From 336953ba53efa6b549cbd0d7811abae56fac80c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: axelcl <axelcl>
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 21:54:16 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Added a new refactoring action: net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.actions.RenameLocalVariable
 This refactoring replaces any $-variable inside a function or method declaration
 The action can detect the scope of a PHP function or class method.
 Currently this refactoring doesn't replace variables inside double quoted strings.
 This refactoring doesn't look for global variables inside the function or method.
 This refactoring doesn't look correctly for "self::" and "$this" tokens inside the function or method.
 This refactoring doesn't look for a preceding PHPDoc comment and therefore cannot replace any local variables inside the PHPdoc comment.

 .../net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/  |    2 -
 .../phpdt/ltk/core/   |  359 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../phpdt/ltk/core/       |   96 ++++++
 .../ltk/core/      |   32 ++
 .../ltk/core/      |  173 ++++++++++
 .../phpdt/ltk/core/         |   68 ++++
 .../phpdt/ltk/core/     |  360 --------------------
 .../phpdt/ltk/core/         |   82 -----
 .../phpdt/ltk/core/    |   72 ----
 .../phpdt/ltk/core/  |   32 --
 .../src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/  |    5 +-
 .../phpdt/ltk/ui/actions/  |  197 +++++++++++
 .../phpdt/ltk/ui/actions/  |   29 +-
 .../sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/    |    5 +-
 .../phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/ |  175 ++++++++++
 .../ltk/ui/wizards/     |   39 +++
 .../ltk/ui/wizards/    |  154 +++++++++
 .../ltk/ui/wizards/  |   39 +++
 .../ltk/ui/wizards/    |  176 ----------
 .../phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/ |   40 ---
 20 files changed, 1354 insertions(+), 781 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
 create mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
 create mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
 create mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
 create mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
 delete mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
 delete mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
 delete mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
 delete mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
 create mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/actions/
 create mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
 create mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
 create mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
 create mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
 delete mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
 delete mode 100644 net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/

diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
index 731454c..bad78a2 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
  * bundle.
  * </p>
- * @author Leif Frenzel
 public class CoreTexts extends NLS {
@@ -33,5 +32,4 @@ public class CoreTexts extends NLS {
 	public static String renamePropertyDelegate_collectingChanges;
 	public static String renamePropertyDelegate_checking;
-	// public static String renamePropertyDelegate_propNotFound;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e14cd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
+// See
+// modified for project by axelcl
+package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.ITerminalSymbols;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.SyntaxError;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.ui.util.PHPFileUtil;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.PHPeclipsePlugin;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.CheckConditionsContext;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.IConditionChecker;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.ValidateEditChecker;
+import org.eclipse.text.edits.MultiTextEdit;
+import org.eclipse.text.edits.ReplaceEdit;
+ * <p>
+ * delegate object that contains the logic used by the processor.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ */
+public class RenameIdentifierDelegate {
+	// private static final String EXT_PROPERTIES = "properties"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+	protected final RenameIdentifierInfo info;
+	// PHP file with the identifier to rename -> offset of the key
+	protected final Map phpFiles;
+	public RenameIdentifierDelegate(final RenameIdentifierInfo info) {
+ = info;
+		phpFiles = new HashMap();
+	}
+	RefactoringStatus checkInitialConditions() {
+		RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
+		IFile sourceFile = info.getSourceFile();
+		if (sourceFile == null || !sourceFile.exists()) {
+			result.addFatalError(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_noSourceFile);
+		} else if (info.getSourceFile().isReadOnly()) {
+			result.addFatalError(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_roFile);
+		} else if (isEmpty(info.getOldName())) {
+			// || !isPropertyKey( info.getSourceFile(), info.getOldName() ) ) {
+			result.addFatalError(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_noPHPKey);
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+	RefactoringStatus checkFinalConditions(final IProgressMonitor pm, final CheckConditionsContext ctxt) {
+		RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
+		pm.beginTask(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_checking, 100);
+		// do something long-running here: traverse the entire project (or even
+		// workspace) to look for all *.properties files with the same bundle
+		// base name
+		IContainer rootContainer;
+		ArrayList phpProjects = new ArrayList();
+		IProject project;
+		if (info.isAllProjects()) {
+			rootContainer = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
+			IResource[] members;
+			try {
+				members = rootContainer.members();
+				for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
+					if (members[i] instanceof IProject) {
+						project = (IProject) members[i];
+						try {
+							if (project.isNatureEnabled(PHPeclipsePlugin.PHP_NATURE_ID)) {
+								search(project, result);
+							}
+						} catch (CoreException e) {
+							String msg = "Project: " + project.getLocation().toOSString() + " CoreException " + e.getMessage();
+							result.addError(msg);
+						} catch (Exception e) {
+							String msg = "Project: " + project.getLocation().toOSString() + " Exception " + e.getMessage();
+							result.addError(msg);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} catch (CoreException e) {
+				String msg = "Workspace: " + rootContainer.getLocation().toOSString() + " CoreException " + e.getMessage();
+				result.addError(msg);
+			}
+		} else {
+			project = info.getSourceFile().getProject();
+			try {
+				if (project.isNatureEnabled(PHPeclipsePlugin.PHP_NATURE_ID)) {
+					search(project, result);
+				}
+			} catch (CoreException e) {
+				String msg = "Project: " + project.getLocation().toOSString() + " CoreException " + e.getMessage();
+				result.addError(msg);
+			} catch (Exception e) {
+				String msg = "Project: " + project.getLocation().toOSString() + " Exception " + e.getMessage();
+				result.addError(msg);
+			}
+		}
+		pm.worked(50);
+		if (ctxt != null) {
+			IFile[] files = new IFile[phpFiles.size()];
+			phpFiles.keySet().toArray(files);
+			IConditionChecker checker = ctxt.getChecker(ValidateEditChecker.class);
+			ValidateEditChecker editChecker = (ValidateEditChecker) checker;
+			editChecker.addFiles(files);
+		}
+		pm.done();
+		return result;
+	}
+	protected void createChange(final IProgressMonitor pm, final CompositeChange rootChange) {
+		try {
+			pm.beginTask(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_collectingChanges, 100);
+			// all files in the same bundle
+			if (info.isUpdateProject()) {
+				rootChange.addAll(createChangesForContainer(pm));
+			}
+		} finally {
+			pm.done();
+		}
+	}
+	// helping methods
+	// ////////////////
+	// private Change createRenameChange() {
+	// // create a change object for the file that contains the property the
+	// // user has selected to rename
+	// IFile file = info.getSourceFile();
+	// TextFileChange result = new TextFileChange(file.getName(), file);
+	// // a file change contains a tree of edits, first add the root of them
+	// MultiTextEdit fileChangeRootEdit = new MultiTextEdit();
+	// result.setEdit(fileChangeRootEdit);
+	//
+	// // edit object for the text replacement in the file, this is the only child
+	// ReplaceEdit edit = new ReplaceEdit(info.getOffset(),
+	// info.getOldName().length(), info.getNewName());
+	// fileChangeRootEdit.addChild(edit);
+	// return result;
+	// }
+	protected Change[] createChangesForContainer(final IProgressMonitor pm) {
+		List result = new ArrayList();
+		Iterator it = phpFiles.keySet().iterator();
+		int numberOfFiles = phpFiles.size();
+		double percent = 100 / numberOfFiles;
+		int work = 0;
+		int indx = 0;
+		while (it.hasNext()) {
+			IFile file = (IFile);
+			List list = getKeyOffsets(file);
+			if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
+				TextFileChange tfc = new TextFileChange(file.getName(), file);
+				MultiTextEdit fileChangeRootEdit = new MultiTextEdit();
+				tfc.setEdit(fileChangeRootEdit);
+				// edit object for the text replacement in the file, there could be
+				// multiple childs
+				ReplaceEdit edit;
+				for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+					edit = new ReplaceEdit(((Integer) list.get(i)).intValue(), info.getOldName().length(), info.getNewName());
+					fileChangeRootEdit.addChild(edit);
+				}
+				result.add(tfc);
+			}
