FIX: uncomment the org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences extension point in plugin...
[phpeclipse.git] / net.sourceforge.phpeclipse / src / net / sourceforge / phpdt / internal / compiler / parser /
2006-01-02 axelclfeature request #1254275: Array type hinting gives...
2005-12-20 axelcl.
2005-12-20 axelclFix bug #1385272: Improved version for "Parsing of...
2005-12-19 axelclFix #1371992: Error with switch when last case block...
2005-12-19 axelclFix #1371992: Error with switch when last case block...
2005-12-19 axelclFix #1368081: First suggestion in #1368081 seems to...
2005-12-19 axelclFix #1368081: Variable not initialized does not work...
2005-12-19 axelclFix bug #1385272: Parsing of short open tags not fully...
2005-12-19 axelclFix bug #1385272: Parsing of short open tags not fully...
2005-10-13 axelclAvoid "uninitialized variable" message after new keyword
2005-10-13 axelclFixes for bug #1326088
2005-10-13 axelclFixes for bug #1326088
2005-10-09 axelclExpressions like:
2005-10-05 axelclImplemented a simple occurrences finder for Variables...
2005-10-03 axelclRefactored packagename to net.sourceforge.phpdt.interna...
2005-08-30 axelclAdded new syntax error "Assignment operator not allowed...
2005-08-29 axelclAdded new syntax error "Assignment operator not allowed...
2005-08-21 axelclBug #1248155: avoid NPE in parser
2005-07-12 axelclBugs item #1236682
2005-07-10 axelclOptimized Scanner
2005-07-10 axelclSmall improvements in parser
2005-06-30 stefanbjarniOrganized imports.
2005-06-24 axelclmisc
2005-06-14 axelclCreated a separated 'externaltools' plugin
2005-05-15 axelclSimplified parsing for double quoted strings
2005-05-08 axelclParser: parse a PHP expression after <?= ; statements...
2005-05-06 stefanbjarniOrganized imports
2005-05-05 axelclImproved calculation of function/methods sourceEnd...
2005-05-04 axelclDetect <?= as PHP start tag
2005-04-22 axelclNew Warning: "Uninitialized local variable"
2005-04-19 axelclShow line numbers (other than 1) in problems view for...
2005-04-19 axelclShow line numbers (other than 1) in problems view for...
2005-04-18 axelclImproved error "Unreachable code" for if statements
2005-04-17 axelclAdded error "Unreachable code" for if statements
2005-04-16 axelclAdded error "Unreachable code" for some very simple...
2005-03-30 axelclPatch from Stefan Sigurdsson
2005-03-06 axelclimproved PHP parser
2005-02-14 axelclFixed bug #1122547 fails to parse several structures
2005-02-07 axelclFixed outline wrong order of methods bug
2005-02-02 axelclfixed bug for detecting IFile "include files" outside...
2005-01-28 axelclsmall improvement for $ variables
2005-01-28 axelclMoved the project.index file to eclipse/workspace/...
2005-01-26 axelcl* Added browser like links (Ctrl+Mouseclick on identifi...
2005-01-05 axelclMerged "Open PHP Declaration" and "Open Include File...
2005-01-05 axelclMerged "Open PHP Declaration" and "Open Include File...
2005-01-02 axelclmade message: "Include filename doesn't exist in projec...
2005-01-02 axelclFixed bug for line comments starting with '#=' characte...
2004-12-29 axelclParser detects wrong include files now
2004-11-21 axelclfixed additional catches block bug
2004-11-20 axelclfixed additional catches block bug
2004-11-10 axelcldon't split one line PHP statements in CodeFormatter
2004-10-05 jsurferimproved codetemplate wizards; new html tag wizards
2004-09-24 jsurferfixed some parser bugs
2004-09-23 jsurfermisc parser fixes
2004-09-11 jsurferSyntax highlighting is changeable.
2004-09-09 jsurferfixed Bug 1018710
2004-09-02 jsurfernew PartitionScanner version
2004-07-23 khartlagefixed switch { .. default: case 'test': ... bug
2004-07-19 khartlagefix "stack trace" from this post:
2004-07-16 khartlageBug 841370 - open declaration for projects wih external...
2004-07-11 khartlagebetter error messages for unterminated strings and...
2004-07-11 khartlagefixed NPE in Parser ( function catch() )
2004-06-21 khartlageGoto line/Goto Matching Bracket Shortcuts should work
2004-06-18 khartlageadded class const identifiers to outline
2004-06-15 khartlageRC2 compatibility
2004-06-10 khartlage- added include declarations to Outline view
2004-06-06 khartlageEliminated unused classes
2004-06-03 khartlageadded class fields to outline
2004-05-30 khartlage3m9 compatible;
2004-05-23 khartlageimproved parser string handling
2004-05-21 khartlageAdded "Task Tags" functionality (TODO,...)
2004-05-10 khartlageimproved code formatter
2004-05-08 khartlagemisc changes
2004-04-28 khartlagemisc changes
2004-04-16 khartlagemisc changes
2004-04-02 khartlagemisc parser changes
2004-03-26 khartlagemisc parser changes
2004-03-22 khartlagemisc changes in the internal builder
2004-03-08 khartlagemisc parser changes
2004-03-05 khartlagemisc parser changes
2004-03-05 khartlagemisc parser changes
2004-03-03 khartlageadded index manager to the new builder;
2004-03-02 khartlageimproved parser keywords abstract, final, public, prote...
2004-03-02 khartlageimproved parser keywords abstract, final, public, prote...
2004-03-01 khartlagemisc parser bugfixes; still very ugly state
2004-03-01 khartlageEclipse3M7 version
2004-02-24 khartlageEclipse 3M7
2003-12-31 khartlageEclipse 3.x compatible;
2003-12-22 khartlagenew version with WorkingCopy Management
2003-10-25 khartlagefixed parser bug;
2003-10-15 khartlageDeleted tooltips "empty selection" behaviour
2003-10-11 khartlageChanges:
2003-09-09 khartlageChanged "Open PHP Declarartion" action in the PHP editor:
2003-08-03 kpouerthe fileToParse field pulled up to ParserSuperclass...
2003-06-08 kpouer*** empty log message ***
2003-06-06 kpouer*** empty log message ***
2003-06-05 kpouer*** empty log message ***
2003-05-28 khartlagefixed problem with TokenNameDOLLAR_LBRACE token in...
2003-05-23 khartlageAdded debug infos to CodeFormatter
2003-05-01 kpouerTwo interfaces added for outlineable objects