the outer
-	 * types names (dot separated). See {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
-	 * @param methodName Name of the method.
-	 * @param fieldName Name of the field that is set.
-	 * @param fieldType The type of the field that is to set.
-	 * @param paramName The name of the parameter that used to set.
-	 * @param bareFieldName The field name without prefix or suffix.
-	 * @param lineDelimiter The line delimiter to be used.
-	 * @return Returns the generated setter comment or <code>null</code> if the
-	 * code template is empty. The returned comment is not indented.
-	 * @throws CoreException Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
+	 * @param cu
+	 *            The compilation unit to which the method belongs. The
+	 *            compilation unit does not need to exist.
+	 * @param declaringTypeName
+	 *            Name of the type to which the method belongs. For inner types
+	 *            the name must be qualified and include the outer types names
+	 *            (dot separated). See
+	 *            {@link net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IType#getTypeQualifiedName(char)}.
+	 * @param methodName
+	 *            Name of the method.
+	 * @param fieldName
+	 *            Name of the field that is set.
+	 * @param fieldType
+	 *            The type of the field that is to set.
+	 * @param paramName
+	 *            The name of the parameter that used to set.
+	 * @param bareFieldName
+	 *            The field name without prefix or suffix.
+	 * @param lineDelimiter
+	 *            The line delimiter to be used.
+	 * @return Returns the generated setter comment or <code>null</code> if
+	 *         the code template is empty. The returned comment is not indented.
+	 * @throws CoreException
+	 *             Thrown when the evaluation of the code template fails.
 	 * @since 3.0
-	public static String getSetterComment(ICompilationUnit cu, String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName, String fieldType, String paramName, String bareFieldName, String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
-		return StubUtility.getSetterComment(cu, declaringTypeName, methodName, fieldName, fieldType, paramName, bareFieldName, lineDelimiter);
-	}		
+	public static String getSetterComment(ICompilationUnit cu,
+			String declaringTypeName, String methodName, String fieldName,
+			String fieldType, String paramName, String bareFieldName,
+			String lineDelimiter) throws CoreException {
+		return StubUtility.getSetterComment(cu, declaringTypeName, methodName,
+				fieldName, fieldType, paramName, bareFieldName, lineDelimiter);
+	}