While addressing ticket #521 and #573 i noticed that there were to names for setting...
[phpeclipse.git] / net.sourceforge.phpeclipse / src / net / sourceforge / phpdt / internal / compiler / problem /
2006-10-21 pombredanneA massive organize imports and formatting of the source...
2005-10-03 axelclRefactored packagename to net.sourceforge.phpdt.interna...
2005-05-06 stefanbjarniOrganized imports
2005-04-22 axelclNew Warning: "Uninitialized local variable"
2005-04-19 axelclShow line numbers (other than 1) in problems view for...
2005-03-06 axelclimproved PHP parser
2005-01-02 axelclmade message: "Include filename doesn't exist in projec...
2004-12-29 axelclParser detects wrong include files now
2004-09-11 jsurferSyntax highlighting is changeable.
2004-07-16 khartlageBug 841370 - open declaration for projects wih external...
2004-06-15 khartlageRC2 compatibility
2004-06-10 khartlage- added include declarations to Outline view
2004-05-22 khartlageAdded a new PHP Parser Preference Page (global and...
2004-05-21 khartlageAdded "Task Tags" functionality (TODO,...)
2004-04-16 khartlagemisc changes
2004-03-08 khartlagemisc parser changes
2004-03-05 khartlagemisc parser changes
2004-03-01 khartlageEclipse3M7 version
2003-12-22 khartlagenew version with WorkingCopy Management
2003-02-24 khartlageRewritten Parser/Scanner to package net.sourceforge...
2003-01-17 khartlagefirst scanner /parser copied from the jdt java version