From: axelcl <axelcl>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2005 21:29:46 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: ''Open Wiki link'' and ''Create Files for Wiki link'' every new created file creates... 

''Open Wiki link'' and ''Create Files for Wiki link'' every new created file creates an XML file with the correct extracted title.
'/' in wiki names are not converted back to ':' anymore (but ':' are converted to '/', if there's no corresonding *.xml file)

diff --git a/archive/ b/archive/
index e3e72e8..b3665a5 100644
--- a/archive/
+++ b/archive/
@@ -57,28 +57,8 @@ public class RefreshJob extends WorkspaceJob {
       HashMap map = new HashMap();
       String wikiTitle;
       for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
-        wikiTitle = null;
         file = files[i];
-        String srcBasePath = Util.getWikiTextsPath(file);
-        String binBasePath = Util.getProjectsWikiOutputPath(file.getProject(), WikiEditorPlugin.HTML_OUTPUT_PATH);
-        String fileXMLName = Util.getXMLFileName(file, binBasePath, srcBasePath);
-        IPath path = new Path(fileXMLName);
-        IFile xmlFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFileForLocation(path);
-        if (xmlFile.exists()) {
-          try {
-            Page page = XStreamManager.fromXML(xmlFile.getContents());
-            if (page != null) {
-              wikiTitle = page.getTitle();
-            }
-            //                timestamp = XMLReader.getDateTimestamp(xmlFile.getContents());
-          } catch (Exception e2) {
-          }
-        }
-        if (wikiTitle==null) {
-          // if no XML file exists we create the name from the filename
-          wikiTitle = Util.getReadableWikiName(files[i]);
-        }
+        wikiTitle = createWikiTitle(file, i);
         map.put(wikiTitle, file);
         if (i != files.length - 1) {
@@ -146,6 +126,37 @@ public class RefreshJob extends WorkspaceJob {
     return Status.OK_STATUS;
+  /**
+   * @param file
+   * @param wikiTitle
+   * @param i
+   * @return
+   */
+  private String createWikiTitle(IFile file,  int i) {
+    String wikiTitle = null;
+    String srcBasePath = Util.getWikiTextsPath(file);
+    String binBasePath = Util.getProjectsWikiOutputPath(file.getProject(), WikiEditorPlugin.HTML_OUTPUT_PATH);
+    String fileXMLName = Util.getXMLFileName(file, binBasePath, srcBasePath);
+    IPath path = new Path(fileXMLName);
+    IFile xmlFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFileForLocation(path);
+    if (xmlFile.exists()) {
+      try {
+        Page page = XStreamManager.fromXML(xmlFile.getContents());
+        if (page != null) {
+          wikiTitle = page.getTitle();
+        }
+        //                timestamp = XMLReader.getDateTimestamp(xmlFile.getContents());
+      } catch (Exception e2) {
+      }
+    }
+    if (wikiTitle==null) {
+      // if no XML file exists we create the name from the filename
+      wikiTitle = Util.getReadableWikiName(files[i]);
+    }
+    return wikiTitle;
+  }
   public boolean isModal(Job job) {
     Boolean isModal = (Boolean) job.getProperty(IProgressConstants.PROPERTY_IN_DIALOG);
     if (isModal == null) {