From: bananeweizen <bananeweizen>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 22:15:02 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: shortened display text of variable proposal in content assist

shortened display text of variable proposal in content assist

diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/internal/ui/text/template/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/internal/ui/text/template/
index 9723320..fe0e1da 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/internal/ui/text/template/
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/internal/ui/text/template/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class DeclarationProposal extends AbstractProposal { //implements IPHPCom
   private final PHPIdentifierLocation fLocation;
   //private TemplateBuffer fTemplateBuffer;
-  private String fOldText;
+  // private String fOldText;
   //  private final Image fImage_fun;
   //  private final Image fImage_var;
   private final IRegion fRegion;
@@ -50,157 +50,164 @@ public class DeclarationProposal extends AbstractProposal { //implements IPHPCom
    * @param image     the icon of the proposal.
   public DeclarationProposal(
-      IProject project,
-    String identifierName,
-    PHPIdentifierLocation location,
-    TemplateContext context,
-    IRegion region,
-    ITextViewer viewer) {
-    super(viewer);
-    //    Image image_fun,
-    //    Image image_var) {
-    fProject = project;
-    fIdentifierName = identifierName;
-    fLocation = location;
-    fContext = context;
-    fRegion = region;
+	  IProject project,
+	String identifierName,
+	PHPIdentifierLocation location,
+	TemplateContext context,
+	IRegion region,
+	ITextViewer viewer) {
+	super(viewer);
+	//    Image image_fun,
+	//    Image image_var) {
+	fProject = project;
+	fIdentifierName = identifierName;
+	fLocation = location;
+	fContext = context;
+	fRegion = region;
    * @see ICompletionProposal#apply(IDocument)
   public void apply(IDocument document) {
-    try {
-      //		    if (fTemplateBuffer == null)
-      //				fTemplateBuffer= fContext.evaluate(fTemplate);
-      int start = fRegion.getOffset();
-      int end = fRegion.getOffset() + fRegion.getLength();
-      switch (fLocation.getType()) {
-        case PHPIdentifierLocation.FUNCTION :
-          document.replace(start, end - start, fIdentifierName + "()");
-          break;
-        case PHPIdentifierLocation.CONSTRUCTOR :
-          document.replace(start, end - start, fIdentifierName + "()");
-          break;
-        case PHPIdentifierLocation.METHOD :
-          document.replace(start, end - start, fIdentifierName + "()");
-          break;
-        default :
-          document.replace(start, end - start, fIdentifierName);
-      }
-      // translate positions
-      LinkedPositionManager manager = new LinkedPositionManager(document);
-      //			TemplatePosition[] variables= fTemplateBuffer.getVariables();
-      //			for (int i= 0; i != variables.length; i++) {
-      //				TemplatePosition variable= variables[i];
-      //
-      //				if (variable.isResolved())
-      //					continue;
-      //				
-      //				int[] offsets= variable.getOffsets();
-      //				int length= variable.getLength();
-      //				
-      //				for (int j= 0; j != offsets.length; j++)
-      //					manager.addPosition(offsets[j] + start, length);
-      //			}
-      LinkedPositionUI editor = new LinkedPositionUI(fViewer, manager);
-      switch (fLocation.getType()) {
-        case PHPIdentifierLocation.FUNCTION :
-          editor.setFinalCaretOffset(fIdentifierName.length() + start + 1);
-          break;
-        case PHPIdentifierLocation.CONSTRUCTOR :
-          editor.setFinalCaretOffset(fIdentifierName.length() + start + 1);
-          break;
-        case PHPIdentifierLocation.METHOD :
-          editor.setFinalCaretOffset(fIdentifierName.length() + start + 1);
-          break;
-        default :
-          editor.setFinalCaretOffset(fIdentifierName.length() + start);
-      }
-      editor.enter();
