Creating the 1.2.x branch. This branch starts from the release of PHPE 1.2.2.
[phpeclipse.git] / net.sourceforge.phpeclipse / prefs /
2005-06-14 axelclCreated a separated 'externaltools' plugin
2005-06-14 axelclCreated a separated 'externaltools' plugin
2005-06-09 stefanbjarniImproved default workspace preferences for Mac OS X...
2005-06-07 stefanbjarniAdded two new workspaces preferences, to track the...
2005-03-29 axelclLAMPP properties
2005-02-25 axelclAdded xampp start and stop action
2005-02-22 axelclconfigure default values from outside of the jar
2005-02-04 axelclread default values from external properties file now