+			work = Double.valueOf(++indx * percent).intValue();
+			pm.worked(work);
+		}
+		return (Change[]) result.toArray(new Change[result.size()]);
+	}
+	protected boolean isEmpty(final String candidate) {
+		return candidate == null || candidate.trim().length() == 0;
+	}
+	// private boolean isPropertyKey( final IFile file, final String candidate ) {
+	// boolean result = false;
+	// try {
+	// Properties props = new Properties();
+	// props.load( file.getContents() );
+	// result = props.containsKey( candidate );
+	// } catch( Exception ex ) {
+	// // ignore this, we just assume this is not a favourable situation
+	// ex.printStackTrace();
+	// }
+	// return result;
+	// }
+	// // whether the file is a PHP file with the same base name as the
+	// // one we refactor and contains the key that interests us
+	// private boolean isToRefactor(final IFile file) {
+	// return PHPFileUtil.isPHPFile(file);
+	// // && !file.equals( info.getSourceFile() )
+	// // && isPropertyKey( file, info.getOldName() );
+	// }
+	// private String getBundleBaseName() {
+	// String result = info.getSourceFile().getName();
+	// int underscoreIndex = result.indexOf( '_' );
+	// if( underscoreIndex != -1 ) {
+	// result = result.substring( 0, underscoreIndex );
+	// } else {
+	// int index = result.indexOf( EXT_PROPERTIES ) - 1;
+	// result = result.substring( 0, index );
+	// }
+	// return result;
+	// }
+	private void search(final IContainer rootContainer, final RefactoringStatus status) {
+		try {
+			IResource[] members = rootContainer.members();
+			for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
+				if (members[i] instanceof IContainer) {
+					search((IContainer) members[i], status);
+				} else {
+					IFile file = (IFile) members[i];
+					handleFile(file, status);
+				}
+			}
+		} catch (final CoreException cex) {
+			status.addFatalError(cex.getMessage());
+		}
+	}
+	private void handleFile(final IFile file, final RefactoringStatus status) {
+		if (PHPFileUtil.isPHPFile(file)) {
+			determineKeyOffsets(file, status);
+			// if (keyOffsets.size() > 0) {
+			// Integer offset = new Integer(keyOffsets);
+			// phpFiles.put(file, offset);
+			// }
+		}
+	}
+	protected List getKeyOffsets(final IFile file) {
+		return (List) phpFiles.get(file);
+	}
+	// finds the offsets of the identifier to rename
+	// usually, this would be the job of a proper parser;
+	// using a primitive brute-force approach here
+	private void determineKeyOffsets(final IFile file, final RefactoringStatus status) {
+		ArrayList matches = new ArrayList();
+		try {
+			String content = readFileContent(file, status);
+			Scanner scanner = new Scanner(true, false);
+			scanner.setSource(content.toCharArray());
+			scanner.setPHPMode(false);
+			char[] word = info.getOldName().toCharArray();
+			int fToken = ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF;
+			try {
+				fToken = scanner.getNextToken();
+				while (fToken != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
+					if (fToken == ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameVariable || fToken == ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameIdentifier) {
+						if (scanner.equalsCurrentTokenSource(word)) {
+							matches.add(Integer.valueOf(scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition()));
+						}
+					}
+					fToken = scanner.getNextToken();
+				}
+			} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
+				String msg = "File: " + file.getLocation().toOSString() + " InvalidInputException " + e.getMessage();
+				status.addError(msg);
+			} catch (SyntaxError e) {
+				String msg = "File: " + file.getLocation().toOSString() + " SyntaxError " + e.getMessage();
+				status.addError(msg);
+			}
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			String msg = "File: " + file.getLocation().toOSString() + " Exception " + e.getMessage();
+			status.addError(msg);
+		}
+		if (matches.size() > 0) {
+			phpFiles.put(file, matches);
+		}
+		// int result = -1;
+		// int candidateIndex = content.indexOf(info.getOldName());
+		// result = candidateIndex;
+		// while( result == -1 && candidateIndex != -1 ) {
+		// if( isKeyOccurrence( content, candidateIndex ) ) {
+		// result = candidateIndex;
+		// }
+		// }
+		// if( result == -1 ) {
+		// // still nothing found, we add a warning to the status
+		// // (we have checked the file contains the property, so that we can't
+		// // determine it's offset is probably because of the rough way employed
+		// // here to find it)
+		// String msg = CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_propNotFound
+		// + file.getLocation().toOSString();
+		// status.addWarning( msg );
+		// }
+		// return result;
+	}
+	private String readFileContent(final IFile file, final RefactoringStatus refStatus) {
+		String result = null;
+		try {
+			InputStream is = file.getContents();
+			byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
+			ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+			int len =;
+			while (len > 0) {
+				bos.write(buf, 0, len);
+				len =;
+			}
+			is.close();
+			result = new String(bos.toByteArray());
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			String msg = ex.toString();
+			refStatus.addFatalError(msg);
+			String pluginId = PHPeclipsePlugin.getPluginId();
+			IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, pluginId, 0, msg, ex);
+			PHPeclipsePlugin.getDefault().getLog().log(status);
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+	// we check only that there is a separator before the next line break (this
+	// is not sufficient, the whole thing may be in a comment etc. ...)
+	// private boolean isKeyOccurrence( final String content,
+	// final int candidateIndex ) {
+	// int index = candidateIndex + info.getOldName().length();
+	// // skip whitespace
+	// while( content.charAt( index ) == ' ' || content.charAt( index ) == '\t' )
+	// {
+	// index++;
+	// }
+	// return content.charAt( index ) == '=' || content.charAt( index ) == ':';
+	// }
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60a9457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
+// See
+// modified for project by axelcl
+package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.core.SourceMethod;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
+ * <p>
+ * an info object that holds the information that is passed from the user to the
+ * refactoring.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ */
+public class RenameIdentifierInfo {
+	// the offset of the property to be renamed in the file
+	private int offset;
+	// the new name for the property
+	private String newName;
+	// the old name of the property (as selected by the user)
+	private String oldName;
+	// the file that contains the property to be renamed
+	private IFile sourceFile;
+	// whether the refactoring should also change the identifier
+	// in corresponding PHP files in the same project
+	private boolean updateProject;
+	// whether the refactoring should also update PHP files in other
+	// projects than the current one
+	private boolean allProjects;
+	private SourceMethod method;
+	public int getOffset() {
+		return offset;
+	}
+	public void setOffset(final int offset) {
+		this.offset = offset;
+	}
+	public String getNewName() {
+		return newName;
+	}
+	public void setNewName(final String newName) {
+		this.newName = newName;
+	}
+	public String getOldName() {
+		return oldName;
+	}
+	public void setOldName(final String oldName) {
+		this.oldName = oldName;
+	}
+	public IFile getSourceFile() {
+		return sourceFile;
+	}
+	public void setSourceFile(final IFile sourceFile) {
+		this.sourceFile = sourceFile;
+	}
+	public boolean isAllProjects() {
+		return allProjects;
+	}
+	public void setAllProjects(final boolean allProjects) {
+		this.allProjects = allProjects;
+	}
+	public boolean isUpdateProject() {
+		return updateProject;
+	}
+	public void setUpdateProject(final boolean updateBundle) {
+		this.updateProject = updateBundle;
+	}
+	public SourceMethod getMethod() {
+		return method;
+	}
+	public void setMethod(SourceMethod method) {
+		this.method = method;
+	}
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54c2bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
+// See
+// modified for project by axelcl
+package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.ProcessorBasedRefactoring;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RefactoringProcessor;
+ * <p>
+ * Refactoring for renaming identifiers in PHP files.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * All the actual work is done in the processor, so we just have to keep a
+ * reference to one here.
+ * <p>
+ *
+ */
+public class RenameIdentifierRefactoring extends ProcessorBasedRefactoring {
+	private final RefactoringProcessor processor;
+	public RenameIdentifierRefactoring(final RefactoringProcessor processor) {
+		super(processor);
+		this.processor = processor;
+	}
+	public RefactoringProcessor getProcessor() {
+		return processor;
+	}
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11f3fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
+// See
+// modified for project by axelcl
+package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.ISourceRange;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.ITerminalSymbols;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.SyntaxError;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.core.SourceMethod;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.PHPeclipsePlugin;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.CheckConditionsContext;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.IConditionChecker;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.ValidateEditChecker;
+import org.eclipse.text.edits.MultiTextEdit;
+import org.eclipse.text.edits.ReplaceEdit;
+ * <p>
+ * delegate object that contains the logic used by the processor.