-      fSelectedRegion = editor.getSelectedRegion();
-    } catch (BadLocationException e) {
-      PHPeclipsePlugin.log(e);
-      openErrorDialog(e);
-    }
-    //      catch (CoreException e) {
-    //			handleException(e);
-    //	    }	    
+	try {
+	  //		    if (fTemplateBuffer == null)
+	  //				fTemplateBuffer= fContext.evaluate(fTemplate);
+	  int start = fRegion.getOffset();
+	  int end = fRegion.getOffset() + fRegion.getLength();
+	  switch (fLocation.getType()) {
+		case PHPIdentifierLocation.FUNCTION :
+		  document.replace(start, end - start, fIdentifierName + "()");
+		  break;
+		case PHPIdentifierLocation.CONSTRUCTOR :
+		  document.replace(start, end - start, fIdentifierName + "()");
+		  break;
+		case PHPIdentifierLocation.METHOD :
+		  document.replace(start, end - start, fIdentifierName + "()");
+		  break;
+		default :
+		  document.replace(start, end - start, fIdentifierName);
+	  }
+	  // translate positions
+	  LinkedPositionManager manager = new LinkedPositionManager(document);
+	  //			TemplatePosition[] variables= fTemplateBuffer.getVariables();
+	  //			for (int i= 0; i != variables.length; i++) {
+	  //				TemplatePosition variable= variables[i];
+	  //
+	  //				if (variable.isResolved())
+	  //					continue;
+	  //
+	  //				int[] offsets= variable.getOffsets();
+	  //				int length= variable.getLength();
+	  //
+	  //				for (int j= 0; j != offsets.length; j++)
+	  //					manager.addPosition(offsets[j] + start, length);
+	  //			}
+	  LinkedPositionUI editor = new LinkedPositionUI(fViewer, manager);
+	  switch (fLocation.getType()) {
+		case PHPIdentifierLocation.FUNCTION :
+		  editor.setFinalCaretOffset(fIdentifierName.length() + start + 1);
+		  break;
+		case PHPIdentifierLocation.CONSTRUCTOR :
+		  editor.setFinalCaretOffset(fIdentifierName.length() + start + 1);
+		  break;
+		case PHPIdentifierLocation.METHOD :
+		  editor.setFinalCaretOffset(fIdentifierName.length() + start + 1);
+		  break;
+		default :
+		  editor.setFinalCaretOffset(fIdentifierName.length() + start);
+	  }
+	  editor.enter();
+	  fSelectedRegion = editor.getSelectedRegion();
+	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
+	  PHPeclipsePlugin.log(e);
+	  openErrorDialog(e);
+	}
+	//      catch (CoreException e) {
+	//			handleException(e);
+	//	    }
    * @see ICompletionProposal#getAdditionalProposalInfo()
   public String getAdditionalProposalInfo() {
-    StringBuffer hoverInfoBuffer = new StringBuffer();
+	StringBuffer hoverInfoBuffer = new StringBuffer();
 //    String workspaceLocation = PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toString();
-    String workspaceLocation;
-    if (fProject!=null) {
-      workspaceLocation = fProject.getLocation().toString()+'/';
-    } else {
-      // should never happen?
-      workspaceLocation = PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace()
-      .getRoot().getLocation().toString();
-    }
-    String filename = workspaceLocation + fLocation.getFilename();
-    PHPDocUtil.appendPHPDoc(hoverInfoBuffer, filename, fLocation);
-    return hoverInfoBuffer.toString();
+	String workspaceLocation;
+	if (fProject!=null) {
+	  workspaceLocation = fProject.getLocation().toString()+'/';
+	} else {
+	  // should never happen?
+	  workspaceLocation = PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace()
+	  .getRoot().getLocation().toString();
+	}
+	String filename = workspaceLocation + fLocation.getFilename();
+	PHPDocUtil.appendPHPDoc(hoverInfoBuffer, filename, fLocation);
+	return hoverInfoBuffer.toString();
    * @see ICompletionProposal#getContextInformation()
   public IContextInformation getContextInformation() {
-    return null;
+	return null;
-   * @see ICompletionProposal#getDisplayString()
-   */
-  public String getDisplayString() {
-//    String workspaceLocation = PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toString();
-    String workspaceLocation;
-    if (fProject!=null) {
-      workspaceLocation = fProject.getLocation().toString()+'/';
-    } else {
-      // should never happen?
