import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException;
* The interface object are created by the proxy
evalStr = new PHPDBGEvalString (stack, serGlobals); // Process serialized variables
DBGVarList = evalStr.getVariables ();
- PHPVariable var = (PHPVariable) DBGVarList.get (0);
+ if (DBGVarList.size () > 0) { // Did we get back variables?
+ PHPVariable var = (PHPVariable) DBGVarList.get (0); // Yes, then get the first PHPVariable
- if (var.getName ().equals ("")) { // The eclipse variable view cannot handle Variables which have an empty name
+ if (var.getName ().equals ("")) { // The eclipse variable view cannot handle Variables which have an empty name
// when it comes to variable tree restore operation. Without a name, no restore!
- var.setName (" "); // Give a name to the variable root node. Even if it is only a space :.)
- } // TODO the best would be to remove the empty root node, but this would
+ var.setName (" "); // Give a name to the variable root node. Even if it is only a space :-)
+ } // TODO the best would be to remove the empty root node, but this would
// require a understanding and reworking of the PHPDBGEvalstring class.
+ }
return DBGVarList; // Return the variables as list