+ * </p>
+ *
+ */
+public class RenameLocalVariableDelegate extends RenameIdentifierDelegate {
+	public RenameLocalVariableDelegate(final RenameIdentifierInfo info) {
+		super(info);
+	}
+	RefactoringStatus checkInitialConditions() {
+		RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
+		IFile sourceFile = info.getSourceFile();
+		if (sourceFile == null || !sourceFile.exists()) {
+			result.addFatalError(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_noSourceFile);
+		} else if (info.getSourceFile().isReadOnly()) {
+			result.addFatalError(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_roFile);
+		} else if (isEmpty(info.getOldName())) {
+			// || !isPropertyKey( info.getSourceFile(), info.getOldName() ) ) {
+			result.addFatalError(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_noPHPKey);
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+	RefactoringStatus checkFinalConditions(final IProgressMonitor pm, final CheckConditionsContext ctxt) {
+		RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
+		pm.beginTask(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_checking, 100);
+		// do something long-running here: traverse the entire project (or even
+		// workspace) to look for all *.p files with the same bundle
+		// base name
+		IFile file = info.getSourceFile();
+		IProject project = file.getProject();
+		try {
+			SourceMethod method = info.getMethod();
+			ISourceRange range = method.getSourceRange();
+			if (project.isNatureEnabled(PHPeclipsePlugin.PHP_NATURE_ID)) {
+				determineMethodOffsets(file, range.getOffset(), range.getLength(), result);
+			}
+		} catch (CoreException e) {
+			String msg = "Project: " + project.getLocation().toOSString() + " CoreException " + e.getMessage();
+			result.addError(msg);
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			String msg = "Project: " + project.getLocation().toOSString() + " Exception " + e.getMessage();
+			result.addError(msg);
+		}
+		pm.worked(50);
+		if (ctxt != null) {
+			IFile[] files = new IFile[phpFiles.size()];
+			phpFiles.keySet().toArray(files);
+			IConditionChecker checker = ctxt.getChecker(ValidateEditChecker.class);
+			ValidateEditChecker editChecker = (ValidateEditChecker) checker;
+			editChecker.addFiles(files);
+		}
+		pm.done();
+		return result;
+	}
+	protected void createChange(final IProgressMonitor pm, final CompositeChange rootChange) {
+		try {
+			pm.beginTask(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_collectingChanges, 100);
+			// all files in the same bundle
+			rootChange.addAll(createChangesForContainer(pm));
+		} finally {
+			pm.done();
+		}
+	}
+	// finds the offsets of the identifier to rename
+	// usually, this would be the job of a proper parser;
+	// using a primitive brute-force approach here
+	private void determineMethodOffsets(final IFile file, int offset, int length, final RefactoringStatus status) {
+		ArrayList matches = new ArrayList();
+		try {
+			String content = readFileContent(file, status);
+			String methodString = content.substring(offset, offset + length);
+			Scanner scanner = new Scanner(true, false);
+			scanner.setSource(methodString.toCharArray());
+			scanner.setPHPMode(true);
+			char[] word = info.getOldName().toCharArray();
+			int fToken = ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF;
+			try {
+				fToken = scanner.getNextToken();
+				while (fToken != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
+					if (fToken == ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameVariable) {
+						if (scanner.equalsCurrentTokenSource(word)) {
+							matches.add(Integer.valueOf(scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition() + offset));
+						}
+					}
+					fToken = scanner.getNextToken();
+				}
+			} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
+				String msg = "File: " + file.getLocation().toOSString() + " InvalidInputException " + e.getMessage();
+				status.addError(msg);
+			} catch (SyntaxError e) {
+				String msg = "File: " + file.getLocation().toOSString() + " SyntaxError " + e.getMessage();
+				status.addError(msg);
+			}
+		} catch (Exception e) {
+			String msg = "File: " + file.getLocation().toOSString() + " Exception " + e.getMessage();
+			status.addError(msg);
+		}
+		if (matches.size() > 0) {
+			phpFiles.put(file, matches);
+		}
+	}
+	private String readFileContent(final IFile file, final RefactoringStatus refStatus) {
+		String result = null;
+		try {
+			InputStream is = file.getContents();
+			byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
+			ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+			int len =;
+			while (len > 0) {
+				bos.write(buf, 0, len);
+				len =;
+			}
+			is.close();
+			result = new String(bos.toByteArray());
+		} catch (Exception ex) {
+			String msg = ex.toString();
+			refStatus.addFatalError(msg);
+			String pluginId = PHPeclipsePlugin.getPluginId();
+			IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, pluginId, 0, msg, ex);
+			PHPeclipsePlugin.getDefault().getLog().log(status);
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be64c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
+// See
+// modified for project by axelcl
+package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.*;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.*;
+/** <p>The processor is where the work is delegated to if participants are
+  * involved. The processor loads the participants and manages the lifecycle
+  * of the refactoring. In order to do that, the refactoring entry point
+  * methods must be implemented.</p>
+  *
+  */
+public class RenamePHPProcessor extends RefactoringProcessor {
+  private final RenameIdentifierInfo info;
+  private final RenameIdentifierDelegate delegate;
+  public RenamePHPProcessor( final RenameIdentifierInfo info, final RenameIdentifierDelegate delegate ) {
+ = info;
+    this.delegate = delegate;
+  }
+  public Object[] getElements() {
+    // usually, this would be some element object in the object model on which
+    // we work (e.g. a Java element if we were in the Java Model); in this case
+    // we have only the property name
+    return new Object[] { info.getOldName() };
+  }
+  public String getIdentifier() {
+    return getClass().getName();
+  }
+  public String getProcessorName() {
+    return CoreTexts.renamePropertyProcessor_name;
+  }
+  public boolean isApplicable() throws CoreException {
+    return true;
+  }
+  public RefactoringStatus checkInitialConditions( final IProgressMonitor pm ) {
+    return delegate.checkInitialConditions();
+  }
+  public RefactoringStatus checkFinalConditions(
+            final IProgressMonitor pm,  final CheckConditionsContext context ) {
+    return delegate.checkFinalConditions( pm, context );
+  }
+  public Change createChange( final IProgressMonitor pm ) {
+    CompositeChange result = new CompositeChange( getProcessorName() );
+    delegate.createChange( pm, result );
+    return result;
+  }
+  public RefactoringParticipant[] loadParticipants(
+                               final RefactoringStatus status,
+                               final SharableParticipants sharedParticipants ) {
+    // This would be the place to load the participants via the
+    // ParticipantManager and decide which of them are allowed to participate.
+    return new RefactoringParticipant[ 0 ];
+  }
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deleted file mode 100644
index ae23722..0000000
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
-// See
-// modified for project by axelcl
-package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.ITerminalSymbols;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.compiler.parser.SyntaxError;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.ui.util.PHPFileUtil;
-import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.PHPeclipsePlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.CheckConditionsContext;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.IConditionChecker;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.ValidateEditChecker;
-import org.eclipse.text.edits.MultiTextEdit;
-import org.eclipse.text.edits.ReplaceEdit;
- * <p>
- * delegate object that contains the logic used by the processor.