-      workspaceLocation = PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace()
-      .getRoot().getLocation().toString();
-    }
-    String filename = workspaceLocation + fLocation.getFilename();
-    return fIdentifierName + TemplateMessages.getString("TemplateProposal.delimiter") + PHPDocUtil.getUsage(filename, fLocation) + TemplateMessages.getString("TemplateProposal.delimiter") + filename; // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-1$
-  }
+	 * @see ICompletionProposal#getDisplayString()
+	 */
+	public String getDisplayString() {
+		String workspaceLocation;
+		if (fProject != null) {
+			workspaceLocation = fProject.getName().toString() + '/';
+		} else {
+			// should never happen?
+			workspaceLocation = PHPeclipsePlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()
+					.getLocation().toString();
+		}
+		String filename = workspaceLocation + fLocation.getFilename();
+		String usage = PHPDocUtil.getUsage(filename, fLocation);
+		String result = fIdentifierName
+				+ TemplateMessages.getString("TemplateProposal.delimiter");
+		if (usage.length() > 0) {
+			result += usage
+					+ TemplateMessages.getString("TemplateProposal.delimiter");
+		}
+		result += filename;
+		return result;
+	}
    * @see ICompletionProposal#getImage()
   public Image getImage() {
-    switch (fLocation.getType()) {
-      case PHPIdentifierLocation.FUNCTION :
-        return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_FUN);
-      case PHPIdentifierLocation.CLASS :
-        return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_CLASS);
-      case PHPIdentifierLocation.CONSTRUCTOR :
-        return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_CLASS);
-      case PHPIdentifierLocation.METHOD :
-        return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_FUN);
-      case PHPIdentifierLocation.DEFINE :
-        return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_DEFINE);
-      case PHPIdentifierLocation.VARIABLE :
-        return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_VAR);
-      case PHPIdentifierLocation.GLOBAL_VARIABLE :
-        return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_VAR);
-    }
-    return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_FUN);
+	switch (fLocation.getType()) {
+	  case PHPIdentifierLocation.FUNCTION :
+		return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_FUN);
+	  case PHPIdentifierLocation.CLASS :
+		return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_CLASS);
+	  case PHPIdentifierLocation.CONSTRUCTOR :
+		return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_CLASS);
+	  case PHPIdentifierLocation.METHOD :
+		return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_FUN);
+	  case PHPIdentifierLocation.DEFINE :
+		return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_DEFINE);
+	  case PHPIdentifierLocation.VARIABLE :
+		return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_VAR);
+	  case PHPIdentifierLocation.GLOBAL_VARIABLE :
+		return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_VAR);
+	}
+	return PHPUiImages.get(PHPUiImages.IMG_FUN);
@@ -208,24 +215,24 @@ public class DeclarationProposal extends AbstractProposal { //implements IPHPCom
   public int getRelevance() {
-    if (fContext instanceof JavaContext) {
-      JavaContext context = (JavaContext) fContext;
-      switch (context.getCharacterBeforeStart()) {
-        // high relevance after whitespace
-        case ' ' :
-        case '\r' :
-        case '\n' :
-        case '\t' :
-          return 80;
-        case '>' : // ->
-        case ':' : // ::
-          return 85;
-        default :
-          return 0;
-      }
-    } else {
-      return 80;
-    }
+	if (fContext instanceof JavaContext) {
+	  JavaContext context = (JavaContext) fContext;
+	  switch (context.getCharacterBeforeStart()) {
+		// high relevance after whitespace
+		case ' ' :
+		case '\r' :
+		case '\n' :
+		case '\t' :
+		  return 80;
+		case '>' : // ->
+		case ':' : // ::
+		  return 85;
+		default :
+		  return 0;
+	  }
+	} else {
+	  return 80;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file