- * </p>
- *
- * @author Leif Frenzel
- */
-class RenamePropertyDelegate {
-	// private static final String EXT_PROPERTIES = "properties"; //$NON-NLS-1$
-	private final RenamePropertyInfo info;
-	// PHP file with the identifier to rename -> offset of the key
-	private final Map phpFiles;
-	RenamePropertyDelegate(final RenamePropertyInfo info) {
- = info;
-		phpFiles = new HashMap();
-	}
-	RefactoringStatus checkInitialConditions() {
-		RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
-		IFile sourceFile = info.getSourceFile();
-		if (sourceFile == null || !sourceFile.exists()) {
-			result.addFatalError(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_noSourceFile);
-		} else if (info.getSourceFile().isReadOnly()) {
-			result.addFatalError(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_roFile);
-		} else if (isEmpty(info.getOldName())) {
-			// || !isPropertyKey( info.getSourceFile(), info.getOldName() ) ) {
-			result.addFatalError(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_noPHPKey);
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
-	RefactoringStatus checkFinalConditions(final IProgressMonitor pm, final CheckConditionsContext ctxt) {
-		RefactoringStatus result = new RefactoringStatus();
-		pm.beginTask(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_checking, 100);
-		// do something long-running here: traverse the entire project (or even
-		// workspace) to look for all *.properties files with the same bundle
-		// base name
-		IContainer rootContainer;
-		ArrayList phpProjects = new ArrayList();
-		IProject project;
-		if (info.isAllProjects()) {
-			rootContainer = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
-			IResource[] members;
-			try {
-				members = rootContainer.members();
-				for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
-					if (members[i] instanceof IProject) {
-						project = (IProject) members[i];
-						try {
-							if (project.isNatureEnabled(PHPeclipsePlugin.PHP_NATURE_ID)) {
-								search(project, result);
-							}
-						} catch (CoreException e) {
-							String msg = "Project: " + project.getLocation().toOSString() + " CoreException " + e.getMessage();
-							result.addError(msg);
-						} catch (Exception e) {
-							String msg = "Project: " + project.getLocation().toOSString() + " Exception " + e.getMessage();
-							result.addError(msg);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			} catch (CoreException e) {
-				String msg = "Workspace: " + rootContainer.getLocation().toOSString() + " CoreException " + e.getMessage();
-				result.addError(msg);
-			}
-		} else {
-			project = info.getSourceFile().getProject();
-			try {
-				if (project.isNatureEnabled(PHPeclipsePlugin.PHP_NATURE_ID)) {
-					search(project, result);
-				}
-			} catch (CoreException e) {
-				String msg = "Project: " + project.getLocation().toOSString() + " CoreException " + e.getMessage();
-				result.addError(msg);
-			} catch (Exception e) {
-				String msg = "Project: " + project.getLocation().toOSString() + " Exception " + e.getMessage();
-				result.addError(msg);
-			}
-		}
-		pm.worked(50);
-		if (ctxt != null) {
-			IFile[] files = new IFile[phpFiles.size()];
-			phpFiles.keySet().toArray(files);
-			IConditionChecker checker = ctxt.getChecker(ValidateEditChecker.class);
-			ValidateEditChecker editChecker = (ValidateEditChecker) checker;
-			editChecker.addFiles(files);
-		}
-		pm.done();
-		return result;
-	}
-	void createChange(final IProgressMonitor pm, final CompositeChange rootChange) {
-		try {
-			pm.beginTask(CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_collectingChanges, 100);
-			// all files in the same bundle
-			if (info.isUpdateProject()) {
-				rootChange.addAll(createChangesForContainer(pm));
-			}
-		} finally {
-			pm.done();
-		}
-	}
-	// helping methods
-	// ////////////////
-	// private Change createRenameChange() {
-	// // create a change object for the file that contains the property the
-	// // user has selected to rename
-	// IFile file = info.getSourceFile();
-	// TextFileChange result = new TextFileChange(file.getName(), file);
-	// // a file change contains a tree of edits, first add the root of them
-	// MultiTextEdit fileChangeRootEdit = new MultiTextEdit();
-	// result.setEdit(fileChangeRootEdit);
-	//
-	// // edit object for the text replacement in the file, this is the only child
-	// ReplaceEdit edit = new ReplaceEdit(info.getOffset(),
-	// info.getOldName().length(), info.getNewName());
-	// fileChangeRootEdit.addChild(edit);
-	// return result;
-	// }
-	private Change[] createChangesForContainer(final IProgressMonitor pm) {
-		List result = new ArrayList();
-		Iterator it = phpFiles.keySet().iterator();
-		int numberOfFiles = phpFiles.size();
-		double percent = 100 / numberOfFiles;
-		int work = 0;
-		int indx = 0;
-		while (it.hasNext()) {
-			IFile file = (IFile);
-			List list = getKeyOffsets(file);
-			if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
-				TextFileChange tfc = new TextFileChange(file.getName(), file);
-				MultiTextEdit fileChangeRootEdit = new MultiTextEdit();
-				tfc.setEdit(fileChangeRootEdit);
-				// edit object for the text replacement in the file, there could be
-				// multiple childs
-				ReplaceEdit edit;
-				for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
-					edit = new ReplaceEdit(((Integer) list.get(i)).intValue(), info.getOldName().length(), info.getNewName());
-					fileChangeRootEdit.addChild(edit);
-				}
-				result.add(tfc);
-			}
-			work = Double.valueOf(++indx * percent).intValue();
-			pm.worked(work);
-		}
-		return (Change[]) result.toArray(new Change[result.size()]);
-	}
-	private boolean isEmpty(final String candidate) {
-		return candidate == null || candidate.trim().length() == 0;
-	}
-	// private boolean isPropertyKey( final IFile file, final String candidate ) {
-	// boolean result = false;
-	// try {
-	// Properties props = new Properties();
-	// props.load( file.getContents() );
-	// result = props.containsKey( candidate );
-	// } catch( Exception ex ) {
-	// // ignore this, we just assume this is not a favourable situation
-	// ex.printStackTrace();
-	// }
-	// return result;
-	// }
-	// // whether the file is a PHP file with the same base name as the
-	// // one we refactor and contains the key that interests us
-	// private boolean isToRefactor(final IFile file) {
-	// return PHPFileUtil.isPHPFile(file);
-	// // && !file.equals( info.getSourceFile() )
-	// // && isPropertyKey( file, info.getOldName() );
-	// }
-	// private String getBundleBaseName() {
-	// String result = info.getSourceFile().getName();
-	// int underscoreIndex = result.indexOf( '_' );
-	// if( underscoreIndex != -1 ) {
-	// result = result.substring( 0, underscoreIndex );
-	// } else {
-	// int index = result.indexOf( EXT_PROPERTIES ) - 1;
-	// result = result.substring( 0, index );
-	// }
-	// return result;
-	// }
-	private void search(final IContainer rootContainer, final RefactoringStatus status) {
-		try {
-			IResource[] members = rootContainer.members();
-			for (int i = 0; i < members.length; i++) {
-				if (members[i] instanceof IContainer) {
-					search((IContainer) members[i], status);
-				} else {
-					IFile file = (IFile) members[i];
-					handleFile(file, status);
-				}
-			}
-		} catch (final CoreException cex) {
-			status.addFatalError(cex.getMessage());
-		}
-	}
-	private void handleFile(final IFile file, final RefactoringStatus status) {
-		if (PHPFileUtil.isPHPFile(file)) {
-			determineKeyOffsets(file, status);
-			// if (keyOffsets.size() > 0) {
-			// Integer offset = new Integer(keyOffsets);
-			// phpFiles.put(file, offset);
-			// }
-		}
-	}
-	private List getKeyOffsets(final IFile file) {
-		return (List) phpFiles.get(file);
-	}
-	// finds the offsets of the identifier to rename
-	// usually, this would be the job of a proper parser;
-	// using a primitive brute-force approach here
-	private void determineKeyOffsets(final IFile file, final RefactoringStatus status) {
-		ArrayList matches = new ArrayList();
-		try {
-			String content = readFileContent(file, status);
-			Scanner scanner = new Scanner(true, false);
-			scanner.setSource(content.toCharArray());
-			scanner.setPHPMode(false);
-			char[] word = info.getOldName().toCharArray();
-			int fToken = ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF;
-			try {
-				fToken = scanner.getNextToken();
-				while (fToken != ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF) {
-					if (fToken == ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameVariable || fToken == ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameIdentifier) {
-						if (scanner.equalsCurrentTokenSource(word)) {
-							matches.add(Integer.valueOf(scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition()));
-						}
-					}
-					fToken = scanner.getNextToken();
-				}
-			} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
-				String msg = "File: " + file.getLocation().toOSString() + " InvalidInputException " + e.getMessage();
-				status.addError(msg);
-			} catch (SyntaxError e) {
-				String msg = "File: " + file.getLocation().toOSString() + " SyntaxError " + e.getMessage();
-				status.addError(msg);
-			}
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			String msg = "File: " + file.getLocation().toOSString() + " Exception " + e.getMessage();
-			status.addError(msg);
-		}
-		if (matches.size() > 0) {
-			phpFiles.put(file, matches);
-		}
-		// int result = -1;
-		// int candidateIndex = content.indexOf(info.getOldName());
-		// result = candidateIndex;
-		// while( result == -1 && candidateIndex != -1 ) {
-		// if( isKeyOccurrence( content, candidateIndex ) ) {
-		// result = candidateIndex;
-		// }
-		// }
-		// if( result == -1 ) {
-		// // still nothing found, we add a warning to the status
-		// // (we have checked the file contains the property, so that we can't
-		// // determine it's offset is probably because of the rough way employed
-		// // here to find it)
-		// String msg = CoreTexts.renamePropertyDelegate_propNotFound
-		// + file.getLocation().toOSString();
-		// status.addWarning( msg );
-		// }
-		// return result;
-	}
-	private String readFileContent(final IFile file, final RefactoringStatus refStatus) {
-		String result = null;
-		try {
-			InputStream is = file.getContents();
-			byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
-			ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
-			int len =;
-			while (len > 0) {
-				bos.write(buf, 0, len);
-				len =;
-			}
-			is.close();
-			result = new String(bos.toByteArray());
-		} catch (Exception ex) {
-			String msg = ex.toString();
-			refStatus.addFatalError(msg);
-			String pluginId = PHPeclipsePlugin.getPluginId();
-			IStatus status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, pluginId, 0, msg, ex);
-			PHPeclipsePlugin.getDefault().getLog().log(status);
-		}
-		return result;
-	}
-	// we check only that there is a separator before the next line break (this
-	// is not sufficient, the whole thing may be in a comment etc. ...)
-	// private boolean isKeyOccurrence( final String content,
-	// final int candidateIndex ) {
-	// int index = candidateIndex + info.getOldName().length();
-	// // skip whitespace
-	// while( content.charAt( index ) == ' ' || content.charAt( index ) == '\t' )
-	// {
-	// index++;
-	// }
-	// return content.charAt( index ) == '=' || content.charAt( index ) == ':';
-	// }
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32a2c8c..0000000
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
-// See
-// modified for project by axelcl
-package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core;
-import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
-/** <p>an info object that holds the information that is passed from
-  * the user to the refactoring.</p>
-  *
-  * @author Leif Frenzel
-  */
-public class RenamePropertyInfo {
-  // the offset of the property to be renamed in the file
-  private int offset;
-  // the new name for the property
-  private String newName;
-  // the old name of the property (as selected by the user)
-  private String oldName;
-  // the file that contains the property to be renamed
-  private IFile sourceFile;
-  // whether the refactoring should also change the identifier
-  // in corresponding PHP files in the same project
-  private boolean updateProject;
-  // whether the refactoring should also update PHP files in other
-  // projects than the current one
-  private boolean allProjects;
-  // interface methods of IRenamePropertyInfo
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////
-  public int getOffset() {
-    return offset;
-  }
-  public void setOffset( final int offset ) {
-    this.offset = offset;
-  }
-  public String getNewName() {
-    return newName;
-  }
-  public void setNewName( final String newName ) {
-    this.newName = newName;
-  }
-  public String getOldName() {
-    return oldName;
-  }
-  public void setOldName( final String oldName ) {
-    this.oldName = oldName;
-  }
-  public IFile getSourceFile() {
-    return sourceFile;
-  }
-  public void setSourceFile( final IFile sourceFile ) {
-    this.sourceFile = sourceFile;
-  }
-  public boolean isAllProjects() {
-    return allProjects;
-  }
-  public void setAllProjects( final boolean allProjects ) {
-    this.allProjects = allProjects;
-  }
-  public boolean isUpdateProject() {
-    return updateProject;
-  }
-  public void setUpdateProject( final boolean updateBundle ) {
-    this.updateProject = updateBundle;
-  }
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deleted file mode 100644
index 20cf802..0000000
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
-// See
-// modified for project by axelcl
-package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.*;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.*;
-/** <p>The processor is where the work is delegated to if participants are
-  * involved. The processor loads the participants and manages the lifecycle
-  * of the refactoring. In order to do that, the refactoring entry point
-  * methods must be implemented.</p>
-  *
-  * @author Leif Frenzel
-  */
-public class RenamePropertyProcessor extends RefactoringProcessor {
-  private final RenamePropertyInfo info;
-  private final RenamePropertyDelegate delegate;
-  public RenamePropertyProcessor( final RenamePropertyInfo info ) {
- = info;
-    delegate = new RenamePropertyDelegate( info );
-  }
-  // interface methods of RefactoringProcessor
-  ////////////////////////////////////////////
-  public Object[] getElements() {
-    // usually, this would be some element object in the object model on which
-    // we work (e.g. a Java element if we were in the Java Model); in this case
-    // we have only the property name
-    return new Object[] { info.getOldName() };
-  }
-  public String getIdentifier() {
-    return getClass().getName();
-  }
-  public String getProcessorName() {
-    return CoreTexts.renamePropertyProcessor_name;
-  }
-  public boolean isApplicable() throws CoreException {
-    return true;
-  }
-  public RefactoringStatus checkInitialConditions( final IProgressMonitor pm ) {
-    return delegate.checkInitialConditions();
-  }
-  public RefactoringStatus checkFinalConditions(
-            final IProgressMonitor pm,  final CheckConditionsContext context ) {
-    return delegate.checkFinalConditions( pm, context );
-  }
-  public Change createChange( final IProgressMonitor pm ) {
-    CompositeChange result = new CompositeChange( getProcessorName() );
-    delegate.createChange( pm, result );
-    return result;
-  }
-  public RefactoringParticipant[] loadParticipants(
-                               final RefactoringStatus status,
-                               final SharableParticipants sharedParticipants ) {
-    // This would be the place to load the participants via the
-    // ParticipantManager and decide which of them are allowed to participate.
-    return new RefactoringParticipant[ 0 ];
-  }
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index e05e3a6..0000000
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
-// See
-// modified for project by axelcl
-package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.ProcessorBasedRefactoring;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RefactoringProcessor;
-/** <p>Refactoring for renaming properties in Java Properties files.</p>
-  *
-  * <p>All the actual work is done in the processor, so we just have to
-  * keep a reference to one here.<p>
-  *
-  * @author Leif Frenzel
-  */
-public class RenamePropertyRefactoring extends ProcessorBasedRefactoring {
-  private final RefactoringProcessor processor;
-  public RenamePropertyRefactoring( final RefactoringProcessor processor ) {
-    super( processor );
-    this.processor = processor;
-  }
-  // interface methods of ProcessorBasedRefactoring
-  /////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  public RefactoringProcessor getProcessor() {
-    return processor;
-  }
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/
index c357bf3..a70f518 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
  * provides internationalized String messages for the UI.
  * </p>
- * @author Leif Frenzel
 public class UITexts {
@@ -30,4 +29,8 @@ public class UITexts {
 	public static String renamePropertyInputPage_cbUpdateBundle;
 	public static String renamePropertyInputPage_cbAllProjects;
+	public static String renameLocalVariable_refuseDlg_title;
+	public static String renameLocalVariable_refuseDlg_message;
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/actions/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/actions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc7415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/actions/
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
+// See
+// modified for project by axelcl
+package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.actions;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.IJavaElement;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.core.JavaModelException;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.core.SourceMethod;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.ui.util.PHPFileUtil;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierInfo;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierRefactoring;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameLocalVariableDelegate;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenamePHPProcessor;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.UITexts;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.wizards.RenameLocalVariableWizard;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ui.IWorkingCopyManager;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.PHPeclipsePlugin;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.PHPEditor;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.php.PHPWordExtractor;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
+import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
+import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
+import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextSelection;
+import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.RefactoringProcessor;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizardOpenOperation;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorActionDelegate;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
+import org.eclipse.ui.IFileEditorInput;
+import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
+import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE;
+import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor;
+public class RenameLocalVariable implements IEditorActionDelegate {
+	private ISelection selection;
+	private IEditorPart targetEditor;
+	private boolean onPHPFile;
+	private RenameIdentifierInfo info = new RenameIdentifierInfo();
+	// interface methods of IEditorActionDelegate
+	// ///////////////////////////////////////////
+	public void setActiveEditor(final IAction action, final IEditorPart targetEditor) {
+		this.targetEditor = targetEditor;
+		onPHPFile = false;
+		IFile file = getFile();
+		if (file != null && PHPFileUtil.isPHPFile(file)) {
+			onPHPFile = true;
+		}
+	}
+	public void run(final IAction action) {
+		if (!onPHPFile) {
+			refuse();
+		} else {
+			if (selection != null && selection instanceof ITextSelection) {
+				String word = null;
+				Point point = null;
+				if (targetEditor != null && (targetEditor instanceof PHPEditor)) {
+					PHPEditor editor = (PHPEditor) targetEditor;
+					if (editor != null) {
+						ITextSelection textSelection = (ITextSelection) editor.getSelectionProvider().getSelection();
+						IDocument doc = editor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(editor.getEditorInput());
+						int pos = textSelection.getOffset();
+						point = PHPWordExtractor.findWord(doc, pos);
+						if (point != null) {
+							try {
+								word = doc.get(point.x, point.y);
+								IWorkingCopyManager manager = PHPeclipsePlugin.getDefault().getWorkingCopyManager();
+								ICompilationUnit unit = manager.getWorkingCopy(editor.getEditorInput());
+								SourceMethod method = (SourceMethod) findEnclosingElement(point.x, unit, IJavaElement.METHOD);
+								if (word == null || word.charAt(0) != '$' || method == null || !(method instanceof SourceMethod)) {
+									refuseLocalVariable();
+								}
+								applySelection((ITextSelection) selection, word, point, method);
+							} catch (BadLocationException e) {
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (saveAll()) {
+					openWizard();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns the enclosing element of a particular element type,
+	 * <code>null</code> if no enclosing element of that type exists.
+	 */
+	public IJavaElement findEnclosingElement(int start, ICompilationUnit cu, int elementType) {
+		if (cu == null)
+			return null;
+		try {
+			IJavaElement element = cu.getElementAt(start);
+			if (element == null) {
+				element = cu;
+			}
+			return element.getAncestor(elementType);
+		} catch (JavaModelException e) {
+			return null;
+		}
+	}
+	public void selectionChanged(final IAction action, final ISelection selection) {
+		this.selection = selection;
+	}
+	// helping methods
+	// ////////////////
+	private void applySelection(final ITextSelection textSelection, String word, Point point, SourceMethod method) {
+		if (word != null) {
+			info.setOldName(word);
+			info.setNewName(word);
+			info.setOffset(point.x);
+		} else {
+			info.setOldName(textSelection.getText());
+			info.setNewName(textSelection.getText());
+			info.setOffset(textSelection.getOffset());
+		}
+		info.setMethod(method);
+		info.setSourceFile(getFile());
+	}
+	private void refuseLocalVariable() {
+		String title = UITexts.renameLocalVariable_refuseDlg_title;
+		String message = UITexts.renameLocalVariable_refuseDlg_message;
+		MessageDialog.openInformation(getShell(), title, message);
+	}
+	private void refuse() {
+		String title = UITexts.renameProperty_refuseDlg_title;
+		String message = UITexts.renameProperty_refuseDlg_message;
+		MessageDialog.openInformation(getShell(), title, message);
+	}
+	private static boolean saveAll() {
+		IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
+		return IDE.saveAllEditors(new IResource[] { workspaceRoot }, false);
+	}
+	private void openWizard() {
+		RenameLocalVariableDelegate delegate = new RenameLocalVariableDelegate(info);
+		RefactoringProcessor processor = new RenamePHPProcessor(info, delegate);
+		RenameIdentifierRefactoring ref = new RenameIdentifierRefactoring(processor);
+		RenameLocalVariableWizard wizard = new RenameLocalVariableWizard(ref, info);
+		RefactoringWizardOpenOperation op = new RefactoringWizardOpenOperation(wizard);
+		try {
+			String titleForFailedChecks = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
+, titleForFailedChecks);
+		} catch (final InterruptedException irex) {
+			// operation was cancelled
+		}
+	}
+	private Shell getShell() {
+		Shell result = null;
+		if (targetEditor != null) {
+			result = targetEditor.getSite().getShell();
+		} else {
+			result = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getShell();
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
+	private final IFile getFile() {
+		IFile result = null;
+		if (targetEditor instanceof ITextEditor) {
+			ITextEditor editor = (ITextEditor) targetEditor;
+			IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
+			if (input instanceof IFileEditorInput) {
+				result = ((IFileEditorInput) input).getFile();
+			}
+		}
+		return result;
+	}
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/actions/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/actions/
index 4c58891..c73d1f4 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/actions/
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/actions/
@@ -4,11 +4,12 @@
 package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.actions;
 import net.sourceforge.phpdt.internal.ui.util.PHPFileUtil;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenamePropertyInfo;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenamePropertyProcessor;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenamePropertyRefactoring;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierDelegate;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierInfo;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenamePHPProcessor;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierRefactoring;
 import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.UITexts;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.wizards.RenamePropertyWizard;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.wizards.RenameIdentifierWizard;
 import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.PHPEditor;
 import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.phpeditor.php.PHPWordExtractor;
@@ -43,35 +44,32 @@ import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor;
  * This action is declared in the <code>plugin.xml</code>.
  * </p>
- * @author Leif Frenzel
 public class RenamePHPIdentifier implements IEditorActionDelegate {
-//	private static final String EXT_PROPERTIES = "properties"; //$NON-NLS-1$
 	private ISelection selection;
 	private IEditorPart targetEditor;
-	private boolean onPropertiesFile;
+	private boolean onPHPFile;
-	private RenamePropertyInfo info = new RenamePropertyInfo();
+	private RenameIdentifierInfo info = new RenameIdentifierInfo();
 	// interface methods of IEditorActionDelegate
 	// ///////////////////////////////////////////
 	public void setActiveEditor(final IAction action, final IEditorPart targetEditor) {
 		this.targetEditor = targetEditor;
-		onPropertiesFile = false;
+		onPHPFile = false;
 		IFile file = getFile();
 		if (file != null && PHPFileUtil.isPHPFile(file)) {
-			onPropertiesFile = true;
+			onPHPFile = true;
 	public void run(final IAction action) {
-		if (!onPropertiesFile) {
+		if (!onPHPFile) {
 		} else {
 			if (selection != null && selection instanceof ITextSelection) {
@@ -132,9 +130,10 @@ public class RenamePHPIdentifier implements IEditorActionDelegate {
 	private void openWizard() {
-		RefactoringProcessor processor = new RenamePropertyProcessor(info);
-		RenamePropertyRefactoring ref = new RenamePropertyRefactoring(processor);
-		RenamePropertyWizard wizard = new RenamePropertyWizard(ref, info);
+		RenameIdentifierDelegate delegate = new RenameIdentifierDelegate( info );
+		RefactoringProcessor processor = new RenamePHPProcessor(info, delegate);
+		RenameIdentifierRefactoring ref = new RenameIdentifierRefactoring(processor);
+		RenameIdentifierWizard wizard = new RenameIdentifierWizard(ref, info);
 		RefactoringWizardOpenOperation op = new RefactoringWizardOpenOperation(wizard);
 		try {
 			String titleForFailedChecks = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/
index 60084d0..197714f 100644
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/
@@ -2,4 +2,7 @@ renameProperty_refuseDlg_title=Rename PHP identifier
 renameProperty_refuseDlg_message=This refactoring is only available on PHP files.
 renamePropertyInputPage_lblNewName=New name\:
 renamePropertyInputPage_cbUpdateBundle=Update all PHP files in the same project
-renamePropertyInputPage_cbAllProjects=Update all PHP projects in the workspace (forces preview)
\ No newline at end of file
+renamePropertyInputPage_cbAllProjects=Update all PHP projects in the workspace (forces preview)
+renameLocalVariable_refuseDlg_title=Rename Local PHP variable
+renameLocalVariable_refuseDlg_message=The selected identifier is no local PHP variable.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24f0d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
+// See
+package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.wizards;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierInfo;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.UITexts;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.PHPeclipsePlugin;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.UserInputWizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
+/** <p>the input page for the Rename Property refactoring, where users can
+  * control the effects of the refactoring; to be shown in the wizard.</p>
+  *
+  * <p>We let the user enter the new name for the property, and we let her
+  * decide whether other property files in the bundle should be affected, and
+  * whether the operation is supposed to span the entire workspace or only
+  * the current project.</p>
+  *
+  */
+public class RenameIdentifierPage extends UserInputWizardPage {
+  private static final String DS_KEY = RenameIdentifierPage.class.getName();
+  private static final String DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE = "UPDATE_BUNDLE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+  private static final String DS_ALL_PROJECTS  = "ALL_PROJECTS"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+  private final RenameIdentifierInfo info;
+  private IDialogSettings dialogSettings;
+  private Text txtNewName;
+  private Button cbUpdateBundle;
+  private Button cbAllProjects;
+  public RenameIdentifierPage( final RenameIdentifierInfo info ) {
+    super( RenameIdentifierPage.class.getName() );
+ = info;
+    initDialogSettings();
+  }
+  // interface methods of UserInputWizardPage
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////
+  public void createControl( final Composite parent ) {
+    Composite composite = createRootComposite( parent );
+    setControl( composite );
+    createLblNewName( composite );
+    createTxtNewName( composite );
+    createCbUpdateBundle( composite );
+    createCbAllProjects( composite );
+    validate();
+  }
+  // UI creation methods
+  //////////////////////
+  private Composite createRootComposite( final Composite parent ) {
+    Composite result = new Composite( parent, SWT.NONE );
+    GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout( 2, false );
+    gridLayout.marginWidth = 10;
+    gridLayout.marginHeight = 10;
+    result.setLayout( gridLayout );
+    initializeDialogUnits( result );
+    Dialog.applyDialogFont( result );
+    return result;
+  }
+  private void createLblNewName( final Composite composite ) {
+    Label lblNewName = new Label( composite, SWT.NONE );
+    lblNewName.setText( UITexts.renamePropertyInputPage_lblNewName );
+  }
+  private void createTxtNewName(Composite composite) {
+    txtNewName = new Text( composite, SWT.BORDER );
+    txtNewName.setText( info.getOldName() );
+    txtNewName.setLayoutData( new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL ) );
+    txtNewName.selectAll();
+    txtNewName.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() {
+      public void keyReleased( final KeyEvent e ) {
+        info.setNewName( txtNewName.getText() );
+        validate();
+      }
+    } );
+  }
+  private void createCbUpdateBundle( final Composite composite ) {
+    String texts = UITexts.renamePropertyInputPage_cbUpdateBundle;
+    cbUpdateBundle = createCheckbox( composite, texts );
+    cbUpdateBundle.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
+      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent event ) {
+        boolean selected = cbUpdateBundle.getSelection();
+        dialogSettings.put( DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE, selected );
+        info.setUpdateProject( selected );
+      }
+    } );
+    initUpdateBundleOption();
+  }
+  private void createCbAllProjects( final Composite composite ) {
+    String text = UITexts.renamePropertyInputPage_cbAllProjects;
+    cbAllProjects = createCheckbox( composite, text );
+    cbAllProjects.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
+      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent event ) {
+        boolean selected = cbAllProjects.getSelection();
+        dialogSettings.put( DS_ALL_PROJECTS, selected );
+        info.setAllProjects( selected );
+        // for demonstration purposes, we enforce the preview for refactorings
+        // that span the entire workspace
+        getRefactoringWizard().setForcePreviewReview( selected );
+      }
+    } );
+    initAllProjectsOption();
+  }
+  private Button createCheckbox( final Composite composite,
+                                 final String text ) {
+    Button result = new Button( composite, SWT.CHECK );
+    result.setText( text );
+    GridData gridData = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
+    gridData.horizontalSpan = 2;
+    result.setLayoutData( gridData );
+    return result;
+  }
+  // helping methods
+  //////////////////
+  private void initDialogSettings() {
+    IDialogSettings ds = PHPeclipsePlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings();
+    dialogSettings = ds.getSection( DS_KEY );
+    if( dialogSettings == null ) {
+      dialogSettings = ds.addNewSection( DS_KEY );
+      // init default values
+      dialogSettings.put( DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE, true );
+      dialogSettings.put( DS_ALL_PROJECTS, false );
+    }
+  }
+  private void validate() {
+    String txt = txtNewName.getText();
+    setPageComplete( txt.length() > 0 && !txt.equals( info.getOldName() ) );
+  }
+  private void initUpdateBundleOption() {
+    boolean updateRefs = dialogSettings.getBoolean( DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE );
+    cbUpdateBundle.setSelection( updateRefs );
+    info.setUpdateProject( updateRefs );
+  }
+  private void initAllProjectsOption() {
+    boolean allProjects = dialogSettings.getBoolean( DS_ALL_PROJECTS );
+    cbAllProjects.setSelection( allProjects );
+    info.setAllProjects( allProjects );
+  }
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3570f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
+// See
+package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.wizards;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierInfo;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierRefactoring;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard;
+/** <p>The wizard that is shown to the user for entering the necessary
+  * information for property renaming.</p>
+  *
+  * <p>The wizard class is primarily needed for deciding which pages are
+  * shown to the user. The actual user interface creation goes on the
+  * pages.</p>
+  *
+  */
+public class RenameIdentifierWizard extends RefactoringWizard {
+  private final RenameIdentifierInfo info;
+  public RenameIdentifierWizard( final RenameIdentifierRefactoring refactoring,
+                               final RenameIdentifierInfo info ) {
+    super( refactoring, DIALOG_BASED_USER_INTERFACE );
+ = info;
+  }
+  // interface methods of RefactoringWizard
+  /////////////////////////////////////////
+  protected void addUserInputPages() {
+    setDefaultPageTitle( getRefactoring().getName() );
+    addPage( new RenameLocalVariablePage( info ) );
+  }
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..366def6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
+// See
+package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.wizards;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierInfo;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.UITexts;
+import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.PHPeclipsePlugin;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
+import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.UserInputWizardPage;
+import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
+/** <p>the input page for the Rename Property refactoring, where users can
+  * control the effects of the refactoring; to be shown in the wizard.</p>
+  *
+  * <p>We let the user enter the new name for the property, and we let her
+  * decide whether other property files in the bundle should be affected, and
+  * whether the operation is supposed to span the entire workspace or only
+  * the current project.</p>
+  *
+  */
+public class RenameLocalVariablePage extends UserInputWizardPage {
+  private static final String DS_KEY = RenameLocalVariablePage.class.getName();
+  private static final String DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE = "UPDATE_BUNDLE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+  private static final String DS_ALL_PROJECTS  = "ALL_PROJECTS"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+  private final RenameIdentifierInfo info;
+  private IDialogSettings dialogSettings;
+  private Text txtNewName;
+  public RenameLocalVariablePage( final RenameIdentifierInfo info ) {
+    super( RenameLocalVariablePage.class.getName() );
+ = info;
+    initDialogSettings();
+  }
+  // interface methods of UserInputWizardPage
+  ///////////////////////////////////////////
+  public void createControl( final Composite parent ) {
+    Composite composite = createRootComposite( parent );
+    setControl( composite );
+    createLblNewName( composite );
+    createTxtNewName( composite );
+    createCbUpdateBundle( composite );
+    createCbAllProjects( composite );
+    validate();
+  }
+  // UI creation methods
+  //////////////////////
+  private Composite createRootComposite( final Composite parent ) {
+    Composite result = new Composite( parent, SWT.NONE );
+    GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout( 2, false );
+    gridLayout.marginWidth = 10;
+    gridLayout.marginHeight = 10;
+    result.setLayout( gridLayout );
+    initializeDialogUnits( result );
+    Dialog.applyDialogFont( result );
+    return result;
+  }
+  private void createLblNewName( final Composite composite ) {
+    Label lblNewName = new Label( composite, SWT.NONE );
+    lblNewName.setText( UITexts.renamePropertyInputPage_lblNewName );
+  }
+  private void createTxtNewName(Composite composite) {
+    txtNewName = new Text( composite, SWT.BORDER );
+    txtNewName.setText( info.getOldName() );
+    txtNewName.setLayoutData( new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL ) );
+    txtNewName.selectAll();
+    txtNewName.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() {
+      public void keyReleased( final KeyEvent e ) {
+        info.setNewName( txtNewName.getText() );
+        validate();
+      }
+    } );
+  }
+  private void createCbUpdateBundle( final Composite composite ) {
+    String texts = UITexts.renamePropertyInputPage_cbUpdateBundle;
+    initUpdateBundleOption();
+  }
+  private void createCbAllProjects( final Composite composite ) {
+    String text = UITexts.renamePropertyInputPage_cbAllProjects;
+    initAllProjectsOption();
+  }
+  private Button createCheckbox( final Composite composite,
+                                 final String text ) {
+    Button result = new Button( composite, SWT.CHECK );
+    result.setText( text );
+    GridData gridData = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
+    gridData.horizontalSpan = 2;
+    result.setLayoutData( gridData );
+    return result;
+  }
+  // helping methods
+  //////////////////
+  private void initDialogSettings() {
+    IDialogSettings ds = PHPeclipsePlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings();
+    dialogSettings = ds.getSection( DS_KEY );
+    if( dialogSettings == null ) {
+      dialogSettings = ds.addNewSection( DS_KEY );
+      // init default values
+      dialogSettings.put( DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE, true );
+      dialogSettings.put( DS_ALL_PROJECTS, false );
+    }
+  }
+  private void validate() {
+    String txt = txtNewName.getText();
+    setPageComplete( txt.length() > 0 && !txt.equals( info.getOldName() ) );
+  }
+  private void initUpdateBundleOption() {
+//    boolean updateRefs = dialogSettings.getBoolean( DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE );
+//    cbUpdateBundle.setSelection( updateRefs );
+//    info.setUpdateProject( updateRefs );
+  }
+  private void initAllProjectsOption() {
+//    boolean allProjects = dialogSettings.getBoolean( DS_ALL_PROJECTS );
+//    cbAllProjects.setSelection( allProjects );
+//    info.setAllProjects( allProjects );
+  }
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6174f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
+// See
+package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.wizards;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierInfo;
+import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenameIdentifierRefactoring;
+import org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard;
+/** <p>The wizard that is shown to the user for entering the necessary
+  * information for property renaming.</p>
+  *
+  * <p>The wizard class is primarily needed for deciding which pages are
+  * shown to the user. The actual user interface creation goes on the
+  * pages.</p>
+  *
+  */
+public class RenameLocalVariableWizard extends RefactoringWizard {
+  private final RenameIdentifierInfo info;
+  public RenameLocalVariableWizard( final RenameIdentifierRefactoring refactoring,
+                               final RenameIdentifierInfo info ) {
+    super( refactoring, DIALOG_BASED_USER_INTERFACE );
+ = info;
+  }
+  // interface methods of RefactoringWizard
+  /////////////////////////////////////////
+  protected void addUserInputPages() {
+    setDefaultPageTitle( getRefactoring().getName() );
+    addPage( new RenameLocalVariablePage( info ) );
+  }
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
deleted file mode 100644
index 72f1b0b..0000000
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
-// See
-package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.wizards;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenamePropertyInfo;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.UITexts;
-import net.sourceforge.phpeclipse.PHPeclipsePlugin;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog;
-import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogSettings;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.UserInputWizardPage;
-import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
-import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
-import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
-/** <p>the input page for the Rename Property refactoring, where users can
-  * control the effects of the refactoring; to be shown in the wizard.</p>
-  *
-  * <p>We let the user enter the new name for the property, and we let her
-  * decide whether other property files in the bundle should be affected, and
-  * whether the operation is supposed to span the entire workspace or only
-  * the current project.</p>
-  *
-  * @author Leif Frenzel
-  */
-public class RenamePropertyInputPage extends UserInputWizardPage {
-  private static final String DS_KEY = RenamePropertyInputPage.class.getName();
-  private static final String DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE = "UPDATE_BUNDLE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
-  private static final String DS_ALL_PROJECTS  = "ALL_PROJECTS"; //$NON-NLS-1$
-  private final RenamePropertyInfo info;
-  private IDialogSettings dialogSettings;
-  private Text txtNewName;
-  private Button cbUpdateBundle;
-  private Button cbAllProjects;
-  public RenamePropertyInputPage( final RenamePropertyInfo info ) {
-    super( RenamePropertyInputPage.class.getName() );
- = info;
-    initDialogSettings();
-  }
-  // interface methods of UserInputWizardPage
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////
-  public void createControl( final Composite parent ) {
-    Composite composite = createRootComposite( parent );
-    setControl( composite );
-    createLblNewName( composite );
-    createTxtNewName( composite );
-    createCbUpdateBundle( composite );
-    createCbAllProjects( composite );
-    validate();
-  }
-  // UI creation methods
-  //////////////////////
-  private Composite createRootComposite( final Composite parent ) {
-    Composite result = new Composite( parent, SWT.NONE );
-    GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout( 2, false );
-    gridLayout.marginWidth = 10;
-    gridLayout.marginHeight = 10;
-    result.setLayout( gridLayout );
-    initializeDialogUnits( result );
-    Dialog.applyDialogFont( result );
-    return result;
-  }
-  private void createLblNewName( final Composite composite ) {
-    Label lblNewName = new Label( composite, SWT.NONE );
-    lblNewName.setText( UITexts.renamePropertyInputPage_lblNewName );
-  }
-  private void createTxtNewName(Composite composite) {
-    txtNewName = new Text( composite, SWT.BORDER );
-    txtNewName.setText( info.getOldName() );
-    txtNewName.setLayoutData( new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL ) );
-    txtNewName.selectAll();
-    txtNewName.addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() {
-      public void keyReleased( final KeyEvent e ) {
-        info.setNewName( txtNewName.getText() );
-        validate();
-      }
-    } );
-  }
-  private void createCbUpdateBundle( final Composite composite ) {
-    String texts = UITexts.renamePropertyInputPage_cbUpdateBundle;
-    cbUpdateBundle = createCheckbox( composite, texts );
-    cbUpdateBundle.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent event ) {
-        boolean selected = cbUpdateBundle.getSelection();
-        dialogSettings.put( DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE, selected );
-        info.setUpdateProject( selected );
-      }
-    } );
-    initUpdateBundleOption();
-  }
-  private void createCbAllProjects( final Composite composite ) {
-    String text = UITexts.renamePropertyInputPage_cbAllProjects;
-    cbAllProjects = createCheckbox( composite, text );
-    cbAllProjects.addSelectionListener( new SelectionAdapter() {
-      public void widgetSelected( final SelectionEvent event ) {
-        boolean selected = cbAllProjects.getSelection();
-        dialogSettings.put( DS_ALL_PROJECTS, selected );
-        info.setAllProjects( selected );
-        // for demonstration purposes, we enforce the preview for refactorings
-        // that span the entire workspace
-        getRefactoringWizard().setForcePreviewReview( selected );
-      }
-    } );
-    initAllProjectsOption();
-  }
-  private Button createCheckbox( final Composite composite,
-                                 final String text ) {
-    Button result = new Button( composite, SWT.CHECK );
-    result.setText( text );
-    GridData gridData = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
-    gridData.horizontalSpan = 2;
-    result.setLayoutData( gridData );
-    return result;
-  }
-  // helping methods
-  //////////////////
-  private void initDialogSettings() {
-    IDialogSettings ds = PHPeclipsePlugin.getDefault().getDialogSettings();
-    dialogSettings = ds.getSection( DS_KEY );
-    if( dialogSettings == null ) {
-      dialogSettings = ds.addNewSection( DS_KEY );
-      // init default values
-      dialogSettings.put( DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE, true );
-      dialogSettings.put( DS_ALL_PROJECTS, false );
-    }
-  }
-  private void validate() {
-    String txt = txtNewName.getText();
-    setPageComplete( txt.length() > 0 && !txt.equals( info.getOldName() ) );
-  }
-  private void initUpdateBundleOption() {
-    boolean updateRefs = dialogSettings.getBoolean( DS_UPDATE_BUNDLE );
-    cbUpdateBundle.setSelection( updateRefs );
-    info.setUpdateProject( updateRefs );
-  }
-  private void initAllProjectsOption() {
-    boolean allProjects = dialogSettings.getBoolean( DS_ALL_PROJECTS );
-    cbAllProjects.setSelection( allProjects );
-    info.setAllProjects( allProjects );
-  }
diff --git a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/ b/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c5084c..0000000
--- a/net.sourceforge.phpeclipse/src/net/sourceforge/phpdt/ltk/ui/wizards/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2005 by Leif Frenzel. All rights reserved.
-// See
-package net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.ui.wizards;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenamePropertyInfo;
-import net.sourceforge.phpdt.ltk.core.RenamePropertyRefactoring;
-import org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard;
-/** <p>The wizard that is shown to the user for entering the necessary 
-  * information for property renaming.</p>
-  * 
-  * <p>The wizard class is primarily needed for deciding which pages are 
-  * shown to the user. The actual user interface creation goes on the 
-  * pages.</p>
-  * 
-  * @author Leif Frenzel
-  */
-public class RenamePropertyWizard extends RefactoringWizard {
-  private final RenamePropertyInfo info;
-  public RenamePropertyWizard( final RenamePropertyRefactoring refactoring,
-                               final RenamePropertyInfo info ) {
-    super( refactoring, DIALOG_BASED_USER_INTERFACE );
- = info;
-  }
-  // interface methods of RefactoringWizard
-  /////////////////////////////////////////
-  protected void addUserInputPages() {
-    setDefaultPageTitle( getRefactoring().getName() );
-    addPage( new RenamePropertyInputPage( info ) );
-  }